14 research outputs found

    Mobile Phone Based Clinical Microscopy for Global Health Applications

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    Light microscopy provides a simple, cost-effective, and vital method for the diagnosis and screening of hematologic and infectious diseases. In many regions of the world, however, the required equipment is either unavailable or insufficiently portable, and operators may not possess adequate training to make full use of the images obtained. Counterintuitively, these same regions are often well served by mobile phone networks, suggesting the possibility of leveraging portable, camera-enabled mobile phones for diagnostic imaging and telemedicine. Toward this end we have built a mobile phone-mounted light microscope and demonstrated its potential for clinical use by imaging P. falciparum-infected and sickle red blood cells in brightfield and M. tuberculosis-infected sputum samples in fluorescence with LED excitation. In all cases resolution exceeded that necessary to detect blood cell and microorganism morphology, and with the tuberculosis samples we took further advantage of the digitized images to demonstrate automated bacillus counting via image analysis software. We expect such a telemedicine system for global healthcare via mobile phone – offering inexpensive brightfield and fluorescence microscopy integrated with automated image analysis – to provide an important tool for disease diagnosis and screening, particularly in the developing world and rural areas where laboratory facilities are scarce but mobile phone infrastructure is extensive

    Group-Slicer: A collaborative extension of 3D-Slicer

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    AbstractIn this paper, we describe a first step towards a collaborative extension of the well-known 3D-Slicer; this platform is nowadays used as a standalone tool for both surgical planning and medical intervention. We show how this tool can be easily modified to make it collaborative so that it may constitute an integrated environment for expertise exchange as well as a useful tool for academic purposes

    LAN Monitoring Using Android Phone

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    ABSTRACT: Now a day's android phones are used for the various applications. We can use android phone for monitor and control the network. It is to control the network when network admin is in admin office but it is difficult to control the network from outside the office. It is integrated software solution that allows a network admin to remotely monitor his LAN network by his Android phone with GUI. The main purpose of this application is to provide all the important details of the network to the admin on their android phone with the help of GPRS or Wi-Fi. We are using data connectivity or Wi-Fi to connect the mobile phone to LAN server. And we also are using password encryption for authentication in phone

    Smart phone-aided insulin injection site management system

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    Insulin injection plays a very important role in diabetes treatment, but it is pretty hard to monitor injection sites in practical due to the difficulty to remember the previous injection sites correctly on a daily basis. If a patient injects insulin on the same tissue (or same spot of the skin) repeatedly, there can be many side effects like lipodystrophy which means abnormal storage of fat at the same place and will lead to erratic glucose control. In this thesis, we develop an innovative smartphone-based system that can effectively monitor the location of every injection site, and provide feedback for enforcing a new insulin injection attempt. Furthermore, as a smartphone-based system, it is convenient for nurses or patients to use. The system achieves monitoring under a combination of image processing, data analytics, and other advance technologies. We successfully implement a prototype of our system, which can run on any device with Android environment and a default camera, and we also evaluate its performance in terms of correct detection probability, response delay, and deviation of location estimation

    A high-speed wireless network used for telemedicine

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    Nowadays, there is growing interest in using telemedicine to provide non-face-to-face healthcare for patients. The emergence and development of WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) technology, which supports high-speed wireless communications within the existing Intranet that covers the healthcare system, makes it possible to provide routine body check-ups for patients who need long-term monitoring. In this thesis, we present the design of a wireless telemedicine system using WLAN technology. [Continues.

    Measurement and analysis of breath sounds

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    Existing breath sound measurement systems and possible new methods have been critically investigated. The frequency response of each part of the measurement system has been studied. Emphasis has been placed on frequency response of acoustic sensors; especially, a method to study a diaphragm type air-coupler in contact use has been proposed. Two new methods of breath sounds measurement have been studied: laser Doppler vibrometer and mobile phones. It has been shown that these two methods can find applications in breath sounds measurement, however there are some restrictions. A reliable automatic wheeze detection algorithm based on auditory modelling has been developed. That is the human’s auditory system is modelled as a bank of band pass filters, in which the bandwidths are frequency dependent. Wheezes are treated as signals additive to normal breath sounds (masker). Thus wheeze is detectable when it is above the masking threshold. This new algorithm has been validated using simulated and real data. It is superior to previous algorithms, being more reliable to detect wheezes and less prone to mistakes. Simulation of cardiorespiratory sounds and wheeze audibility tests have been developed. Simulated breath sounds can be used as a training tool, as well as an evaluation method. These simulations have shown that, under certain circumstance, there are wheezes but they are inaudible. It is postulated that this could also happen in real measurements. It has been shown that simulated sounds with predefined characteristics can be used as an objective method to evaluate automatic algorithms. Finally, the efficiency and necessity of heart sounds reduction procedures has been investigated. Based on wavelet decomposition and selective synthesis, heart sounds can be reduced with a cost of unnatural breath sounds. Heart sound reduction is shown not to be necessary if a time-frequency representation is used, as heart sounds have a fixed pattern in the time-frequency plane