757 research outputs found

    Theoretical and Computational Basis for CATNETS - Annual Report Year 3

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    In this document the developments in defining the computational and theoretical framework for economical resource allocation are described. Accordingly the formal specification of the market mechanisms, bidding strategies of the involved agents and the integration of the market mechanisms into the simulator were refined. --Grid Computing

    Theoretical and Computational Basis for CATNETS - Annual Report Year 2

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    In this work the self-organising potential of the CATNETS allocation mechanism is described to provide a more comprehensive view on the research done in this project. The formal description of either the centralised and decentralised approach is presented. Furthermore the agents' bidding model is described and a comprehensive overview on how the catallactic mechanism is incorporated into the middleware and simulator environments is given. --Decentralized Market Mechanisms,Centralized Market Mechanisms,Catallaxy,Market Engineering,Simulator Integration,Prototype Integration

    Toward probabilistic natural logic for syllogistic reasoning

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    Theoretical and computational basis for CATNETS - annual report year 3

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    In this document the developments in defining the computational and theoretical framework for economical resource allocation are described. Accordingly the formal specification of the market mechanisms, bidding strategies of the involved agents and the integration of the market mechanisms into the simulator were refined

    Vehicle level health assessment through integrated operational scalable prognostic reasoners

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    Today’s aircraft are very complex in design and need constant monitoring of the systems to establish the overall health status. Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) is a major component in a new future asset management paradigm where a conscious effort is made to shift asset maintenance from a scheduled based approach to a more proactive and predictive approach. Its goal is to maximize asset operational availability while minimising downtime and the logistics footprint through monitoring deterioration of component conditions. IVHM involves data processing which comprehensively consists of capturing data related to assets, monitoring parameters, assessing current or future health conditions through prognostics and diagnostics engine and providing recommended maintenance actions. The data driven prognostics methods usually use a large amount of data to learn the degradation pattern (nominal model) and predict the future health. Usually the data which is run-to-failure used are accelerated data produced in lab environments, which is hardly the case in real life. Therefore, the nominal model is far from the present condition of the vehicle, hence the predictions will not be very accurate. The prediction model will try to follow the nominal models which mean more errors in the prediction, this is a major drawback of the data driven techniques. This research primarily presents the two novel techniques of adaptive data driven prognostics to capture the vehicle operational scalability degradation. Secondary the degradation information has been used as a Health index and in the Vehicle Level Reasoning System (VLRS). Novel VLRS are also presented in this research study. The research described here proposes a condition adaptive prognostics reasoning along with VLRS

    Are LLMs Rigorous Logical Reasoner? Empowering Natural Language Proof Generation with Contrastive Stepwise Decoding

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    Logical reasoning remains a pivotal component within the realm of artificial intelligence. The recent evolution of large language models (LLMs) has marked significant progress in this domain. The adoption of strategies like chain-of-thought (CoT) has enhanced the performance of LLMs across diverse reasoning tasks. Nonetheless, logical reasoning that involves proof planning, specifically those that necessitate the validation of explanation accuracy, continues to present stumbling blocks. In this study, we first evaluate the efficacy of LLMs with advanced CoT strategies concerning such tasks. Our analysis reveals that LLMs still struggle to navigate complex reasoning chains, which demand the meticulous linkage of premises to derive a cogent conclusion. To address this issue, we finetune a smaller-scale language model, equipping it to decompose proof objectives into more manageable subgoals. We also introduce contrastive decoding to stepwise proof generation, making use of negative reasoning paths to strengthen the model's capacity for logical deduction. Experiments on EntailmentBank underscore the success of our method in augmenting the proof planning abilities of language models