101,982 research outputs found

    Sistem Kelayakan Borang Akreditasi Program Studi Menggunakan Fuzzy Inference System

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    The Board of National Accreditation Body for Higher Education) evaluates the performance of a study program. This compels it to improve and maintain its performance. The process of accreditation involves several steps, one of which is the completion of accreditation documents by the study program. The completion requires data from various sources, both from the study program and the institution. However, the data required are often not recorded properly and kept by different sources. As a result, it takes longer time to complete the arrangement. Moreover, inconsistent data format becomes another factor which holds back this process. The application of fuzzy inference system, as used by Kesatuan Business and Informatics Institute, as in the above case can result in a better scoring in which each component is assessed and it will yield the prediction of the expected accreditation status before it is submitted to BAN-PT. This research aims to develop a web based accreditation system with fuzzy inference system and construct a prediction of score ad accreditation status in IBI Kesatuan, using 4 variables of input assessment criteria, namely: external condition, institutional profile, criteria and analysis, and development program decision. The resulting output is the status of non- accredited, good accredited, excellent accredited, and superior accredited. There are 4 phases in the methods: problem identification, needs and system analysis, system design, system implementation and testing system. The result of blackbox test show that 8 features can operate well. The features consist of criteria menu, indicator menu, date user, LKPS data, LED data, LKPS and LED assessment input, recapitulation and conclusion. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that accreditation system can be applied to predict the scores and accreditation status of information system study program of IBI Kesatuan.   Keywords: accreditation, fuzzy inference syste

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Portofolio Dosen di Jurusan Teknik Industri UNS

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    Abstract Portfolio lecturer required for the interests of each faculty and department. Portfolio lecturer required for promotion of faculty and lecturers certification. On the other hand, the portfolio required by the department faculty as an important part in the assessment of accreditation at the majors and is also used to compile Ekuivalensi Nilai Mengajar Penuh (EWMP). In this research, the initial system identification, system design proposal, and then to design the application. Identification of the initial system is to find problems early and identify the needs of the system the desired system, both input and output. The design of the proposed system consists of the design of the proposed system framework, design hardware and software, design development cost structure, and design calculations EWMP value. While the design phase consists of designing application interface and database design. Then, from the design interface is created between the face using the program Visual Basic 2008 and the design of the database created with MySQL database. The results of this study is information systems portfolio based computer that can print EWMP data, supporting the certification process lecturers, support the accreditation process majors, and supporting faculty promotion process. Designed system has a database for storing data and capable of storing a lecturer portfolio data from the KP and TA SIKAPTA databases and applications to enter and retrieve data as needed. Applications can be accessed by multiple users simultaneously via an internet connection. Through computer-based information systems, all lecturers EWMP activity will be recorded neatly, can be traced back and ready to print when needed. In addition, data can be managed more EWMP by lecturers to the process of certification and promotion. Keywords: Application, EWMP, database, information systems, interface, portfolio

    A proposed guide for accreditation of teacher education in developing countries (A descriptive analytical study) (Kajian deskriptif analitikal tentang cadangan panduan akreditasi pendidikan guru di negara membangun)

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    High quality education can only be delivered by high quality institutions that are well established to meet with today’s quality challenges. Thus, the present study strongly advocates for accreditation of Teacher Education in developing countries. The study aims to introduce a guide for accrediting Teacher Education that is hoped to serve as a common reference authority for Teacher Education institutions in developing countries.This aim also embraces the following objectives: to explore the main concepts, objectives, methods and procedures of accrediting Teacher Education, to explain the rationales of accrediting Teacher Education, to illustrate international evaluation measures of accrediting Teacher Education, to explore some models of various focuses of Teacher Education accreditation and to present standards of Teacher Education accreditation proposed to be applicable in developing countries.The study used the descriptive analytical method that describes the phenomena and participates in its analysis. To achieve the optimum advantage of the proposed guide, each institute of Teacher Education should utilize it according to its own mission, vision, and objectives.This guide is perceived to be a pertinent platform for Teacher Education institutions in developing countries to exchange innovative ideas, issues of common concern and to foster accreditation network among them. Although developing countries have various histories, cultural backgrounds, colonial experiences and political orientations but these notwithstanding they have common basic philosophy, goals, objectives and challenges regarding quality education and its recognition. The guide has been made transparent in order to increase its flexibility, validity and portability

