4 research outputs found

    The performance evaluation of interpreter based computer systems

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis explores the problem of making accurate assessments of the performance of high level language interpreter programs which are embedded in some more complex system. The overall system performance will be determined by all the software and hardware components present; but in order either to analyse and improve particular components, or to select between alternative versions of components, the concept of the performance of individual components is important. A model is developed for the abstract behaviour of software components playing the role of an interpreter by considering their interaction with the program code which is being interpreted and with the underlying virtual machine which is, in turn, interpreting them. This model enables a flexible definition of performance by relating the interactions in which an interpreter takes part. A methodology is recommended for assessing experimentally the performances defined within such a framework. The performances of an interesting selection of pseudo-machine and high level interpreter implementations of Lispkit and Prolog are then assessed and conclusions drawn.United Kingdom Science Research Counci

    Instalaci贸n de un sistema funcional sobre un computador convencional

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    En esta tesis se tratan dos aspectos fundamentales de los sistemas funcionales, de cuyo tratamiento depende, en gran medida, la eficiencia de tales sistemas. En primer lugar, se presentan y eval煤an una serie de soluciones al problema de representaci贸n interna en los sistemas funcionales, soluciones basadas en la utilizaci贸n de estructuras lineales para obtener una mejora en el tiempo de ejecuci贸n y en la ocupaci贸n de la memoria del sistema. En segundo lugar, se presenta un sistema de evaluaci贸n multitarea para reducir programas funcionales, basado en la especificaci贸n de varios ficheros de salida. En 茅l, las tareas del sistema eval煤an, de forma concurrente, las diversas partes del resultado de un programa y se .comunican entre s铆 en base a mensajes que permiten detectar y resolver, sin necesidad de abortar la ejecuci贸n, bucles de dependencias entre tareas. El sistema reacciona ante estas situaciones de error de forma comedida, de modo que este error no afecta al resto de las tareas del sistema. Se plantea tambi茅n un mecanismo de gesti贸n de memoria, mecanismo que introduce una tarea especial en el sistema, encargada de la gesti贸n de una memoria com煤n a todo 茅l, y satisface las necesidades de memoria de las tareas de forma, transparente al mecanismo de evaluaci贸n.---ABSTRACT---Two fundamental aspects of functional systems, of which their efficiency to a large extent depends, are dealt with in this thesis. Firstly, several solutions to the internal representation problem of functional systems are proposed and evaluated. These solutions are based on the use of linear data structures in order to achieve a shorter execution time and smaller memory requirement. Secondly, a new multitask evaluation system for the reduction of functional programs is described; it is based on the specif眉cation of several output files. In this evaluation system, the task evaluates in the different parts of the program result concurrently. Tasks communicate one another through messages, which make it possible to detect and solve the dependency loops within tasks. The program does not need to be aborted, the sistem reacts to such error situations in a smooth way, no other tasks are affected. A memory management system is also introduced. This management system inserts a special task, that carries-out the management of a common memory and serves all tasks memory requirements in a transparent mode to the evaluation mechanism