6 research outputs found

    Interactive Digital Catalog for Canopy Workshop Using Augmented Reality

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    This research study develops a product promotion method for a canopy roofs. The development of this method is to apply a 3-dimensional (3D) catalog using Augmented Reality (AR) technology. By utilizing Augmented Reality technology, sellers do not need to create markets or miniature products that are commonly used to provide examples to consumers to save costs, attract consumer interest, and display objects that appear natural. Based on the tests that have been done, it is concluded that implementing Augmented Reality in the canopy sales promotion media using the Luther development method with the stages of analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Implementation of Augmented Reality in canopy sales promotion media uses concept data from the types of canopies included in the Augmented Reality-based application, namely stainless and hollow types made using a 3D blender program. A marker as a sign to bring up 3D objects in the application. Markers are created using Photoshop and entered the database so that they can be stored online. System testing uses the BlackBox testing method where the program's functionality is running as desired

    Application of Augmented Reality to Replicate Couples Sit in Wedding Ceremony

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    In Indonesia, the bride and groom do pre-wedding photos like a tradition before marriage with couple sit in wedding ceremony. The splendor of the wedding ceremony made many vendors interested in running a wedding party business. These vendors provide services and goods related to wedding parties, such as wedding organizers, bridal, party decorations (couples sit in of wedding ceremony), as well as photo and video documentation. To give more virtual wedding nuance experience to customer, augmented reality was applied. This research develop application of augmented applying to replicate couples sit in of wedding ceremony. Augmented reality (AR) technology adopted to promote couples sit in of wedding ceremony. Moreover, combines wedding ceremony nuance and augmented reality make consumers who want to find 3D wedding background desired

    Exploring the potential of augmented reality for teaching school computer science

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    The article analyzes the phenomenon of augmented reality (AR) in education. AR is a new technology that complements the real world with the help of computer data. Such content is tied to specific locations or activities. Over the last few years, AR applications have become available on mobile devices. AR becomes available in the media (news, entertainment, sports). It is starting to enter other areas of life (such as e-commerce, travel, marketing). But education has the biggest impact on AR. Based on the analysis of scientific publications, the authors explored the possibilities of using augmented reality in education. They identified means of augmented reality for teaching computer science at school. Such programs and services allow students to observe the operation of computer systems when changing their parameters. Students can also modify computer hardware for augmented reality objects and visualize algorithms and data processes. The article describes the content of author training for practicing teachers. At this event, some applications for training in AR technology were considered. The possibilities of working with augmented reality objects in computer science training are singled out. It is shown that the use of augmented reality provides an opportunity to increase the realism of research; provides emotional and cognitive experience. This all contributes to engaging students in systematic learning; creates new opportunities for collaborative learning, develops new representations of real objects

    Огляд потенціалу технологій доповненої реальності для навчання шкільного курсу інформатики

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    The article analyzes the phenomenon of augmented reality (AR) in education. AR is a new technology that complements the real world with the help of computer data. Such content is tied to specific locations or activities. Over the last few years, AR applications have become available on mobile devices. AR becomes available in the media (news, entertainment, sports). It is starting to enter other areas of life (such as e-commerce, travel, marketing). But education has the biggest impact on AR. Based on the analysis of scientific publications, the authors explored the possibilities of using augmented reality in education. They identified means of augmented reality for teaching computer science at school. Such programs and services allow students to observe the operation of computer systems when changing their parameters. Students can also modify computer hardware for augmented reality objects and visualize algorithms and data processes. The article describes the content of author training for practicing teachers. At this event, some applications for training in AR technology were considered. The possibilities of working with augmented reality objects in computer science training are singled out. It is shown that the use of augmented reality provides an opportunity to increase the realism of research; provides emotional and cognitive experience. This all contributes to engaging students in systematic learning; creates new opportunities for collaborative learning, develops new representations of real objects.У статті проаналізовано феномен доповненої реальності (AR) в освіті. AR - це нова технологія, яка доповнює реальний світ за допомогою комп’ютерних даних. Такий вміст прив'язаний до конкретних місць або видів діяльності. За останні кілька років додатки AR стали доступні на мобільних пристроях. AR стає доступним у засобах масової інформації (новини, розваги, спорт). Він починає входити в інші сфери життя (наприклад, електронну комерцію, подорожі, маркетинг). Але освіта найбільше впливає на AR. На основі аналізу наукових публікацій автори досліджували можливості використання доповненої реальності в освіті. Вони визначили засоби доповненої реальності для викладання інформатики в школі. Такі програми та послуги дозволяють студентам спостерігати за роботою комп’ютерних систем при зміні їх параметрів. Студенти також можуть модифікувати комп’ютерне обладнання для об’єктів доповненої реальності та візуалізувати алгоритми та процеси обробки даних. У статті описано зміст авторського навчання для вчителів-практиків. На цьому заході були розглянуті деякі заявки на навчання з технологій AR. Виокремлено можливості роботи з об’єктами доповненої реальності в навчанні інформатики. Показано, що використання доповненої реальності дає можливість підвищити реалістичність досліджень; забезпечує емоційний та когнітивний досвід. Це все сприяє залученню студентів до систематичного навчання; створює нові можливості для спільного навчання, розробляє нові уявлення про реальні об’єкти

    Design and development methodologies of Kkongalmon, a location-based augmented reality game using mobile geographic information

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    Abstract Augmented reality is a rapidly growing area of interactive design where it allows virtual contents to be seamlessly integrated with displays of real-world scenes. Along with the meteoric rise of smart mobile devices capable of producing interesting augmented reality environments, the field of interactive game contents has been explored. Pokémon GO, which is released by Niantic, is one of the representative game contents that are implemented using a location-based augmented reality (AR) technology. Even though it is implemented on the basis of the famous and powerful intellectual property (IP) which is Pokémon, the game can be said to be a good example that shows how location-based AR technology using mobile geographic information is being utilized. In the Korean game industry, however, AR-based games are not being paid much attention to. This paper aims at describing the current situation of and future prospects for AR technology and identifying location-based AR game development methods, problems, and improvements by investigating Kkongalmon. In addition, this paper presents efficient development methodologies including design guidelines, tools, and interfaces in AR applications using mobile geographic information. This will enable the improvement of understanding of user experience in mobile AR applications