6 research outputs found

    Business models for the Web: an analysis of top successful web sites

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    To investigate successful web business models, an original multidimensional framework is defined and applied to a large number of web sites. The framework‚ named BM*Web‚ combines issues already present in existing schema describing business models, with innovative aspects that have not previously been taken into account in those combinations or which are now viewed in a new light. Results of the application of BM*Web to the 500 top list of Alexa (at a speficic time) highlight an articulated picture where more than one success profile exists and not all of them include a web community, although a strong relationship exists between community and success under some conditions. The identification of features that characterize the most successful business models for the Web could be used to define guidelines for company management, once the appropriate profile for a company has been recognised.

    Understanding the Web from an Economic Perspective: The Evolution of Business Models and the Web

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    The advent of the World Wide Web is arguably amongst the most important changes that have occurred since the 1990s in the business landscape.  It has fueled the rise of new industries, supported the convergence and reshaping of existing ones and enabled the development of new business models.  During this time the web has evolved tremendously from a relatively static page-display tool to a massive network of user-generated content, collective intelligence, applications and hypermedia.  As technical standards continue to evolve, business models catch-up to the new capabilities.  New ways of creating value, distributing it and profiting from it emerge more rapidly than ever.  In this paper we explore how the World Wide Web and business models evolve and we identify avenues for future research in light of the web’s ever-evolving nature and its influence on business models

    Implementação de uma BPMS num centro de serviços partilhados para o negócio automóvel

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoThis research work proposed to identify the critical success factors for a Business Process Managemet Suites (BPMS) implementation having as a case study a business automotive company carrying out a project to set up a shared services center. From the process definition articulated with business strategy to the BPMS implementation supporting a core process, the proposal for selling a vehicle, this research studied the experiences and the difficulties to overcome in what was considered as too critical for the project success. In a work intended to be exploratory, a theory in terms of implementation axes and critical success factors was used to guide the data collection and analysis. The importance of such axes and the criticality of some factors for the project success as suggested in the literature have been demonstrated.Este trabalho de investigação procurou identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso na implementação duma BPMS tendo como caso de estudo uma organização do negócio automóvel envolvida num projeto de instalação dum centro de serviços partilhados. Desde a definição dos processos de negócio em articulação com a estratégia organizacional até à implementação da BPMS no suporte a um processo nuclear, o processo de proposta de venda de viatura, esta investigação estudou as experiências e as dificuldades a ultrapassar no que se considerou de mais crítico para o sucesso do projeto. Num tipo de trabalho que se pretendeu exploratório, recorreu-se a uma teoria em termos de eixos de implementação e fatores críticos de sucesso para orientação na recolha e análise de dados. Demonstrou-se a importância de tais eixos e a criticidade de alguns fatores para o sucesso do projeto tal como sugerido na literatura

    Supply chain business modelling

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    The developed work is motivated by the hypothesis that the presented Supply Chain Business Model is a practical and comprehensive approach to support not only operational day-to-day business decisions, but most importantly strategic and long term decisions that may define the success and the longevity of a business. Conceptually, the Business Supply Chain Model developed in this thesis replicates the behaviour and decision making of the different agents in a supply chain, and an Optimisation Module determines the optimised parameters that maximise the overall business profit, whatever scenario it may be. In the optimisation module, a Genetic Algorithm was used to determine the best equation parameters for each individual agent that optimise the overall supply chain profit. Furthermore, several business case-scenarios are presented and the findings highlighted. These case-scenarios prove that: the HC model is robust when subjected to predictable or unpredictable causes of variability; the bullwhip effect can be reduced significantly by applying GA as the optimisation tool; the improvement of profits needs to be evaluated at a global scale, independently of the individual agents’ profit; impact of supply shortages in the SC ; retail expansion analysis; delivery patterns change impact in profitability; impact of sourcing decisions in the SC profitability; model suitability for seasonal vs. non-seasonal products. The SC Modelling framework generic and globalising approach means that is easily applied and transposed to any other business realities and it can be easily changed to reflect other SC scenarios. The costing model associated means that, at any point in the network, all costs and profits can be easily measured. For the first time the shelf-life of a product captured and losses of product due to BBE dates, quantified. In this model the optimisation methodology runs parallel to the developed simulation tool, so the optimisation should be only run for new scenarios

    Design and Evolution of e-Business Models

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    Abstract — Companies need to adjust their business models constantly to changes in their environment. In this paper we propose a lightweight approach for evolving business models that allows for a quick evaluation of alternatives, while preserving investments in existing business processes. The approach is based on the User Requirements Notation (URN) for modeling and analysis of early requirements in the form of goals and scenarios. URN models help us model the strategic options available to a business for evolving its business model, and determine when the right moment to apply them has come. We illustrate the systematic and incremental evolution of business model alternatives for an e-business case study. I