18,737 research outputs found

    Interactive form creation: exploring the creation and manipulation of free form through the use of interactive multiple input interface

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    Most current CAD systems support only the two most common input devices: a mouse and a keyboard that impose a limit to the degree of interaction that a user can have with the system. However, it is not uncommon for users to work together on the same computer during a collaborative task. Beside that, people tend to use both hands to manipulate 3D objects; one hand is used to orient the object while the other hand is used to perform some operation on the object. The same things could be applied to computer modelling in the conceptual phase of the design process. A designer can rotate and position an object with one hand, and manipulate the shape [deform it] with the other hand. Accordingly, the 3D object can be easily and intuitively changed through interactive manipulation of both hands.The research investigates the manipulation and creation of free form geometries through the use of interactive interfaces with multiple input devices. First the creation of the 3D model will be discussed; several different types of models will be illustrated. Furthermore, different tools that allow the user to control the 3D model interactively will be presented. Three experiments were conducted using different interactive interfaces; two bi-manual techniques were compared with the conventional one-handed approach. Finally it will be demonstrated that the use of new and multiple input devices can offer many opportunities for form creation. The problem is that few, if any, systems make it easy for the user or the programmer to use new input devices

    Viewpoint manipulations for 3D visualizations of smart buildings

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    Abstract. This thesis covers the design and implementation of a new single-input viewpoint manipulation technique aimed for a specific use case. The design of the technique is made based on previous literature. The objective of the research is to assess whether a single-input viewpoint manipulation technique can be as efficient as a multi-input viewpoint manipulation technique when used for observing a three dimensional (3D) model of a smart building. After checking the existing literature about basics of viewpoint manipulation, it was decided to design a single-input viewpoint manipulation technique that can be used on a wide range of hardware including touch screen devices not capable of multi-touch input and personal computers with a regular mouse. A 3D visualization of a nursing home was implemented to be viewed with the new technique. The nursing home in question is a smart house with sensors deployed in it, and sensor data is visualized in the 3D model. Aside from the new single-touch technique, a commonly used multi-touch technique was also implemented in order to compare the single-touch technique against it. Participants were recruited and user tests were made to find issues with the system. The yielded results indicate some clear points in the new technique that can be improved for future research.Tiivistelmä. Tämä työ kuvaa suunnittelu- ja implementaatioprosessin kuvakulmien manipulointiin tarkoitetulle uudenlaiselle yhden sormen (single-touch) syöttöjärjestelmälle. Suunnittelu pohjautuu aiempaan tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on arvioida, onko yhden sormen järjestelmä yhtä tehokas monen sormen (multi-touch) järjestelmään verrattuna, kun kohteena on kolmiulotteinen (3D) malli älykkäästä rakennuksesta. Aiempiin tutkimuksiin nojaten yhden sormen järjestelmään päädyttiin, koska se tukisi suurempaa laitekantaa monen sormen järjestelmiin verrattuna. Työssä kehitettiin hoitokotia esittävä älyrakennuksen 3D-malli, jota käytettiin järjestelmän tarkastelemiseen. Kyseinen hoitokoti on anturointia sisältävä älykäs rakennus; 3D-mallia käytettiin anturidatan visualisoimiseen. Koejärjestelyissä käytettiin tavanomaista monen sormen järjestelmää vertailukohtana kehitettyyn järjestelmään. Vertailu tehtiin koehenkilöiden ja käyttäjätestien avulla. Tuloksista paljastui ominaisuuksia, joita tulisi parantaa järjestelmän tulevissa versioissa

    Proceedings of Abstracts Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference 2019

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    © 2019 The Author(s). This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. For further details please see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Note: Keynote: Fluorescence visualisation to evaluate effectiveness of personal protective equipment for infection control is © 2019 Crown copyright and so is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Under this licence users are permitted to copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information; adapt the Information; exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially for example, by combining it with other Information, or by including it in your own product or application. Where you do any of the above you must acknowledge the source of the Information in your product or application by including or linking to any attribution statement specified by the Information Provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to this licence: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/This book is the record of abstracts submitted and accepted for presentation at the Inaugural Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference held 17th April 2019 at the University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. This conference is a local event aiming at bringing together the research students, staff and eminent external guests to celebrate Engineering and Computer Science Research at the University of Hertfordshire. The ECS Research Conference aims to showcase the broad landscape of research taking place in the School of Engineering and Computer Science. The 2019 conference was articulated around three topical cross-disciplinary themes: Make and Preserve the Future; Connect the People and Cities; and Protect and Care

    The Calbindin-D28k binding site on inositol monophosphatase may allow inhibition independent of the lithium site of action

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    Among numerous reported biochemical effects the lithium-inhibitable enzyme inositol-monophosphatase (IMPase) remains a viable target for lithium's therapeutic mechanism of action. Calbindin-D28k (calbindin) interacts with IMPase enhancing its activity. In the present study in silico modeling of IMPase-calbindin binding using the program MolFit indicated that the 55-66 amino acid segment of IMPase anchors calbindin via Lys59 and Lys61 with a glutamate in between (Lys-Glu-Lys motif). The model further suggested that the Lys-Glu-Lys motif interacts with residues Asp24 and Asp26 of calbindin. Indeed, we found that differently from wildtype calbindin, IMPase was not activated by mutated calbindin in which Asp24 and Asp26 were replaced by alanine. Calbindin's effect was significantly reduced by a peptide with the sequence of amino acids 58-63 of IMPase (peptide 1) and by six amino-acid peptides including at least part of the Lys-Glu-Lys motif. The three amino-acid peptide Lys-Glu-Lys or five amino-acid peptides containing this motif were ineffective. Intracerebroventricular administration of peptide 1 resulted in a significant antidepressant-like reduced immobility in the Porsolt forced swim test (FST) compared with mice treated with a scrambled peptide or artificial cerebrospinal fluid. Based on the sequence of peptide 1, and to potentially increase the peptide's stability, cyclic and linear pre-cyclic analog peptides were synthesized. One cyclic and one linear pre-cyclic analog peptides exhibited an inhibitory effect on calbindin-activated brain IMPase activity in vitro. These findings may lead to the development of molecules capable of inhibiting IMPase activity at an alternative site than that of lithium

    A literature review of User Interface interaction devices

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    A literature review of User Interface interaction devices

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