585 research outputs found

    Rights management on knowledge-based digital content

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    The digital networks have facilitated the digital content access and sharing. Although this creates the opportunities to a wider dissemination of information and knowledge, on the other hand it creates challenges on what concerns the protection and enforcement of Intellectual Property (IP). This is particular important on the IP management of digital knowledge-based that is create on a daily basis on educational and research institutions, where a set of researchers and educators contribute with their knowledge creation works to the education value-adding processes. This paper will address the different scenarios/stages where the application of rights management solutions to the protection and management of knowledge-based content can provide an appropriate management of IP. These scenarios will consider the production and protection of the content, the rights establishment for the dissemination of content and the appropriate IP enforcement on the content user-side. This would establish a global environment where knowledge-based content IPR can be governed, allowing authors to establish the conditions that allow others to use their own work

    Edusource: Canada's Learning Object Repository Network

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    An alliance of Canadian Universities and government agencies pooled their resources to establish a network to share and combine Learning Objects from a variety of sources and further develop this technology. In the process, they resolved many learning, logistical, and legal problems and moved this technology forward by an order of magnitude. Principal goals include: nationwide interoperability, network of repositories, linked servers, repository software programs, national and international standards, digital rights management, business and management models, evaluation and feedback, dissemination of results, and bilingual access to all Canadians, particularly learners with disabilities. The defined tasks were sub-divided into nine work packages, each with a lead institution as package manager

    System architecture, content authentication and digital right management (DRM) for eLearning

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    This thesis provides a frame for Personal eLearning System (PELS) with content security, authentication and Digital Right Management. It presents an efficient algorithm for eLearning problem-solution using graph partitioning and weighted bipartite graph. The research provides an eLearning Analytics Ecosystem using statistical methods for validation of Quality of Results (QoR).<br /

    Towards transparent computing: Content authoring using open standards

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    Mobile Learning Application with Cloud Computing

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    This project focuses on the development of M-Learning and Performance Tracking System at university level. The system provides mobility for the University students to do revision through the exercises and perform immediate tracking and analysis on the results. The project also served as a channel for students to access the latest information and news in the industry. The core problems that I had identified before I initiate this project are the immobility and limited features of current learning system which might causing the ineffective of learning among the university student. The inconvenience of the current system also included the trouble in checking their academic performance constantly from time to time. The primary goal of this research is to investigate the acceptability of the university students of m-learning, designing m-learning features that would help students to improve their academic performance, and develop the system which is able to cater the needs and meet the expectation of the students and lecturers. The methodology adapted in this project is phased development methodology that breaks the projects into 3 stages which are development of quizzes, development of performance tracking and last stage is the library function. The process involved planning, analysis, design, and last but not least implementation. As the result at the end of the project, the result found that the project is feasible with high acceptance level from the university students who believe that mobile learning is useful in learning. However more improvement has to be made on the project especially on the performance tracking method. For future development suggestions, we can adopt several methods in knowledge management in performance tracking to provide more accurate suggestions for the students. Cross platform can be achieved by adapting the HTML5 technology into the development. Cloud computing is important for the development of smartphone program with limited memory and capacity ability

    Digital Piracy: Theory

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    This article reviews recent theoretical contributions on digital piracy. It starts by elaborating on the reasons for intellectual property protection, by reporting a few facts about copyright protection, and by examining reasons to become a digital pirate. Next, it provides an exploration of the consequences of digital piracy, using a base model and several extensions (with consumer sampling, network effects, and indirect appropriation). A closer look at market-structure implications of end-user piracy is then taken. After a brief review of commercial piracy, additional legal and private responses to end-user piracy are considered. Finally, a quick look at emerging new business models is taken.information good, piracy, copyright, IP protection, internet, peer-to-peer, software, music