35 research outputs found

    Design of doubly-complementary IIR digital filters using a single complex allpass filter, with multirate applications

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    It is shown that a large class of real-coefficient doubly-complementary IIR transfer function pairs can be implemented by means of a single complex allpass filter. For a real input sequence, the real part of the output sequence corresponds to the output of one of the transfer functions G(z) (for example, lowpass), whereas the imaginary part of the output sequence corresponds to its "complementary" filter H(z)(for example, highpass). The resulting implementation is structurally lossless, and hence the implementations of G(z) and H(z) have very low passband sensitivity. Numerical design examples are included, and a typical numerical example shows that the new implementation with 4 bits per multiplier is considerably better than a direct form implementation with 9 bits per multiplier. Multirate filter bank applications (quadrature mirror filtering) are outlined

    Theory and design of uniform DFT, parallel, quadrature mirror filter banks

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    In this paper, the theory of uniform DFT, parallel, quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks is developed. The QMF equations, i.e., equations that need to be satisfied for exact reconstruction of the input signal, are derived. The concept of decimated filters is introduced, and structures for both analysis and synthesis banks are derived using this concept. The QMF equations, as well as closed-form expressions for the synthesis filters needed for exact reconstruction of the input signalx(n), are also derived using this concept. In general, the reconstructed. signalhat{x}(n)suffers from three errors: aliasing, amplitude distortion, and phase distortion. Conditions for exact reconstruction (i.e., all three distortions are zero, andhat{x}(n)is equal to a delayed version ofx(n))of the input signal are derived in terms of the decimated filters. Aliasing distortion can always be completely canceled. Once aliasing is canceled, it is possible to completely eliminate amplitude distortion (if suitable IIR filters are employed) and completely eliminate phase distortion (if suitable FIR filters are employed). However, complete elimination of all three errors is possible only with some simple, pathalogical stable filter transfer functions. In general, once aliasing is canceled, the other distortions can be minimized rather than completely eliminated. Algorithms for this are presented. The properties of FIR filter banks are then investigated. Several aspects of IIR filter banks are also studied using the same framework

    Passive cascaded-lattice structures for low-sensitivity FIR filter design, with applications to filter banks

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    A class of nonrecursive cascaded-lattice structures is derived, for the implementation of finite-impulse response (FIR) digital filters. The building blocks are lossless and the transfer function can be implemented as a sequence of planar rotations. The structures can be used for the synthesis of any scalar FIR transfer function H(z) with no restriction on the location of zeros; at the same time, all the lattice coefficients have magnitude bounded above by unity. The structures have excellent passband sensitivity because of inherent passivity, and are automatically internally scaled, in an L_2 sense. The ideas are also extended for the realization of a bank of MFIR transfer functions as a cascaded lattice. Applications of these structures in subband coding and in multirate signal processing are outlined. Numerical design examples are included

    The role of lossless systems in modern digital signal processing: a tutorial

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    A self-contained discussion of discrete-time lossless systems and their properties and relevance in digital signal processing is presented. The basic concept of losslessness is introduced, and several algebraic properties of lossless systems are studied. An understanding of these properties is crucial in order to exploit the rich usefulness of lossless systems in digital signal processing. Since lossless systems typically have many input and output terminals, a brief review of multiinput multioutput systems is included. The most general form of a rational lossless transfer matrix is presented along with synthesis procedures for the FIR (finite impulse response) case. Some applications of lossless systems in signal processing are presented

    Design of nonuniform near allpass complementary FIR filters via a semi-infinite programming technique

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of designing a set of nonuniform near allpass complementary FIR filters. This problem can be formulated as a quadratic semi-infinite programming problem, where the objective is to minimize the sum of the ripple energy for the individual filters, subject to the passband and stopband specifications as well as to the allpass complementary specification. The dual parameterization method is used for solving the linear quadratic semi-infinite programming problem

    Tree-structured complementary filter banks using all-pass sections

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    Tree-structured complementary filter banks are developed with transfer functions that are simultaneously all-pass complementary and power complementary. Using a formulation based on unitary transforms and all-pass functions, we obtain analysis and synthesis filter banks which are related through a transposition operation, such that the cascade of analysis and synthesis filter banks achieves an all-pass function. The simplest structure is obtained using a Hadamard transform, which is shown to correspond to a binary tree structure. Tree structures can be generated for a variety of other unitary transforms as well. In addition, given a tree-structured filter bank where the number of bands is a power of two, simple methods are developed to generate complementary filter banks with an arbitrary number of channels, which retain the transpose relationship between analysis and synthesis banks, and allow for any combination of bandwidths. The structural properties of the filter banks are illustrated with design examples, and multirate applications are outlined

    Quadrature mirror filter banks, M-band extensions and perfect-reconstruction techniques

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    In this paper, quadrature mirror filters (QMF) are reviewed. After a brief introduction to multirate building blocks, the two-band QMF bank is discussed. Various distortions caused by the structure, and methods to eliminate these distortions are outlined. Perfect-reconstruction structures for the two-band case are reviewed, and the results are extended to the case of arbitrary number of channels. The relation between perfect-reconstruction QMF banks and the concept of losslessness in transfers-matrices is indicated. New lattice structures are presented, which perform the perfect reconstruction, sometimes even under coefficient quantization

    Design and multiplier-less implementation of a class of two-channel PR FIR filterbanks and wavelets with low system delay

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    In this paper, a new method for designing two-channel PR FIR filterbanks with low system delay is proposed. It is based on the generalization of the structure previously proposed by Phoong et al. Such structurally PR filterbanks are parameterized by two functions (β(z) and α(z)) that can be chosen as linear-phase FIR or allpass functions to construct FIR/IIR filterbanks with good frequency characteristics. The case of using identical β(z) and α(z) was considered by Phoong et al. with the delay parameter M chosen as 2N - 1. In this paper, the more general case of using different nonlinear-phase FIR functions for β(z) and α(z) is studied. As the linear-phase constraint is relaxed, the lengths of β(z) and α(z) are no longer restricted by the delay parameters of the filterbanks. Hence, higher stopband attenuation can still be achieved at low system delay. The design of the proposed low-delay filterbanks is formulated as a complex polynomial approximation problem, which can be solved by the Remez exchange algorithm or analytic formula with very low complexity. In addition, the orders and delay parameters can be estimated from the given filter specifications using a simple empirical formula. Therefore, low-delay two-channel PR filterbanks with flexible stopband attenuation and cutoff frequencies can be designed using existing filter design algorithms. The generalization of the present approach to the design of a class of wavelet bases associated with these low-delay filterbanks and its multiplier-less implementation using the sum of powers-of-two coefficients are also studied.published_or_final_versio