1 research outputs found

    Design, implementation and evaluation of a distributed CDCL framework

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    The primary subject of this dissertation is practically solving instances of the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) that arise from industrial applications. The invention of the conflict-driven clause-learning (CDCL) algorithm led to enormous progress in this field. CDCL has been augmented with effective pre- and inprocessing techniques that boost its effectiveness. While a considerable amount of work has been done on applying shared-memory parallelism to enhance the performance of CDCL, solving SAT on distributed architectures is studied less thoroughly. In this work, we develop a distributed, CDCL-based framework for SAT solving. This framework consists of three main components: 1. An implementation of the CDCL algorithm that we have written from scratch, 2. a novel, parallel SAT algorithm that builds upon this CDCL implementation and 3. a collection of parallel simplification techniques for SAT instances. We call our resulting framework satUZK; our parallel solving algorithm is called the distributed divide-and-conquer (DDC) algorithm. The DDC algorithm employs a parallel lookahead procedure to dynamically partition the search space. Load balancing is used to ensure that all computational resources are utilized during lookahead. This procedure results in a divide-and-conquer tree that is distributed over all processors. Individual threads are routed through this tree until they arrive at unsolved leaf vertices. Upon arrival, the lookahead procedure is invoked again or the leaf vertex is solved via CDCL. Several extensions to the DDC algorithm are proposed. These include clause sharing and a scheme to locally adjust the LBD score relative to the current search tree vertex. LBD is a measure for the usefulness of clauses that participate in a CDCL search. We evaluate our DDC algorithm empirically and benchmark it against the best distributed SAT algorithms. In this experiment, our DDC algorithm is faster than other distributed, state-of-the-art solvers and solves at least as many instances. In addition to running a parallel algorithm for SAT solving we also consider parallel simplifcation. Here, we first develop a theoretical foundation that allows us to prove the correctness of parallel simplification techniques. Using this as a basis, we examine established simplification algorithms for their parallelizability. It turns out that several well-known simplification techniques can be parallelized efficiently. We provide parallel implementation of the techniques and test their effectiveness in empirical experiments. This evaluation finds several combinations of simplification techniques that can solve instances which could not be solved by the DDC algorithm alone