14 research outputs found

    Automated Circuit Approximation Method Driven by Data Distribution

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    We propose an application-tailored data-driven fully automated method for functional approximation of combinational circuits. We demonstrate how an application-level error metric such as the classification accuracy can be translated to a component-level error metric needed for an efficient and fast search in the space of approximate low-level components that are used in the application. This is possible by employing a weighted mean error distance (WMED) metric for steering the circuit approximation process which is conducted by means of genetic programming. WMED introduces a set of weights (calculated from the data distribution measured on a selected signal in a given application) determining the importance of each input vector for the approximation process. The method is evaluated using synthetic benchmarks and application-specific approximate MAC (multiply-and-accumulate) units that are designed to provide the best trade-offs between the classification accuracy and power consumption of two image classifiers based on neural networks.Comment: Accepted for publication at Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2019). Florence, Ital

    Power Optimizations in MTJ-based Neural Networks through Stochastic Computing

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    Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have found widespread applications in tasks such as pattern recognition and image classification. However, hardware implementations of ANNs using conventional binary arithmetic units are computationally expensive, energy-intensive and have large area overheads. Stochastic Computing (SC) is an emerging paradigm which replaces these conventional units with simple logic circuits and is particularly suitable for fault-tolerant applications. Spintronic devices, such as Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (MTJs), are capable of replacing CMOS in memory and logic circuits. In this work, we propose an energy-efficient use of MTJs, which exhibit probabilistic switching behavior, as Stochastic Number Generators (SNGs), which forms the basis of our NN implementation in the SC domain. Further, error resilient target applications of NNs allow us to introduce Approximate Computing, a framework wherein accuracy of computations is traded-off for substantial reductions in power consumption. We propose approximating the synaptic weights in our MTJ-based NN implementation, in ways brought about by properties of our MTJ-SNG, to achieve energy-efficiency. We design an algorithm that can perform such approximations within a given error tolerance in a single-layer NN in an optimal way owing to the convexity of the problem formulation. We then use this algorithm and develop a heuristic approach for approximating multi-layer NNs. To give a perspective of the effectiveness of our approach, a 43% reduction in power consumption was obtained with less than 1% accuracy loss on a standard classification problem, with 26% being brought about by the proposed algorithm.Comment: Accepted in the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Low Power Electronics and Desig

    Deep Learning Training with Simulated Approximate Multipliers

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    This paper presents by simulation how approximate multipliers can be utilized to enhance the training performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Approximate multipliers have significantly better performance in terms of speed, power, and area compared to exact multipliers. However, approximate multipliers have an inaccuracy which is defined in terms of the Mean Relative Error (MRE). To assess the applicability of approximate multipliers in enhancing CNN training performance, a simulation for the impact of approximate multipliers error on CNN training is presented. The paper demonstrates that using approximate multipliers for CNN training can significantly enhance the performance in terms of speed, power, and area at the cost of a small negative impact on the achieved accuracy. Additionally, the paper proposes a hybrid training method which mitigates this negative impact on the accuracy. Using the proposed hybrid method, the training can start using approximate multipliers then switches to exact multipliers for the last few epochs. Using this method, the performance benefits of approximate multipliers in terms of speed, power, and area can be attained for a large portion of the training stage. On the other hand, the negative impact on the accuracy is diminished by using the exact multipliers for the last epochs of training.Comment: Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO) 2019, Dali, China, December 2019. WINNER OF THE MOZI BEST PAPER IN AI AWAR

    Fine-Grained Power Gated Multiplier with Online Calibration for Medical IoT Devices

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    With intensive research in the fields of machine learning and neural networks to improve its accuracy comes the responsibility to realize feasible hardware solutions on battery powered IoT devices. This work presents a study of analysis of power hungry computations and a fine-grained power gated multiplier design using approximation, that aims at energy optimization exploiting error resilience of these applications. We use truncation to reduce cycles and low power techniques to reduce power, thus achieving a 2-fold energy reduction. We use wearable IoT devices for medical purposes as our case study and show the generality of our work across applications. Our work performs similar to, or better than the latest work in the field and is a more generic implementation. We propose an online calibration mechanism to determine the approximation rate dynamically that maximizes energy optimization with very low accuracy loss. Our method uses a clustering solution to pre-determine the output label in a majority of cases, without having to need an inference model, thus further reducing energy. We achieve 78% energy improvement compared to a baseline implementation with just 0.46% accuracy loss across benchmarks

    Genetic Improvement of Software (Dagstuhl Seminar 18052)

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    We document the program and the immediate outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 18052 “Genetic Improvement of Software”. The seminar brought together researchers in Genetic Improvement (GI) and related areas of software engineering to investigate what is achievable with current technology and the current impediments to progress and how GI can affect the software development process. Several talks covered the state-of-the-art and work in progress. Seven emergent topics have been identified ranging from the nature of the GI search space through benchmarking and practical applications. The seminar has already resulted in multiple research paper publications. Four by participants of the seminar will be presented at the GI workshop co-located with the top conference in software engineering - ICSE. Several researchers started new collaborations, results of which we hope to see in the near future

    Approximate Computing Survey, Part II: Application-Specific & Architectural Approximation Techniques and Applications

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    The challenging deployment of compute-intensive applications from domains such Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP), forces the community of computing systems to explore new design approaches. Approximate Computing appears as an emerging solution, allowing to tune the quality of results in the design of a system in order to improve the energy efficiency and/or performance. This radical paradigm shift has attracted interest from both academia and industry, resulting in significant research on approximation techniques and methodologies at different design layers (from system down to integrated circuits). Motivated by the wide appeal of Approximate Computing over the last 10 years, we conduct a two-part survey to cover key aspects (e.g., terminology and applications) and review the state-of-the art approximation techniques from all layers of the traditional computing stack. In Part II of our survey, we classify and present the technical details of application-specific and architectural approximation techniques, which both target the design of resource-efficient processors/accelerators & systems. Moreover, we present a detailed analysis of the application spectrum of Approximate Computing and discuss open challenges and future directions.Comment: Under Review at ACM Computing Survey

    Approximate Computing for Energy Efficiency

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