    Can Accreditation Work in Public Health? Lessons From Other Service Industries

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    Reviews the literature on the experiences and outcomes of existing accreditation programs in health and social service industries in order to derive implications about the potential benefits and costs of accreditation for public health agencies

    Proposal for a EU quality label for aerospace education

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    The paper presents a possible roadmap for the definition of a European quality label for aerospace related higher education degrees. The proposal is the result of a two-years long Horizon 2020 project that has involved a great portion of the European stakeholders in aerospace: Universities, research centres, industries (both small and large) networks, associations and accreditation agencies. The core concept established is that it is possible to establish a sector-specific, content based, quality system, that can complement the existing national or European accreditation systems, providing added value to the internal and/or external quality assurance processes that are in place in most EU countries. The tools and processes proposed are sufficiently simple to be manageable by Universities in addition to their national accreditation processes or as stand-alone assessment. The main goal of the proposed process is the evaluation of the quality of the aerospace curricula in the European context, whereas the accreditation of the programme can be seen as an optional extension of the process, subject to further national regulations. The process is proposed in view of the awarding of a sector-specific, content based, quality label, to be issued by an appropriate legally recognized and qualified institution. 8 field tests with volunteering universities throughout Europe have been performed. They experienced the method as very practical and to the point.Unión Europea H2020 64021

    Are SREB States Making Progress? Tapping, Preparing and Licensing School Leaders Who Can Influence Student Achievement

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    Looks at the progress SREB states are making in developing systems to identify, prepare, and assess future school leaders

    A review of literature on communication skills development (CSD) in the engineering curriculum

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    Engineering education has expanded recently to include emphasis on the development of some very specific non-technical attributes that match a strong technical base to produce well-rounded engineering graduates who are flexible and adaptable to suit the constantly developing and changing requirements of the workplace. These non technical skills include communication skills, the ability to function in teams, knowledge of societal and contemporary issues, development of global perspective, and ethics awareness. A great importance of these abilities to engineering education has emerged over the last decade even within the international and local scene. Within the Malaysian context, the Engineering Accreditation Council’s (EAC) Engineering Program Accreditation Manual(BEM, 2007) , outlines ten learning outcomes that encompasses both the technical and non technical skills which are considered essential for graduating engineers. Similarly, the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) Criterion 3 (ABET, 2000), outlines eleven criterion which targeted many of these as essential program outcomes in order for engineering programs to be accredited and which are seen as critical for the success in the twenty first century. Communication skills development(CSD) is one of the outcomes required by an undergraduate engineering program in the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) for Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) in Malaysia as well as in the ABET Engineering Criteria 2000 (ABET, 2000). CSD is essential for an engineer who aspires to carry out his/her professional practice in the global arena and especially in the English language. With an increasingly global economy, the Malaysian education system must produce graduates who can communicate effectively in English. Otherwise, it would lose one of its vital selling points for foreign investors to ensure that skilled labor force are sufficient to support internationally competitive commerce and industry and to provide individuals with opportunities to optimize their potentials (Muhammad Rashid bin Rajuddin, 2006; Riemer, 2002)

    Using an Open Software System (Sakai) to Develop Student Portfolios

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    E-portfolios are digital collections of artifacts that represent the achievements and reflections of individuals. They offer a unique view into student learning and allow educators and external accreditors to assess student progress towards established standards as well as reviewing their program’s performance in supporting that progress. Students benefit from assembling their e-portfolios through the process of reviewing their own work with a critical eye, choosing pieces of their work that best represent their abilities, and reflecting on the transformative nature of their University experience, both in class and through extra-curricular, service learning, internships and international activities. An e-portfolio provides a holistic view of a student’s personal growth and abilities that will serve them well in their career search or graduate school application. The challenge for an institution is to provide this learning and assessment resource in an accessible and affordable vehicle that is manageable for both faculty and students. Roger Williams University has crafted a strategy to utilize the Sakai open source course management system with its integrated e-portfolio tool set and a linked website to provide both e-portfolios and program assessment. This strategy will also be employed to propose a virtual accreditation of a professional program that will serve as a model throughout the University and the broader higher education community