9 research outputs found

    Low power techniques for video compression

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    This paper gives an overview of low-power techniques proposed in the literature for mobile multimedia and Internet applications. Exploitable aspects are discussed in the behavior of different video compression tools. These power-efficient solutions are then classified by synthesis domain and level of abstraction. As this paper is meant to be a starting point for further research in the area, a lowpower hardware & software co-design methodology is outlined in the end as a possible scenario for video-codec-on-a-chip implementations on future mobile multimedia platforms

    The use of a reconfigurable functional cache in a digital signal processor: power and performance

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    Due to the computationally intensive nature of the tasks that digital signal processors (DSP) are required to perform it is desirable to decrease the time required to execute these tasks. Minimizing the execution time required for the various algorithms that are commonly and frequently executed (ex: FIR filters) will improve the overall performance. It is known that hardware is able to execute algorithms faster than software, however, due to the size limitations of embedded DSP, not all of the necessary algorithms can be implemented in hardware. A reconfigurable cache architecture in combination with a DSP is proposed as an alternative to increase algorithm performance by using reconfigurable hardware rather than dedicated hardware. Another important issue to consider for embedded processors is the power consumption of the DSP. Due to the fact that most embedded processors operate by battery power, energy efficiency is a necessity. This study looks at the power requirements of a DSP with reconfigurable cache to determine the viability of such an architecture in an embedded system. Others have shown that reconfigurable cache in conjunction with a general purpose processor improves performance for some DSP benchmarks. This study shows that a DSP/reconfigurable cache combination can achieve kernel performance gains ranging from 10-350 times that of a DSP architecture operating alone and can achieve overall benchmark speedups ranging from 1.02 to 1.91 times that of the existing DSP architecture. Further, relative power consumption results show that the power consumption of the reconfigurable architecture is approximately 85 to 95% of the current architecture (5-15% power savings) and attains energy savings ranging from approximately 14 to 50%

    A configurable vector processor for accelerating speech coding algorithms

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    The growing demand for voice-over-packer (VoIP) services and multimedia-rich applications has made increasingly important the efficient, real-time implementation of low-bit rates speech coders on embedded VLSI platforms. Such speech coders are designed to substantially reduce the bandwidth requirements thus enabling dense multichannel gateways in small form factor. This however comes at a high computational cost which mandates the use of very high performance embedded processors. This thesis investigates the potential acceleration of two major ITU-T speech coding algorithms, namely G.729A and G.723.1, through their efficient implementation on a configurable extensible vector embedded CPU architecture. New scalar and vector ISAs were introduced which resulted in up to 80% reduction in the dynamic instruction count of both workloads. These instructions were subsequently encapsulated into a parametric, hybrid SISD (scalar processor)–SIMD (vector) processor. This work presents the research and implementation of the vector datapath of this vector coprocessor which is tightly-coupled to a Sparc-V8 compliant CPU, the optimization and simulation methodologies employed and the use of Electronic System Level (ESL) techniques to rapidly design SIMD datapaths

    Single event upset hardened embedded domain specific reconfigurable architecture

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    Generic low power reconfigurable distributed arithmetic processor

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    Higher performance, lower cost, increasingly minimizing integrated circuit components, and higher packaging density of chips are ongoing goals of the microelectronic and computer industry. As these goals are being achieved, however, power consumption and flexibility are increasingly becoming bottlenecks that need to be addressed with the new technology in Very Large-Scale Integrated (VLSI) design. For modern systems, more energy is required to support the powerful computational capability which accords with the increasing requirements, and these requirements cause the change of standards not only in audio and video broadcasting but also in communication such as wireless connection and network protocols. Powerful flexibility and low consumption are repellent, but their combination in one system is the ultimate goal of designers. A generic domain-specific low-power reconfigurable processor for the distributed arithmetic algorithm is presented in this dissertation. This domain reconfigurable processor features high efficiency in terms of area, power and delay, which approaches the performance of an ASIC design, while retaining the flexibility of programmable platforms. The architecture not only supports typical distributed arithmetic algorithms which can be found in most still picture compression standards and video conferencing standards, but also offers implementation ability for other distributed arithmetic algorithms found in digital signal processing, telecommunication protocols and automatic control. In this processor, a simple reconfigurable low power control unit is implemented with good performance in area, power and timing. The generic characteristic of the architecture makes it applicable for any small and medium size finite state machines which can be used as control units to implement complex system behaviour and can be found in almost all engineering disciplines. Furthermore, to map target applications efficiently onto the proposed architecture, a new algorithm is introduced for searching for the best common sharing terms set and it keeps the area and power consumption of the implementation at low level. The software implementation of this algorithm is presented, which can be used not only for the proposed architecture in this dissertation but also for all the implementations with adder-based distributed arithmetic algorithms. In addition, some low power design techniques are applied in the architecture, such as unsymmetrical design style including unsymmetrical interconnection arranging, unsymmetrical PTBs selection and unsymmetrical mapping basic computing units. All these design techniques achieve extraordinary power consumption saving. It is believed that they can be extended to more low power designs and architectures. The processor presented in this dissertation can be used to implement complex, high performance distributed arithmetic algorithms for communication and image processing applications with low cost in area and power compared with the traditional methods

    High level compilation for gate reconfigurable architectures

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-215).A continuing exponential increase in the number of programmable elements is turning management of gate-reconfigurable architectures as "glue logic" into an intractable problem; it is past time to raise this abstraction level. The physical hardware in gate-reconfigurable architectures is all low level - individual wires, bit-level functions, and single bit registers - hence one should look to the fetch-decode-execute machinery of traditional computers for higher level abstractions. Ordinary computers have machine-level architectural mechanisms that interpret instructions - instructions that are generated by a high-level compiler. Efficiently moving up to the next abstraction level requires leveraging these mechanisms without introducing the overhead of machine-level interpretation. In this dissertation, I solve this fundamental problem by specializing architectural mechanisms with respect to input programs. This solution is the key to efficient compilation of high-level programs to gate reconfigurable architectures. My approach to specialization includes several novel techniques. I develop, with others, extensive bitwidth analyses that apply to registers, pointers, and arrays. I use pointer analysis and memory disambiguation to target devices with blocks of embedded memory. My approach to memory parallelization generates a spatial hierarchy that enables easier-to-synthesize logic state machines with smaller circuits and no long wires.(cont.) My space-time scheduling approach integrates the techniques of high-level synthesis with the static routing concepts developed for single-chip multiprocessors. Using DeepC, a prototype compiler demonstrating my thesis, I compile a new benchmark suite to Xilinx Virtex FPGAs. Resulting performance is comparable to a custom MIPS processor, with smaller area (40 percent on average), higher evaluation speeds (2.4x), and lower energy (18x) and energy-delay (45x). Specialization of advanced mechanisms results in additional speedup, scaling with hardware area, at the expense of power. For comparison, I also target IBM's standard cell SA-27E process and the RAW microprocessor. Results include sensitivity analysis to the different mechanisms specialized and a grand comparison between alternate targets.by Jonathan William Babb.Ph.D