1 research outputs found

    Design of a Real-time Software-Based GPS Baseband Receiver Using GPU Acceleration

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    近年來,隨著個人導航設備的普及化,市場對於各種形式的GPS接收機需求也越來越大。而基頻軟體接收機,隨著處理器計算效能的進步,使用軟體來進行GPS接收機開發的時機已經逐漸成熟。 軟體接收機相較於傳統硬體架構,對於開發模組的移植,相似系統的整合,系統升級以及計算演算法之更新,皆較具有較高彈性的優勢。因此在處理器計算效能已可負荷接收機之基頻訊號處理的當下,使用軟體接收機來進行系統的開發無疑是能節省研發成本和研發週期之最佳的選擇。 本論文將會對於GPS軟體接收機進行更進一步的改進。在程式穩定性上,會加入動態衛星增減之機制,使接收機能夠不斷對於外在的衛星訊號強弱變化進行調整,進而提升接收機的環境適應性。於程式執行效能上,將接收機較耗時的計算移至GPU中,以達到降低CPU負載對於程式執行效率的影響,並且使用GPU進行平行運算的加速,可同時達到降低計算時間以及降低系統耗能的目標。另外,為了改善接收機的定位精準度,本論文使用較精確的計算精確接收時間的方法,使其加強接收機位置之精確度。Nowaday, the personal navigation devices are more and more popular. The demand of GPS receiver in any form is also increasing. Developing the GPS receiver in software is feasible with the increasing of processor computation power. Compared to the traditional hardware receiver, the software-based receiver has many advantages. In system integration, upgrade, new algorism adopting and the platform changing, the software-based receiver has much more flexibility than traditional hardware receiver. In this thesis, I will improve the GPS software baseband receiver based on previous student’s research. There are three issues that I want to improve - software robustness, efficiency and position accuracy. For software robustness, I use the dynamic satellite list to let the software receiver can change its available satellite list based on the strength of satellite signals. Therefore the receiver can have much better adaptability to the real-world environment. For the efficiency of software execution, I adopted CUDA parallel programming model. By moving most computation cost elements into GPU, it not only could reduce the influence of CPU loading on the receiver performance, but also could speed up the execution of receiver. Furthermore, it can reduce the energy consumption of our receiver. Finally, I change some fine time estimation equation, in order to improve the position accuracy of our receiver