3 research outputs found

    Design of an ASIP Processor for Mathematic Functions

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    This paper presents new architecture for some instructions of Matlab Mathematic toolbar related to matrix such as Sort, Find max, Sind min,聽 Sind size, Isempty, Isrow, Iscolumn, Isvector, Isscalar, Isfinite, Ismatrix,聽 Isarray, , Isequal, Islogical, Findlength, NDims, Nheight, and member of array operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication based on Application Specific Instruction Set(ASIP). These instructions can be considered as a part of ASIP processor for mathematics functions of Matlab software. Designing process for mentioned instructions is explained comprehensively. The basic structure is developed in order to reduce the required clock cycles for the mentioned instructions. The complete instruction set for each function is described in Register Transform Language.

    Proceso de cifrado con algoritmo idea y ofuscamiento de c贸digo en servicios web

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    The rapid transformation of current technology and the interconnection of the world, has made people connected to the Internet through multiple mobile devices, which work mainly through web services that facilitate multiple tasks of daily life, whether personal or business, technology solutions based on web services are a very profitable reality and quite applied by companies, bearing in mind the evolution that these types of services have had the need to implement strategies to protect the information they carry and intellectual property, is where source code obfuscation offers a very good alternative for intellectual property and encryption of information in web services helps us in protecting the information that travels through the web, and to achieve this obfuscation there are several techniques that can be applied to the source code, and even compiled code to mitigate unauthorized access to the developments implemented, and even hinder the task of reverse engineering programs to be used by people outside the organization. For the encryption process there are many alternatives, among them is the implementation of two additional steps in the interconnection of web services that encrypt and decrypt the data that travels in web services with the help of the symmetric algorithm IDEA, thus achieving that in reverse engineering processes, it is more difficult to decipher the information that travels through these services.La r谩pida transformaci贸n de la tecnolog铆a actual y la interconexi贸n del mundo, ha hecho que las personas est茅n conectadas a internet a trav茅s de m煤ltiples dispositivos m贸viles, los cuales funcionan principalmente a trav茅s de servicios web que facilitan m煤ltiples tareas del d铆a a d铆a, sean personales o empresariales, las soluciones tecnol贸gicas basadas en servicios web son una realidad muy rentable y bastante aplicada por las empresas, teniendo presente la evoluci贸n que han tenido estos tipos de servicios surge la necesidad de aplicar estrategias para protecci贸n de la informaci贸n que transportan y la propiedad intelectual, es ah铆 donde el ofuscamiento de c贸digo fuente ofrece una muy buena alternativa para la propiedad intelectual y el cifrado de la informaci贸n en lo9s servicios web nos ayuda en la protecci贸n de la informaci贸n que viaja a trav茅s de la web, y para poder conseguir este ofuscamiento existen diversas t茅cnicas que se pueden aplicar al c贸digo fuente, e incluso a c贸digo compilado para mitigar el acceso no autorizado a los desarrollos implementados, e incluso dificultar la tarea de aplicar ingenier铆a inversa a programas que ser谩n utilizados por personas no pertenecientes a la organizaci贸n. para el proceso de cifrado existen muchas alternativas, entre ellas es la implementaci贸n de dos pasos adicionales en la interconexi贸n de servicios web que nos cifre y descifre los datos que viajan en servicios web con ayuda del algoritmo sim茅trico IDEA, de esta manera se logra que, en procesos de ingenier铆a inversa, sea m谩s dif铆cil el descifrar la informaci贸n que viaja a trav茅s de estos servicios