5 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable Cyber-Physical System for Lifestyle Video-Monitoring via Deep Learning

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    Indoor monitoring of people at their homes has become a popular application in Smart Health. With the advances in Machine Learning and hardware for embedded devices, new distributed approaches for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are enabled. Also, changing environments and need for cost reduction motivate novel reconfigurable CPS architectures. In this work, we propose an indoor monitoring reconfigurable CPS that uses embedded local nodes (Nvidia Jetson TX2). We embed Deep Learning architectures to address Human Action Recognition. Local processing at these nodes let us tackle some common issues: reduction of data bandwidth usage and preservation of privacy (no raw images are transmitted). Also real-time processing is facilitated since optimized nodes compute only its local video feed. Regarding the reconfiguration, a remote platform monitors CPS qualities and a Quality and Resource Management (QRM) tool sends commands to the CPS core to trigger its reconfiguration. Our proposal is an energy-aware system that triggers reconfiguration based on energy consumption for battery-powered nodes. Reconfiguration reduces up to 22% the local nodes energy consumption extending the device operating time, preserving similar accuracy with respect to the alternative with no reconfiguration

    A WSSL Implementation for Critical CyberPhysical Systems Applications

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    The advancements in wireless communication technologies have enabled unprecedented pervasiveness and ubiquity of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Such technologies can now empower true Systems-of-Systems (SoS), which cooperate to achieve more complex and efficient functionalities, such as vehicle automation, industry, residential automation, and others. However, for CPS applications to become a reality and fulfill their potential, safety and security must be guaranteed, particularly in critical systems, since they rely heavily on open communication systems, prone to intentional and non-intentional interferences. To address these issues, in this work, we propose designing a Wireless Security and Safety Layer (WSSL) architecture to be implemented in critical CPS applications. WSSL increases the reliability of these critical communications by enabling the detection of communication errors. Otherwise, it increases the CPS security using a message signature process that uniquely identifies the sender. So, this work intends to present the WSSL architecture and its implementation over two different scenarios: over Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol and inside a simulation environment for communication between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Ground Control Stations in case of Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) applications. We aim to prove that the WSSL does not significantly increase the system payload and demonstrate its safety and security resources, allowing it to be used in any general or critical CPS.Os avanços nas tecnologias de comunicação sem fios permitiram uma omnipresença e ubiquidade sem precedentes dos Sistemas Ciber-Físicos (CPS). CPS são a combinação de um sistema físico, um sistema cibernético, e a sua rede de comunicação. Tais tecnologias podem agora capacitar verdadeiros Sistemas de Sistemas (SoS) que cooperam para alcançar funcionalidades mais complexas e eficientes, tais como automação de veículos, indústria, automação residencial, e outras. As aplicações CPS são baseadas num ambiente complexo, onde sistemas estão interligados e dispositivos interagem entre si em grande escala. Estas circunstâncias aumentam a superfície de ataque, e os desafios para garantir fiabilidade e segurança. Contudo, para que as aplicações CPS se tornem realidade e alcancem o seu potencial, a segurança do funcionamento e segurança contra intrusões devem ser garantidas, particularmente em sistemas críticos, uma vez que dependem fortemente de sistemas de comunicação abertos, propensos a interferências intencionais e não intencionais. Tais interferências podem ocasionar graves danos ao ambiente e riscos a integridade física e moral das pessoas envolvidas. Neste trabalho, propõe-se a concepção de uma arquitectura WSSL, a ser implementada em aplicações críticas de CPS, para abordar estas questões. Esta arquitectura aumenta a fiabilidade das comunicações críticas, permitindo a detecção de erros de comunicação. Além disso, aumenta a segurança dos CPS utilizando um processo de assinatura de mensagem que identifica de forma única o remetente, garantindo a integridade e autenticidade, pilares cruciais da cibersegurança. Assim, pretende-se apresentar a definição, arquitectura e a implementação da WSSL sobre um protocolo MQTT (do inglês Message Queue Telemetry Transport) para avaliação dos custos associados a sua implementação, e provar que esta não aumenta significativamente a carga útil do sistema. Também é pretendido avaliar seu comportamento e custos a partir da implementação em um ambiente simulado para comunicação entre veículos aéreos não tripulados e estações de controle terrestres . Por fim, deve-se avaliar se os seus recursos de segurança são eficientes na detecção de erros relativos a segurança do funcionamento ou a segurança contra intrusões, permitindo a sua utilização em qualquer CPS, seja ele um CPS crítico ou não.N/

