8 research outputs found


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    As technological advancements widen the scope of applications for biomicroelectromechanical systems (BioMEMS or biomicrosystems), the field continues to have an impact on many aspects of life science operations and functionalities. Because BioMEMS research and development require the input of experts who use different technical languages and come from varying disciplines and backgrounds, scientists and students can avoid potential difficulties in communication and understanding only if they possess a skill set and understanding that enables them to work at the interface of engineering and biosciences. Keeping this duality in mind throughout, BioMEMS: Science and Engineering Perspectives supports and expedites the multidisciplinary learning involved in the development of biomicrosystems. Divided into nine chapters, it starts with a balanced introduction of biological, engineering, application, and commercialization aspects of the field. With a focus on molecules of biological interest, the book explores the building blocks of cells and viruses, as well as molecules that form the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), linkers, and hydrogels used for making different surfaces biocompatible through functionalization. The book also discusses: Different materials and platforms used to develop biomicrosystems Various biological entities and pathogens (in ascending order of complexity) The multidisciplinary aspects of engineering bioactive surfaces Engineering perspectives, including methods of manufacturing bioactive surfaces and devices Microfluidics modeling and experimentation Device level implementation of BioMEMS concepts for different applications. Because BioMEMS is an application-driven field, the book also highlights the concepts of lab-on-a-chip (LOC) and micro total analysis system (μTAS), along with their pertinence to the emerging point-of-care (POC) and point-of-need (PON) applications


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    As technological advancements widen the scope of applications for biomicroelectromechanical systems (BioMEMS or biomicrosystems), the field continues to have an impact on many aspects of life science operations and functionalities. Because BioMEMS research and development require the input of experts who use different technical languages and come from varying disciplines and backgrounds, scientists and students can avoid potential difficulties in communication and understanding only if they possess a skill set and understanding that enables them to work at the interface of engineering and biosciences. Keeping this duality in mind throughout, BioMEMS: Science and Engineering Perspectives supports and expedites the multidisciplinary learning involved in the development of biomicrosystems. Divided into nine chapters, it starts with a balanced introduction of biological, engineering, application, and commercialization aspects of the field. With a focus on molecules of biological interest, the book explores the building blocks of cells and viruses, as well as molecules that form the self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), linkers, and hydrogels used for making different surfaces biocompatible through functionalization. The book also discusses: Different materials and platforms used to develop biomicrosystems Various biological entities and pathogens (in ascending order of complexity) The multidisciplinary aspects of engineering bioactive surfaces Engineering perspectives, including methods of manufacturing bioactive surfaces and devices Microfluidics modeling and experimentation Device level implementation of BioMEMS concepts for different applications. Because BioMEMS is an application-driven field, the book also highlights the concepts of lab-on-a-chip (LOC) and micro total analysis system (μTAS), along with their pertinence to the emerging point-of-care (POC) and point-of-need (PON) applications

    Design and Fabrication of Low-Cost 1536-Chamber Microfluidic Microarrays for Mood-Disorders-Related Serological Studies

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    Mood disorders are common mental diseases, but physiological diagnostic methods are still lacking. Since much evidence has implied a relationship between mood disorders and the protein composition of blood sera, it is conceivable to develop a serological criterion for assisting diagnosis of mood disorders, based on a correlative database with enough capacity and high quality. In this pilot study, a low-cost microfluidic microarray device for quantifying at most 384 serological biomarkers at the same time was designed for the data acquisition of the serological study. The 1,536-chamber microfluidic device was modeled on a 1,536-well microtiter plate in order to employ a common microplate reader as the detection module for measuring the chemiluminescent immunoassay tests on the chips. The microfluidic microarrays were rapidly fabricated on polymethylmethacrylate slides using carbon dioxide laser ablation, followed by effective surface treatment processing. Sixteen types of different capture antibodies were immobilized on the chips to test the corresponding hormones and cytokines. The preliminary tests indicated that the signal-to-noise ratio and the limit of detection of microfluidic microarrays have reached the level of standard ELISA tests, whereas the operation time of microfluidic microarrays was sharply reduced

    Exploring the effects of polymorphic variation on the stability and function of human cytochrome P450 enzymes in silico and in vitro

