673 research outputs found

    Design of a Low-Cost Data Acquisition System for Rotordynamic Data Collection

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    A data acquisition system (DAQ) was designed based on the use of a STM32 microcontroller. Its purpose is to provide a transparent and low-cost alternative to commercially available DAQs, providing educators a means to teach students about the process through which data are collected as well as the uses of collected data. The DAQ was designed to collect data from rotating machinery spinning at a speed up to 10,000 RPM and send this data to a computer through a USB 2.0 full-speed connection. Multitasking code was written for the DAQ to allow for data to be simultaneously collected and transferred over USB. Additionally, a console application was created to control the DAQ and read data, and MATLAB code written to analyze the data. The DAQ was compared against a custom assembled National Instruments CompactDAQ system. Using a Bentley-Nevada RK 4 Rotor Kit, data was simultaneously collected using both DAQs. Analysis of this data shows the capabilities and limitations of the low cost DAQ compared to the custom CompactDAQ

    The development of an interface instrument for collecting elec-tromyography data and controlling continuous passive motion machine

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    There is a lack of research in using electromyography (EMG) signals to control a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine. This study aimed to develop an interface instrument for digitalising EMG signals and controlling a CPM machine. Methods: The proposed device was designed with the following: (1) a signal processing unit which converted the EMGs from analogue to digital for the controller; (2) a personal computer which stored and displayed the EMG signals; (3) an LCD device to display the running angle of the CPM; and (4) a microcontroller unit to control the input/output signals and process the algorithm, driving the CPM. To validate the reliability of the proposed system, a total of 600 EMG trials were collected from 10 healthy subjects by using the proposed device via the Delsys® TringoTM EMG system and simultaneously using the Vicon® motion capture system. Result: This proposed device was able to digitalise and process EMG signals from eight channels of muscles, and the signals were able to drive a CPM. The validated results showed that the digitalised EMG signals by the proposed device were statistically similar to and correlated with the signals by the Vicon system with a median correlation coefficient of 0.81, with the 25% and 75% range being 0.56–0.92 with all pairs (300 pairs of EMG trials) (p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: This study confirmed that the developed device can digitalise EMG signals and drive a CPM as an applicable prototype that can work as an interface between EMG and CPM devices with high reliability.<br/

    Design and Application of Microcontroller-Based Tunnel Construction Environment Monitor

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    With the country\u27s strong support for infrastructure, tunnel-related projects are also increasing daily. Combined with the current Internet of Things (IoT) technology booming, the realization of intelligent construction has become the mainstream direction of today\u27s tunnel construction. This design is mainly realized by combining IOT communication technology, sensor technology, and microcontroller technology. STM32 microcontroller acts as the system\u27s central processing unit and receives real-time information on gas concentration, smoke concentration, pipe wall pressure, and water level collected by various sensors, then displays the data on the LED display after data processing. When the environmental data exceeds the standard, it will automatically drive and adjust the water pumps and fans and simultaneously move the WiFi module to remotely send the data to the mobile phone APP through the Internet cloud server. When the environmental data exceeds the standard, it automatically drives and adjusts the water pump and fan while moving the WiFi module to remotely send the data to the cell phone APP through the Internet cloud server. After actual testing, the system can meet the design requirements and further improve the safety and convenience of tunnel construction

    A Thermal Management System to Reuse Thermal Waste Released by High-Power Light-Emitting Diodes

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    © 1963-2012 IEEE. In this article, a comprehensive and efficient thermal management system is proposed to harvest and reuse the thermal waste of high-power light-emitting diodes (HP-LEDs) for the first time. Besides a conventional cooling system, including a thermoelectric (TE) cooler (TEC), a heatsink, and a fan, the proposed thermal management system also employs a TE generator (TEG), a temperature sensor, a voltage boost converter, and a microcontroller for thermal waste recycling. In this system, some of the thermal waste released by the HP-LED is harvested by the TEG and converted into electrical energy. With the help of a voltage boost converter, the harvested electrical power is used to power a temperature sensor for monitoring the surface temperature of the HP-LED. The entire system is regulated by the microcontroller. The system is elaborately established, tested, and the results are discussed. The experimental results show that the proposed system has an output electrical power of approximately 696.5μW , which is used to power a temperature sensor as a demonstration. The sensor works well, and the discrepancy of the surface temperature of the HP-LED measured by the sensor and by a thermometer is less than 5.38%, which validates the proposed thermal management system

    Review Paper: Real Time Based Data Acquisition System

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    The aim of this thesis is to implement and design a data acquisition system (DAQ) by using MATLAB. Early persons look at a scientific instrument and writes down observations. This became unchanged until the paper-based chart recorder became available. The digital computer acquired data, stored automatically and also analyses and reports it.DAQ is a group of interconnected hardware or electronic instruments to the measurement of analogue and digital signals. This paper introduces DAQ (Data Acquisition) process based on MATLAB of bringing a real-world signal we are trying to measure or capture the data from LED panels, digital read out type instruments, deflection needle type instruments and other physically observed like number of objects persons, observable weather conditions, entering a room or lighting conditions, into computer, for processing, storage or analysis. Generally for processing purpose, transmission and display analogue data is first collected and then transformed into the digital form

    Synchronization and calibration of a stereo vision system

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    CZT-Based Harmonic Analysis in Smart Grid Using Low-Cost Electronic Measurement Boards

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    This paper validates the use of a harmonic analysis algorithm on a microcontroller to perform measurements of non-stationary signals in the context of smart grids. The increasing presence of electronic devices such as inverters of distributed generators (DG), power converters of charging stations for electric vehicles, etc. can drain non-stationary currents during their operation. A classical fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm may not have sufficient spectral resolution for the evaluation of harmonics and inter-harmonics. Thus, in this paper, the implementation of a chirp-Z transform (CZT) algorithm is suggested, which has a spectral resolution independent from the observation window. The CZT is implemented on a low-cost commercial microcontroller, and the absolute error is evaluated with respect to the same algorithm implemented in the LabVIEW environment. The results of the tests show that the CZT implementation on a low-cost microcontroller allows for accurate measurement results, demonstrating the feasibility of reliable harmonic analysis measurements even in non-stationary conditions on smart grids

    Design and implementation of comprehensive sign monitor based on Internet +

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    Along with our country has accelerated into the aging society, the majority of the elderly medical and health problems, the shortage of medical resources, diffi cult to see a doctor, long cycle and other problems become increasingly prominent. In order to provide the elderly with better and more convenient health status monitoring, this paper proposes a comprehensive sign monitor based on Internet +. In this paper, the overall design framework of the comprehensive signs monitor is studied, STM32 processor is used as the CPU, and the physiological signifi cance and measurement methods of each physical sign parameter (blood oxygen, blood pressure, body temperature, etc.) are introduced. It allows doctors to obtain patients’ health data remotely, analyze patients’ health status, and achieve timely prevention and diagnosis and treatment, which provides great convenience for doctors and patients
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