    Design and implementation of secret key agreement for platoon-based vehicular cyber-physical systems

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    In a platoon-based vehicular cyber-physical system (PVCPS), a lead vehicle that is responsible for managing the platoon's moving directions and velocity periodically disseminates control messages to the vehicles that follow. Securing wireless transmissions of the messages between the vehicles is critical for privacy and confidentiality of the platoon's driving pattern. However, due to the broadcast nature of radio channels, the transmissions are vulnerable to eavesdropping. In this article, we propose a cooperative secret key agreement (CoopKey) scheme for encrypting/decrypting the control messages, where the vehicles in PVCPS generate a unified secret key based on the quantized fading channel randomness. Channel quantization intervals are optimized by dynamic programming to minimize the mismatch of keys. A platooning testbed is built with autonomous robotic vehicles, where a TelosB wireless node is used for onboard data processing and multihop dissemination. Extensive real-world experiments demonstrate that CoopKey achieves significantly low secret bit mismatch rate in a variety of settings. Moreover, the standard NIST test suite is employed to verify randomness of the generated keys, where the p-values of our CoopKey pass all the randomness tests.We also evaluate CoopKey with an extended platoon size via simulations to investigate the effect of system scalability on performance

    Design and Implementation of Secret Key Agreement for Platoon-based Vehicular Cyber-physical Systems

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    In a platoon-based vehicular cyber-physical system (PVCPS), a lead vehicle that is responsible for managing the platoon’s moving directions and velocity periodically disseminates control messages to the vehicles that follow. Securing wireless transmissions of the messages between the vehicles is critical for privacy and confidentiality of the platoon’s driving pattern. However, due to the broadcast nature of radio channels, the transmissions are vulnerable to eavesdropping. In this article, we propose a cooperative secret key agreement (CoopKey) scheme for encrypting/decrypting the control messages, where the vehicles in PVCPS generate a unified secret key based on the quantized fading channel randomness. Channel quantization intervals are optimized by dynamic programming to minimize the mismatch of keys. A platooning testbed is built with autonomous robotic vehicles, where a TelosB wireless node is used for onboard data processing and multihop dissemination. Extensive real-world experiments demonstrate that CoopKey achieves significantly low secret bit mismatch rate in a variety of settings. Moreover, the standard NIST test suite is employed to verify randomness of the generated keys, where the p-values of our CoopKey pass all the randomness tests. We also evaluate CoopKey with an extended platoon size via simulations to investigate the effect of system scalability on performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design and Implementation of Secret Key Agreement for Platoon-based Vehicular Cyber-physical Systems

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    In a platoon-based vehicular cyber-physical system (PVCPS), a lead vehicle that is responsible for managing the platoon’s moving directions and velocity periodically disseminates control messages to the vehicles that follow. Securing wireless transmissions of the messages between the vehicles is critical for privacy and confidentiality of the platoon’s driving pattern. However, due to the broadcast nature of radio channels, the transmissions are vulnerable to eavesdropping. In this article, we propose a cooperative secret key agreement (CoopKey) scheme for encrypting/decrypting the control messages, where the vehicles in PVCPS generate a unified secret key based on the quantized fading channel randomness. Channel quantization intervals are optimized by dynamic programming to minimize the mismatch of keys. A platooning testbed is built with autonomous robotic vehicles, where a TelosB wireless node is used for onboard data processing and multihop dissemination. Extensive real-world experiments demonstrate that CoopKey achieves significantly low secret bit mismatch rate in a variety of settings. Moreover, the standard NIST test suite is employed to verify randomness of the generated keys, where the p-values of our CoopKey pass all the randomness tests. We also evaluate CoopKey with an extended platoon size via simulations to investigate the effect of system scalability on performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio