4 research outputs found

    Robust Adaptive Congestion Control for Next Generation Networks

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    This paper deals with the problem of congestion control in a next-generation heterogeneous network scenario. The algorithm runs in the 'edge' routers (the routers collecting the traffic between two different networks) with the aim of avoiding congestion in both the network and the edge routers. The proposed algorithm extends congestion control algorithms based on the Smith's principle: i) the controller, by exploiting on-line estimates via probe packets, adapts to the delay and rate variations; ii) the controller assures robust stability in the presence of time-varying delays

    A simulation-based algorithm for solving the resource-assignment problem in satellite telecommunication networks

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    This paper proposes an heuristic for the scheduling of capacity requests and the periodic assignment of radio resources in geostationary (GEO) satellite networks with star topology, using the Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) protocol in the link layer, and Multi-Frequency Time Division Multiple Access (MF-TDMA) and Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) in the physical layer.En este trabajo se propone una heurística para la programación de las solicitudes de capacidad y la asignación periódica de los recursos de radio en las redes de satélites geoestacionarios (GEO) con topología en estrella, con la demanda de acceso múltiple de asignación (DAMA) de protocolo en la capa de enlace, y el Multi-Frequency Time Division (Acceso múltiple por MF-TDMA) y codificación y modulación Adaptable (ACM) en la capa física.En aquest treball es proposa una heurística per a la programació de les sol·licituds de capacitat i l'assignació periòdica dels recursos de ràdio en les xarxes de satèl·lits geoestacionaris (GEO) amb topologia en estrella, amb la demanda d'accés múltiple d'assignació (DAMA) de protocol en la capa d'enllaç, i el Multi-Frequency Time Division (Accés múltiple per MF-TDMA) i codificació i modulació Adaptable (ACM) a la capa física

    Design of a bandwidth-on-demand (BoD) protocol for satellite networks modelled as time-delay systems

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    Bandwidth-on-demand (BoD) access protocols address the problem of guaranteeing a high exploitation of the valuable satellite bandwidth in the presence of large amount of data traffic accessing the satellite network. The novelty of the proposed BoD scheme consists in the use of control theory concepts to model the satellite network as a time-delay system and to generate the bandwidth requests. The proposed scheme, based on the internal model control and on the Smith's principle, yields the following advantages: (i) when the network is not congested, it provides upper-bounds to the queue lengths and to the queuing delays of the satellite terminal buffers; (ii) it is capable of recovering from congested states; (iii) it is independent of the statistical characteristics of the traffic entering the satellite network; (iv) the requests are such that the satellite terminals have always enough traffic to use all the requested bandwidth (so that no bandwidth is wasted). The paper includes simulations showing the effectiveness of the proposed BoD scheme. The work underlying this paper has been performed within the GEOCAST project belonging to the fifth framework Information Society and Technology programme of the European Union. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved