2 research outputs found

    Simulación del modelo de actuador serial elástico para prótesis Tobillo-Pie en Matlab

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    The ankle - foot set plays a very important role for human displacement, such as walking or running, giving vertical support and propulsion to the human walking progression by using the muscle extension and contraction. Many designs have been developed to replicate the function of normal gait, lost by injuries or diseases affecting the limb below the knee [1]. Motor rehabilitation has become a field of growing interest, due to the large number of cases of people with injuries or mutilation in its members or in other cases by cerebrovascular accidents and spinal cord damage that cause paralysis or any kind of disability. [2], [3]. This paper shows the process to get the model of SEA mechanism in Matlab, linking VR-World of Simulink from 3D Solidworks Model to test the model and finally checking the characteristic curves of normal gait to 1.5 m/s with this SEA prosthesis.El conjunto tobillo-pie desempeña un papel muy importante para el movimiento humano, como caminar o correr, ya que proporciona apoyo vertical y propulsión de la progresión de la marcha humana mediante la extensión y contracción muscular. Se han desarrollado muchos diseños para replicar la función de la marcha normal, perdida por lesiones o enfermedades que afectan la extremidad debajo de la rodilla [1]. La rehabilitación motora se ha convertido en un campo de amplio interés, ya que en Colombia hay gran cantidad de casos de personas con lesiones o mutilaciones en sus miembros o en otros casos por accidentes cerebrovasculares y daño medular que provocan parálisis o cualquier tipo de discapacidad. [2], [3]. Este artículo muestra el proceso para obtener el modelo del mecanismo SEA en Matlab, vinculando el VR-World de Simulink con un modelo 3D en Solidworks de la prótesis para validarlo y finalmente verificar las curvas características de la marcha normal a 1,5 m / s con esta prótesis SEA

    Design and dynamic modelling of an ankle-foot prosthesis for humanoid robot

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    Bipedal locomotion is an important function of the human body, as it enables the mobility of the body through space, changing, therefore, the position of the person. Thus, a trauma (i.e limb amputation) or disease of the musculoskeletal system will affect not only the individual's locomotion but also the physical and psychological health, as well as the individual's social-interaction. Thereby, this work presents the 3D sketch of a transtibial prosthesis as well as a scale reduced model to be implemented on a biped robot (DARwIn-OP Robot). This model that will serve as case study to test the mechanism proposed for human ankle-foot prosthesis, is described throughout this paper. Also, for future system control implementation, a dynamic model of the prosthesis' main mechanism is described.This work is supported by the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - with the scholarship reference SFRH / BD/102659/2014, the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) - with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941. Moreover, it is supported by LIACC - Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial e Ciência de Computadores, reference project PEst/UID/CEC/00027/2015.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio