4 research outputs found

    ArtsIT2014 program

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    Anamorfoses artĂ­sticas na mĂșsica: a mediação transformadora da mĂ©dia-arte digital na perceção do artista e da performance musical

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    A mĂșsica e a tecnologia tĂȘm experienciado, desde hĂĄ sĂ©culos, uma coabitação e um desenvolvimento mĂștuo constante na nossa sociedade, o qual tem possibilitado aos mĂșsicos instrumentistas, nĂŁo sĂł a oportunidade de evoluĂ­rem os seus instrumentos, como tambĂ©m a sua performance. No que concerne Ă  mĂșsica em especĂ­fico, Irving Godt (2005) afirma que nĂŁo hĂĄ conhecimento de sociedade alguma que tenha existido, ou que exista, sem mĂșsica. Tal afirmação espelha bem a importĂąncia desta nas sociedades, desempenhando um papel de relevĂąncia sobre vĂĄrios aspetos, sejam eles de cariz artĂ­stico, festivo, fĂșnebre, ou noutros enquadramentos. Na realidade, a mĂșsica e a tecnologia vivem numa simbiose e com uma dinĂąmica particular, na qual a tecnologia fornece meios para que a mĂșsica evolua, mas, por sua vez, a mĂșsica tambĂ©m vai criando necessidades e fomentando o desenvolvimento tecnolĂłgico. Inerentemente a esta evolução conjunta e consoante os espaços temporais em que acontece, o papel dos mĂșsicos vai-se alterando espontaneamente por adaptação. É uma destas alteraçÔes, num destes timings, que Ă© aqui investigada, nomeadamente a influĂȘncia que a mĂ©dia-arte digital exerceu/exerce na mĂșsica, sob o ponto de vista do mĂșsico instrumentista erudito de tradição ocidental escrita e, em particular, o ponto de vista do prĂłprio autor enquanto clarinetista. Este, que vinha jĂĄ observando ampliaçÔes nas suas responsabilidades enquanto intĂ©rprete - mais propriamente atravĂ©s de adiçÔes cĂ©nicas, fĂ­sicas, acĂșsticas, entre outras – viu-as serem aumentadas de forma mais acentuada atravĂ©s da junção com os canais mĂ©dia digitais. Sumariando, o presente documento Ă© o resultado investigativo da forma e das implicaçÔes que este desenvolvimento relacional trouxe aos instrumentistas. Para o efeito, foi observada e identificada a performance musical instrumental tradicional, a sua evolução mediante diversos pontos de vista entre os agentes envolvidos, a evolução notacional, a evolução conceptual, a adição tecnolĂłgica, entre outros aspetos, tudo isto com o objetivo de identificar e diferenciar influĂȘncias. Foram tambĂ©m elaborados trĂȘs artefactos que explorassem ambas as ĂĄreas – mĂ©dia-arte digital e mĂșsica –, aproveitando a formação e experiĂȘncia profissional do autor enquanto instrumentista e, tambĂ©m, como forma geradora de dados para investigação proposta.Music and technology have been experiencing for centuries a mutual and constant cohabitation and development in our society, which has allowed instrumental musicians not only the opportunity to evolve their instruments but also their performance. Concerning music in particular, Irving Godt (2005) states that there is no society that has existed or exists without music. This reflects its importance in all societies, playing a role of relevance in various aspects, whether artistic, festive, memorial, or in other contexts. In fact, music and technology live in a symbiosis with a particular dynamic, in which technology provides means for music to evolve, but music also creates needs fostering technological development. Inherently to this joint evolution, and depending on the timings in which it happens, the role of musicians is being changed spontaneously, by adaptation. It is one of these alterations, in one of these timings, that is researched here, namely, the influence that new art media exerted/exercises in music, under the point of view of the erudite instrumentalist musician of western written tradition and, in particular, de point of view of the author as a clarinetist. The latter, who had already been observing enlargements in his responsibilities as a performer - more precisely through scenic, physical and acoustic additions, among others - saw these enlargements increase through the junction with new media channels. Summarizing, this paper is the research result of the form and implications that this relational development has brought to instrumentalists. To this end, traditional instrumental music performance was observed and identified, as well as its evolution through various points of view, including notational evolution, conceptual evolution, technological addition, among others, in order to identify and differentiate influences. Three artifacts were also elaborated to explore both areas - new media art and music -, taking advantage of the author's training and professional experience as an instrumentalist and, also, as a way to generate data for the proposed research

    Design of a non-intrusive augmented trumpet

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    This paper describes the design and first prototype implementation of an innovative concept of augmented instruments. The main idea is given by the opportunity offered by cameras and image recognition algorithms, to avoid the use of intrusive and often wired sensors. This latter aspect is indeed one of the main limitations to augmentation since also interested players usually try to avoid “external elements” on their priceless instruments

    Design of a non-intrusive augmented trumpet

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    This paper describes the design and first prototype implementation of an innovative concept of augmented instruments. The main idea is given by the opportunity offered by cameras and image recognition algorithms, to avoid the use of intrusive and often wired sensors. This latter aspect is indeed one of the main limitations to augmentation since also interested players usually try to avoid “external elements” on their priceless instruments