389 research outputs found

    Efficient Hardware Architectures for Accelerating Deep Neural Networks: Survey

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    In the modern-day era of technology, a paradigm shift has been witnessed in the areas involving applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL). Specifically, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have emerged as a popular field of interest in most AI applications such as computer vision, image and video processing, robotics, etc. In the context of developed digital technologies and the availability of authentic data and data handling infrastructure, DNNs have been a credible choice for solving more complex real-life problems. The performance and accuracy of a DNN is a way better than human intelligence in certain situations. However, it is noteworthy that the DNN is computationally too cumbersome in terms of the resources and time to handle these computations. Furthermore, general-purpose architectures like CPUs have issues in handling such computationally intensive algorithms. Therefore, a lot of interest and efforts have been invested by the research fraternity in specialized hardware architectures such as Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), and Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) in the context of effective implementation of computationally intensive algorithms. This paper brings forward the various research works carried out on the development and deployment of DNNs using the aforementioned specialized hardware architectures and embedded AI accelerators. The review discusses the detailed description of the specialized hardware-based accelerators used in the training and/or inference of DNN. A comparative study based on factors like power, area, and throughput, is also made on the various accelerators discussed. Finally, future research and development directions are discussed, such as future trends in DNN implementation on specialized hardware accelerators. This review article is intended to serve as a guide for hardware architectures for accelerating and improving the effectiveness of deep learning research.publishedVersio

    A Memory-Centric Customizable Domain-Specific FPGA Overlay for Accelerating Machine Learning Applications

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    Low latency inferencing is of paramount importance to a wide range of real time and userfacing Machine Learning (ML) applications. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) offer unique advantages in delivering low latency as well as energy efficient accelertors for low latency inferencing. Unfortunately, creating machine learning accelerators in FPGAs is not easy, requiring the use of vendor specific CAD tools and low level digital and hardware microarchitecture design knowledge that the majority of ML researchers do not possess. The continued refinement of High Level Synthesis (HLS) tools can reduce but not eliminate the need for hardware-specific design knowledge. The designs by these tools can also produce inefficient use of FPGA resources that ultimately limit the performance of the neural network. This research investigated a new FPGA-based software-hardware codesigned overlay architecture that opens the advantages of FPGAs to the broader ML user community. As an overlay, the proposed design allows rapid coding and deployment of different ML network configurations and different data-widths, eliminating the prior barrier of needing to resynthesize each design. This brings important attributes of code portability over different FPGA families. The proposed overlay design is a Single-Instruction-Multiple-Data (SIMD) Processor-In-Memory (PIM) architecture developed as a programmable overlay for FPGAs. In contrast to point designs, it can be programmed to implement different types of machine learning algorithms. The overlay architecture integrates bit-serial Arithmetic Logic Units (ALUs) with distributed Block RAMs (BRAMs). The PIM design increases the size of arithmetic operations and on-chip storage capacity. User-visible inference latencies are reduced by exploiting concurrent accesses to network parameters (weights and biases) and partial results stored throughout the distributed BRAMs. Run-time performance comparisons show that the proposed design achieves a speedup compared to HLS-based or custom-tuned equivalent designs. Notably, the proposed design is programmable, allowing rapid design space exploration without the need to resynthesize when changing ML algorithms on the FPGA

    Sense, Predict, Adapt, Repeat: A Blueprint for Design of New Adaptive AI-Centric Sensing Systems

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    As Moore's Law loses momentum, improving size, performance, and efficiency of processors has become increasingly challenging, ending the era of predictable improvements in hardware performance. Meanwhile, the widespread incorporation of high-definition sensors in consumer devices and autonomous technologies has fueled a significant upsurge in sensory data. Current global trends reveal that the volume of generated data already exceeds human consumption capacity, making AI algorithms the primary consumers of data worldwide. To address this, a novel approach to designing AI-centric sensing systems is needed that can bridge the gap between the increasing capabilities of high-definition sensors and the limitations of AI processors. This paper provides an overview of efficient sensing and perception methods in both AI and sensing domains, emphasizing the necessity of co-designing AI algorithms and sensing systems for dynamic perception. The proposed approach involves a framework for designing and analyzing dynamic AI-in-the-loop sensing systems, suggesting a fundamentally new method for designing adaptive sensing systems through inference-time AI-to-sensor feedback and end-to-end efficiency and performance optimization
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