2 research outputs found

    Decision support system for planning telecommunication networks: a case study applied to the Andalusian region

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    Network planning is essential to design real Broadband Integrated Services Digital Networks (B-ISDN). This paper presents an OR application to the design of an optic fibre network for the andalusian region. The economical appraisal is the main consideration in order to take the appropriate decisions: hub location, region sizes and selection of the urban nodes that will receive telecommunication contents. A Decision Support System with a graphic interface that allows interactive analysis of different scenarios is presented. The system contains a set of mathematical programming models and it has the capability to dynamically construct and solve instances of those models. In addition, it provides data preparation and reports. The system is an integrated, user-friendly and powerful tool to make planning studies by firms developing cable network systems in the telecommunications market

    Two-level Network Design With Intermediate Facilities: An Application To Electrical Distribution Systems

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    We consider the two-level network design problem with intermediate facilities. This problem consists of designing a minimum cost network respecting some requirements, usually described in terms of the network topology or in terms of a desired flow of commodities between source and destination vertices. Each selected link must receive one of two types of edge facilities and the connection of different edge facilities requires a costly and capacitated vertex facility. We propose a hybrid decomposition approach which heuristically obtains tentative solutions for the vertex facilities number and location and use these solutions to limit the computational burden of a branch-and-cut algorithm. We test our method on instances of the power system secondary distribution network design problem. The results show that the method is efficient both in terms of solution quality and computational times. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.391313Gavish, B., Topological design of telecommunications networks-local access design methods (1991) Annals of Operations Research, 33, pp. 17-71Mateus, G.R., Cruz, F.R.B., Luna, H.P.L., An algorithm for hierarchical network design (1994) Location Science, 2, pp. 149-164Gouveia, L., Lopes, M.J., Using generalized capacitated trees for designing the topology of local access networks (1997) Telecommunications Systems, 7, pp. 315-337de Jongh, A., Gendreau, M., Labbe, M., Finding disjoint routes in telecommunications networks with two technologies (1999) Operations Research, 47, pp. 81-92Patterson, R.A., Rolland, E., Hybrid fiber coaxial network design (2002) Operations Research, 50, pp. 538-551Yaman, H., Carello, G., Solving the hub location problem with modular link capacities (2005) Computers & Operations Research, 32, pp. 3227-3245Pirkul, H., Narasinham, S., Locating concentrators for primary and secondary coverage in a computer communication network (1988) IEEE Transactions on Communications, 36, pp. 450-458Pióro, M., Medhi, D., (2004) Routing, flow and capacity design in communication and computer networks, , Morgan Kaufmann, San FranciscoIgnacio, A.A.V., Ferreira Filho, V.J., Galvão, R.D., Lower and upper bounds for a two-level hierarchical location problem in computer networks (2008) Computers & Operations Research, 35, pp. 1982-1998Fleischmann, M., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M., Dekker, R., van der Laan, E., van Nunen, J.A.E.E., Wassenhove, L.N.V., Quantitative models for reverse logistics: a review (1997) European Journal of Operational Research, 103, pp. 1-17Srivastava, S.K., Network design for reverse logistics (2008) Omega, 36, pp. 535-548Gupta, R., Pirkul, H., Hybrid fiber co-axial CATV network design with variable capacity optical network units (2000) European Journal of Operational Research, 123, pp. 73-85Gouveia, L., Janssen, E., Designing reliable tree networks with two cable technologies (1998) European Journal of Operational Research, 105, pp. 552-568Lee, K., Park, K., Park, S., Design of capacitated networks with tree configurations (1996) Telecommunications Systems, 6, pp. 1-19Balakrishnan, A., Magnanti, T.L., Mirchandani, P., Modeling and heuristic worst-case performance analysis of the two-level network design problem (1994) Management Science, 40, pp. 846-867Daskin, M.S., (1995) Network and discrete location: models, algorithms, and applications, , Wiley, New YorkSahin, G., Süral, H., A survey of hierarchical facility location models (2007) Computers & Operations Research, 34, pp. 2310-2331Toth, P., Vigo, D., The granular tabu search and its application to the vehicle-routing problem (2003) INFORMS Journal on Computing, 15, pp. 333-346Carneiro, M.S., França, P.M., Silveira, P.D., Long-range planning of power distribution systems secondary networks (1996) Computers & Electrical Engineering, 22, pp. 179-191Aoki, K., Nara, K., Satoh, T., Kitagawa, M., Yamanaka, K., New approximate optimization method for distribution system planning (1990) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 5, pp. 126-132Diaz-Dorado, E., Miguez, E., Cidras, J., Design of large rural low-voltage networks using dynamic programming optimization (2001) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 16 (4), pp. 898-903Diaz-Dorado, E., Pidre, J., Garcia, E., Planning of large rural low-voltage networks using evolution strategies (2003) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 18 (4), pp. 1594-1600Cossi, A.M., Romero, R., Mantovani, J.R.S., Planning of secondary distribution circuits through evolutionary algorithms (2005) IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 20, pp. 205-213Senne, E.L.F., Lorena, L.A.N., Lagrangean/surrogate heuristics for p-median problems (2000) Computing tools for modeling, optimization and simulation: interfaces in computer science and operations research, pp. 115-30. , Dordrecht: Kluwer;Fisher, M.L., The Lagrangian relaxation method for solving integer programing problems (2004) Management Science, 50, pp. 1861-1871Aneja, Y.P., An integer linear programming approach to Steiner problems in graphs (1980) Networks, 10, pp. 167-17