2 research outputs found

    An Unexpected Journey: Towards Runtime Verification of Multiagent Systems and Beyond

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    The Trace Expression formalism derives from works started in 2012 and is mainly used to specify and verify interaction protocols at runtime, but other applications have been devised. More specically, this thesis describes how to extend and apply such formalism in the engineering process of distributed articial intelligence systems (such as Multiagent systems). This thesis extends the state of the art through four dierent contributions: 1. Theoretical: the thesis extends the original formalism in order to represent also parametric and probabilistic specications (parametric trace expressions and probabilistic trace expressions respectively). 2. Algorithmic: the thesis proposes algorithms for verifying trace expressions at runtime in a decentralized way. The algorithms have been designed to be as general as possible, but their implementation and experimentation address scenarios where the modelled and observed events are communicative events (interactions) inside a multiagent system. 3. Application: the thesis analyzes the relations between runtime and static verication (e.g. model checking) proposing hybrid integrations in both directions. First of all, the thesis proposes a trace expression model checking approach where it shows how to statically verify LTL property on a trace expression specication. After that, the thesis presents a novel approach for supporting static verication through the addition of monitors at runtime (post-process). 4. Implementation: the thesis presents RIVERtools, a tool supporting the writing, the syntactic analysis and the decentralization of trace expressions

    Design and Implementation of a NetLogo Interface for the Stand-Alone FYPA System

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    FYPA (Find Your Path, Agent!) is a multiagent system currently used by Ansaldo STS for off-line daily computation of paths of trains inside stations. Its exploitation for on-line replanning in case of unavailability of resources is envisaged in the very near future, since the system's performances demonstrated to be suitable for real time usage. In this paper we present StandaFYPA, the stand-alone version of FYPA that we developed for running batteries of tests on our own, without needing to access existing Ansaldo applications. StandaFYPA is equipped with a graphical interface implemented in NetLogo for off-line visualization, that we describe here in details