2 research outputs found

    Machine learning para mejorar el proceso de prestaci贸n bancaria en una entidad financiera

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    El objetivo de la presente investigaci贸n fue mejorar el proceso de prestaci贸n bancaria en una entidad financiera implementando Machine Learning. La investigaci贸n corresponde al enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicada y de dise帽o preexperimental, la muestra fue de 30 procesos, el instrumento fue una ficha de observaci贸n que recopil贸 datos como tiempo de espera, costo de personal, satisfacci贸n de cliente y eficiencia de evaluaci贸n. Para determinar la normalidad de los datos se aplic贸 la prueba de Anderson Darling determin谩ndose que son param茅tricos el tiempo de espera, costo de personal y eficiencia de evaluaci贸n, y no param茅tricos la satisfacci贸n del cliente, y con esto se puedo aplicar las pruebas T de Student y U de Mann Whitney para la validaci贸n de las hip贸tesis. Habi茅ndose obtenido el p valor de 0.000 en el tiempo de espera, costo de personal y eficiencia de evaluaci贸n mediante la prueba T de Student, as铆 como haber alcanzado el p valor de 0.001 en la satisfacci贸n del cliente a trav茅s de la prueba U de Mann Whitney, se evidencia la mejora del 100% de los indicadores propuestos con lo que se logr贸 el objetivo de la investigaci贸n. Se recomienda otras investigaciones con dise帽o longitudinal

    The Emerging Geography of the Blockchain Industry

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    Geographers have long been interested in where new technologies and industries emerge. The presence and adoption of a new technology within a region has multiple positive and negative externalities. Scholars have commented on the contribution of these firms to the regional economy, in terms of increasing human capital, innovation, and research and development. Technology firms in particular tend to locate in world cities and technology hubs, with concentrations of highly skilled workers, venture capital, anchor institutions and knowledge infrastructure. Using the blockchain industry as a case, this thesis examines the geography of nascent industries. Blockchain, which emerged in 2009 and is best known for applications such as bitcoin, has application in supply chain optimization, royalty and copyright tracking, cybersecurity, refugee identity and transaction systems, and voting systems. Blockchain鈥檚 widespread application across industries and regions provides an excellent opportunity to explore the emerging geography of tech firms. This study explores this geography and attempts to identify key patterns and locations. Using economic data from Crunchbase and analysis using Elasticsearch, this study demonstrates that blockchain firms follows similar patterns seen elsewhere in the tech industry. Large world cities remain at the forefront of both firm and investor activity, and they are shown to be of crucial importance in global networks. Based on these findings, the study concludes by encouraging policy makers to understand the importance of these key geographies and identifies areas for further research to advance our understanding