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    Includes bibliographical references.Cytochrome P450s are highly polymorphic enzymes responsible for the Phase I metabolism of over 80% of pharmaceutical drugs. Polymorphic variation can result in altered drug efficacy as well as adverse drug reactions so the lack of understanding of the effects of single amino acid substitutions on cytochrome P450 drug metabolism is a major problem for drug development. In order to begin to address this problem, this thesis describes an in silico analysis of over 300 nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms found across nine of the major human drug metabolising cytochrome P450 isoforms. Information from functional studies - in which regions of the cytochrome P450 structure important for substrate recognition, substrate and product access and egress and interaction with the cytochrome P450 reductase were delineated - was combined with in silico calculations on the effect of mutations on protein stability in order to establish the likely causes of altered drug metabolism observed for cytochrome P450 variants in functional assays carried out to date. This study revealed that 75% of all cytochrome P450 mutations showing altered activity in vitro are either predicted to be damaging to protein structure or are found within regions predicted to be important for catalytic activity. Furthermore, this study showed that 70% of the mutations that showed similar activity to the wild-type enzyme in in vitro studies lie outside of functional regions important for catalytic activity and are predicted to have no effect on protein stability. Based on these results, a cytochrome P450 polymorphic variant map was created that should find utility in predicting the functional effect of uncharacterised variants on drug metabolism. To further test the accuracy of the in silico predictions, in vitro assays were performed on a panel of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 variants heterogeneously expressed in E.coli. All mutations predicted to alter protein function by stabilising or destabilising the apo-protein structure in silico were found to significantly alter the thermostability of the holo-protein in solution. Thermostability assays also suggest that other mutations may affect stability by disrupting haem binding, changing protein conformation or altering oligomer formation. The utility of a fluorescence-based functional P450 protein microarray platform, previously developed in our laboratory, for generating kinetic data for multiple CYP450 variants in parallel was also examined. Since the microarray platform in its current stage of development was found to be unsuitable for this purpose, kinetic data for the full panel of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 variants was generated using solution phase assays, revealing several variants with altered catalytic turnover and/or binding affinity for fluorescent substrates

    Removal of antagonistic spindle forces can rescue metaphase spindle length and reduce chromosome segregation defects

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    Regular Abstracts - Tuesday Poster Presentations: no. 1925Metaphase describes a phase of mitosis where chromosomes are attached and oriented on the bipolar spindle for subsequent segregation at anaphase. In diverse cell types, the metaphase spindle is maintained at a relatively constant length. Metaphase spindle length is proposed to be regulated by a balance of pushing and pulling forces generated by distinct sets of spindle microtubules and their interactions with motors and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). Spindle length appears important for chromosome segregation fidelity, as cells with shorter or longer than normal metaphase spindles, generated through deletion or inhibition of individual mitotic motors or MAPs, showed chromosome segregation defects. To test the force balance model of spindle length control and its effect on chromosome segregation, we applied fast microfluidic temperature-control with live-cell imaging to monitor the effect of switching off different combinations of antagonistic forces in the fission yeast metaphase spindle. We show that spindle midzone proteins kinesin-5 cut7p and microtubule bundler ase1p contribute to outward pushing forces, and spindle kinetochore proteins kinesin-8 klp5/6p and dam1p contribute to inward pulling forces. Removing these proteins individually led to aberrant metaphase spindle length and chromosome segregation defects. Removing these proteins in antagonistic combination rescued the defective spindle length and, in some combinations, also partially rescued chromosome segregation defects. Our results stress the importance of proper chromosome-to-microtubule attachment over spindle length regulation for proper chromosome segregation.postprin

    Psr1p interacts with SUN/sad1p and EB1/mal3p to establish the bipolar spindle

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    Regular Abstracts - Sunday Poster Presentations: no. 382During mitosis, interpolar microtubules from two spindle pole bodies (SPBs) interdigitate to create an antiparallel microtubule array for accommodating numerous regulatory proteins. Among these proteins, the kinesin-5 cut7p/Eg5 is the key player responsible for sliding apart antiparallel microtubules and thus helps in establishing the bipolar spindle. At the onset of mitosis, two SPBs are adjacent to one another with most microtubules running nearly parallel toward the nuclear envelope, creating an unfavorable microtubule configuration for the kinesin-5 kinesins. Therefore, how the cell organizes the antiparallel microtubule array in the first place at mitotic onset remains enigmatic. Here, we show that a novel protein psrp1p localizes to the SPB and plays a key role in organizing the antiparallel microtubule array. The absence of psr1+ leads to a transient monopolar spindle and massive chromosome loss. Further functional characterization demonstrates that psr1p is recruited to the SPB through interaction with the conserved SUN protein sad1p and that psr1p physically interacts with the conserved microtubule plus tip protein mal3p/EB1. These results suggest a model that psr1p serves as a linking protein between sad1p/SUN and mal3p/EB1 to allow microtubule plus ends to be coupled to the SPBs for organization of an antiparallel microtubule array. Thus, we conclude that psr1p is involved in organizing the antiparallel microtubule array in the first place at mitosis onset by interaction with SUN/sad1p and EB1/mal3p, thereby establishing the bipolar spindle.postprin