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    Abstract: This study concerns about a high frequency companionable receiver architecture for RFID application, which is capable of dealing with most of the previous inadequacies. In this paper, an assessment of different receiver systems is shown and a simulated design of an integrated receiver for 13.56 MHz RFID Reader is proposed for 0.18μm CMOS technology. The design is mainly composed of amplifier, detector and digitizer. The system uses fewer components then that of other CMOS based RFID receivers and consumes a power of 0.325 mWatt at 1V biasing. Synthesized Results show smaller ripple (<0.0002%) than that of existing systems. Izvleček: Prispevek obravnava novo arhitekturo visokofrekvenčnega sprejemnika za RFID aplikacijo, ki odpravlja večino prejšnjih pomanjkljivosti. V tem članku je presojamo različne sprejemne sisteme in simuliramo koncept integriranega sprejemnika za 13.56 MHz RFID čitalnik izvedenaega z 0.18μm CMOS tehnologijo. Sistem je sestavljen iz ojačevalnika, detektorja in digitalizatorja. Naprava uporablja manj komponent kot RFID sprejemnik na osnovi CMOS tehnologije ter porabi 0.325 mWatt moči pri napetosti 1V. Rezultati pokažejo manjši šum (<0.0002%) kot pri obstoječih sistemih. ASK kompatibilen CMOS UDK621.3:(53+54+621+66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije 40(2010)1, Ljubljana Introduction Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system has been heralded as a technology fit for the 21st century, offering variety of applications. In modern time, there has been an escalating impact on the expansion of RFID technology for the localization and the identification of objects. RFID is a broadly used technology, which employs radio signals for the identification of people or objects. Its utility is to facilitate data to be transmitted into devices, which is interpreted by an RFID reader. Among the three focal constituents of RFID, reader is one which transmits the signal and processes the received data from the tag. Processing and receiving of data is carried out by the receiver. To do this, RFID reader needs to extract the message signal from the carrier and to digitize the resulting data. Our research goal is to design 13.56 MHz compatible receiver for RFID reader. For the design of a complimentary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) based 13.56 MHz RFID receiver, one of the basic requirements is to follow ISO/IEC 14443 standardization. According to ISO/IEC 14443 standardization, a design of an RFID receiver is proposed in this study. The carrier signal from the RFID tag will be 13.56 MHz with a subcarrier frequency of 847.5 KHz. The modulation index has to be either ASK(Amplitude Shift Keying) 10% or ASK 100%. On the other hand, low ripple, faster settling time and low power consumption are vital criterions in designing the system. So, the ultimate design challenge is to implement a receiver, which is compatible with ISO/IEC 14443 standardization, consumes less power, uses fewer components and shows low ripple. From the recent literatures, we found, there were few researches on RFID receiver for high frequency (1MHz~20MHz) RFID operation. Though, till now, there are scopes to reduce ripple in detection and improve the performance in power consumption