8,037 research outputs found

    Automation and Integration in Semiconductor Manufacturing

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    Design and Validation of a MR-compatible Pneumatic Manipulandum

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    The combination of functional MR imaging and novel robotic tools may provide unique opportunities to probe the neural systems underlying motor control and learning. Here, we describe the design and validation of a MR-compatible, 1 degree-of-freedom pneumatic manipulandum along with experiments demonstrating its safety and efficacy. We first validated the robot\u27s ability to apply computer-controlled loads about the wrist, demonstrating that it possesses sufficient bandwidth to simulate torsional spring-like loads during point-to-point flexion movements. Next, we verified the MR-compatibility of the device by imaging a head phantom during robot operation. We observed no systematic differences in two measures of MRI signal quality (signal/noise and field homogeneity) when the robot was introduced into the scanner environment. Likewise, measurements of joint angle and actuator pressure were not adversely affected by scanning. Finally, we verified device efficacy by scanning 20 healthy human subjects performing rapid wrist flexions against a wide range of spring-like loads. We observed a linear relationship between joint torque at peak movement extent and perturbation magnitude, thus demonstrating the robot\u27s ability to simulate spring-like loads in situ. fMRI revealed task-related activation in regions known to contribute to the control of movement including the left primary sensorimotor cortex and right cerebellum


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    The hypothesis for this research is that applying the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) concepts of using multiple modalities, dialog management, context, and semantics to Human Robot Interaction (HRI) will improve the performance of Instruction Based Learning (IBL) compared to only using speech. We tested the hypothesis by simulating a domestic robot that can be taught to clean a house using a multi-modal interface. We used a method of semantically integrating the inputs from multiple modalities and contexts that multiplies a confidence score for each input by a Fusion Weight, sums the products, and then uses the input with the highest product sum. We developed an algorithm for determining the Fusion Weights. We concluded that different modalities, contexts, and modes of dialog management impact human robot interaction; however, which combination is better depends on the importance of the accuracy of learning what is taught versus the succinctness of the dialog between the user and the robot

    Overcoming barriers and increasing independence: service robots for elderly and disabled people

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    This paper discusses the potential for service robots to overcome barriers and increase independence of elderly and disabled people. It includes a brief overview of the existing uses of service robots by disabled and elderly people and advances in technology which will make new uses possible and provides suggestions for some of these new applications. The paper also considers the design and other conditions to be met for user acceptance. It also discusses the complementarity of assistive service robots and personal assistance and considers the types of applications and users for which service robots are and are not suitable

    A Helping Hand for Europe: The Competitive Outlook for the EU Robotics Industry

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    This report is one of a series resulting from a project entitled ¿Competitiveness by Leveraging Emerging Technologies Economically¿ (COMPLETE), carried out by JRC-IPTS. Each of the COMPLETE studies illustrates in its own right that European companies are active on many fronts of emerging and disruptive ICT technologies and are supplying the market with relevant products and services. Nevertheless, the studies also show that the creation and growth of high tech companies is still very complex and difficult in Europe, and too many economic opportunities seem to escape European initiatives and ownership. COMPLETE helps to illustrate some of the difficulties experienced in different segments of the ICT industry and by growing potential global players. Hopefully, COMPLETE will contribute to a better understanding of the opportunities and help shape better market conditions (financial, labour and product markets) to sustain European competitiveness and economic growth. This report deals with robotics applications in general, and in two specific areas selected because of potential market and EU capability in these areas: robotics applications in SMEs, and robotics safety. It starts by introducing the state of the art in robotics, their applications, market size, value chains and disruptive potential of emerging robotics technologies. For each of the two specific areas, the report describes the EU landscape, potential market, benefits, difficulties, and how these might be overcome. The last chapter draws together the findings of the study, to consider EU competitiveness in robotics, opportunities and policy implications. The work is based on desk research and targeted interviews with industry experts in Europe and beyond. The results were reviewed by experts and in a dedicated workshop.JRC.DDG.J.4-Information Societ

    Situation Assessment for Mobile Robots

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    No Clamp Robotic Assembly with Use of Point Cloud Data from Low-Cost Triangulation Scanner

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    The paper shows the clamp-less assembly idea as a very important one in the modern assembly. Assembly equipment such as clamps represent a significant group of industrial equipment in manufacturing plants whose number can be effectively reduced. The article presents the concept of using industrial robot equipped with a triangulation scanner in the assembly process in order to minimize the number of clamps that hold the units in a particular position in space. It also shows how the system searches for objects in the point cloud based on multi-step processing algorithm proposed in this work, then picks them up, transports and positions them in the right assembly locations with the use of industrial robot manipulator. The accuracy of the positioning of parts was also examined as well as the impact of the number of iterations of the algorithm searching the models in the point cloud on the accuracy of determining the position of the objects. The tests show that presented system is suitable for assembly of various items as plastic packaging and palletizing of products. Such kind of system is the basis for modern, fully flexible assembly systems