2 research outputs found

    The Relationship between the Mobile Training Style and Developing the Competencies and Digital Happiness on Intermediate School Teachers and its Effect on Reducing Mind Wandering for their Pupils with Learned Helplessness

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    The research aimed at exploring the relationship between the mobile training style and developing the competency and digital happiness of middle school teachers and its effect on reducing mind wandering for their pupils with learned helplessness, teachers. The mobile training was designed in two types, one is proactive training and the second is reactive training. The study participants consisted of 31 middle school teachers in two experimental groups, the first group with a proactive training type from Al Sarawat middle school and the second experimental group in the reactive training type from Al-Manahel middle school. Twenty-four students with learning disabilities were identified for each of the two schools (13 from Al-Sarawat and 11 from Al-Manhal). The results of the study showed that the performance of the first experimental group was superior (with proactive training type in the digital competency test and the digital happiness scale), and there was a transfer of the impact of mobile training from teachers to their students with learned helplessness

    Design and Implementation of a College Teacher Training System Based on Client-Server Structure

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    With the continuous develop of informatization, the traditional teacher training management mode can no longer satisfy the demand for information manage-ment. This calls for a new teacher training system that enhances the skills and competence of teachers and ensures the smooth implementation of teacher train-ing. Facing the training demand of college teachers, this paper designs a college teacher training system based on client-server (CS) structure, which offers an online, remote and standard training mode. The system design covers three parts, overall design, detailed design and database design. The CS structure was adopt-ed to adapt to the changes in the demand for system performance and in the train-ing businesses. In the system, the database exchange module can perform data-base operations, and the interface module supports the creating, editing, and delet-ing functions in the training information interface. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed system was tested and the results showed that the proposed system achieved the expected results. The research findings lay technical and theoretical basis for the construction of college teacher training systems