244 research outputs found

    UniFuzz: Optimizing Distributed Fuzzing via Dynamic Centralized Task Scheduling

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    Fuzzing is one of the most efficient technology for vulnerability detection. Since the fuzzing process is computing-intensive and the performance improved by algorithm optimization is limited, recent research seeks to improve fuzzing performance by utilizing parallel computing. However, parallel fuzzing has to overcome challenges such as task conflicts, scalability in a distributed environment, synchronization overhead, and workload imbalance. In this paper, we design and implement UniFuzz, a distributed fuzzing optimization based on a dynamic centralized task scheduling. UniFuzz evaluates and distributes seeds in a centralized manner to avoid task conflicts. It uses a "request-response" scheme to dynamically distribute fuzzing tasks, which avoids workload imbalance. Besides, UniFuzz can adaptively switch the role of computing cores between evaluating, and fuzzing, which avoids the potential bottleneck of seed evaluation. To improve synchronization efficiency, UniFuzz shares different fuzzing information in a different way according to their characteristics, and the average overhead of synchronization is only about 0.4\%. We evaluated UniFuzz with real-world programs, and the results show that UniFuzz outperforms state-of-the-art tools, such as AFL, PAFL and EnFuzz. Most importantly, the experiment reveals a counter-intuitive result that parallel fuzzing can achieve a super-linear acceleration to the single-core fuzzing. We made a detailed explanation and proved it with additional experiments. UniFuzz also discovered 16 real-world vulnerabilities.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Cupid: Automatic Fuzzer Selection for Collaborative Fuzzing

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    Combining the strengths of individual fuzzing methods is an appealing idea to find software faults more efficiently, especially when the computing budget is limited. In prior work, EnFuzz introduced the idea of ensemble fuzzing and devised three heuristics to classify properties of fuzzers in terms of diversity. Based on these heuristics, the authors manually picked a combination of different fuzzers that collaborate. In this paper, we generalize this idea by collecting and applying empirical data from single, isolated fuzzer runs to automatically identify a set of fuzzers that complement each other when executed collaboratively. To this end, we present Cupid, a collaborative fuzzing framework allowing automated, data-driven selection of multiple complementary fuzzers for parallelized and distributed fuzzing. We evaluate the automatically selected target-independent combination of fuzzers by Cupid on Google's fuzzer-test-suite, a collection of real-world binaries, as well as on the synthetic Lava-M dataset. We find that Cupid outperforms two expert-guided, target-specific and hand-picked combinations on Google's fuzzer-test-suite in terms of branch coverage, and improves bug finding on Lava-M by 10%. Most importantly, we improve the latency for obtaining 95% and 99% of the coverage by 90% and 64%, respectively. Furthermore, Cupid reduces the amount of CPU hours needed to find a high-performing combination of fuzzers by multiple orders of magnitude compared to an exhaustive evaluation

    A Survey of Network Protocol Fuzzing: Model, Techniques and Directions

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    As one of the most successful and effective software testing techniques in recent years, fuzz testing has uncovered numerous bugs and vulnerabilities in modern software, including network protocol software. In contrast to other fuzzing targets, network protocol software exhibits its distinct characteristics and challenges, introducing a plethora of research questions that need to be addressed in the design and implementation of network protocol fuzzers. While some research work has evaluated and systematized the knowledge of general fuzzing techniques at a high level, there is a lack of similar analysis and summarization for fuzzing research specific to network protocols. This paper offers a comprehensive exposition of network protocol software's fuzzing-related features and conducts a systematic review of some representative advancements in network protocol fuzzing since its inception. We summarize state-of-the-art strategies and solutions in various aspects, propose a unified protocol fuzzing process model, and introduce the techniques involved in each stage of the model. At the same time, this paper also summarizes the promising research directions in the landscape of protocol fuzzing to foster exploration within the community for more efficient and intelligent modern network protocol fuzzing techniques
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