2,512 research outputs found

    Relating Developers’ Concepts and Artefact Vocabulary in a Financial Software Module

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    Developers working on unfamiliar systems are challenged to accurately identify where and how high-level concepts are implemented in the source code. Without additional help, concept location can become a tedious, time-consuming and error-prone task. In this paper we study an industrial financial application for which we had access to the user guide, the source code, and some change requests. We compared the relative importance of the domain concepts, as understood by developers, in the user manual and in the source code. We also searched the code for the concepts occurring in change requests, to see if they could point developers to code to be modified. We varied the searches (using exact and stem matching, discarding stop-words, etc.) and present the precision and recall. We discuss the implication of our results for maintenance

    On the Generation, Structure, and Semantics of Grammar Patterns in Source Code Identifiers

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    Identifier names are the atoms of program comprehension. Weak identifier names decrease developer productivity and degrade the performance of automated approaches that leverage identifier names in source code analysis; threatening many of the advantages which stand to be gained from advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Therefore, it is vital to support developers in naming and renaming identifiers. In this paper, we extend our prior work, which studies the primary method through which names evolve: rename refactorings. In our prior work, we contextualize rename changes by examining commit messages and other refactorings. In this extension, we further consider data type changes which co-occur with these renames, with a goal of understanding how data type changes influence the structure and semantics of renames. In the long term, the outcomes of this study will be used to support research into: (1) recommending when a rename should be applied, (2) recommending how to rename an identifier, and (3) developing a model that describes how developers mentally synergize names using domain and project knowledge. We provide insights into how our data can support rename recommendation and analysis in the future, and reflect on the significant challenges, highlighted by our study, for future research in recommending renames

    Why did you clone these identifiers? Using Grounded Theory to understand Identifier Clones

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    Developers spend most of their time comprehending source code, with some studies estimating this activity takes between 58% to 70% of a developer’s time. To improve the readability of source code, and therefore the productivity of developers, it is important to understand what aspects of static code analysis and syntactic code structure hinder the understandability of code. Identifiers are a main source of code comprehension due to their large volume and their role as implicit documentation of a developer’s intent when writing code. Despite the critical role that identifiers play during program comprehension, there are no regulated naming standards for developers to follow when picking identifier names. Our research supports previous work aimed at understanding what makes a good identifier name, and practices to follow when picking names by exploring a phenomenon that occurs during identifier naming: identifier clones. Identifier clones are two or more identifiers that are declared using the same name. This is an important yet unexplored phenomenon in identifier naming where developers intentionally give the same name to two or more identifiers in separate parts of a system. We must study identifier clones to understand it’s impact on program comprehension and to better understand the nature of identifier naming. To accomplish this, we conducted an empirical study on identifier clones detected in open-source software engineered systems and propose a taxonomy of identifier clones containing categories that can explain why they are introduced into systems and whether they represent naming antipatterns

    Using the Uniqueness of Global Identifiers to Determine the Provenance of Python Software Source Code

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    We consider the problem of identifying the provenance of free/open source software (FOSS) and specifically the need of identifying where reused source code has been copied from. We propose a lightweight approach to solve the problem based on software identifiers-such as the names of variables, classes, and functions chosen by programmers. The proposed approach is able to efficiently narrow down to a small set of candidate origin products, to be further analyzed with more expensive techniques to make a final provenance determination.By analyzing the PyPI (Python Packaging Index) open source ecosystem we find that globally defined identifiers are very distinct. Across PyPI's 244 K packages we found 11.2 M different global identifiers (classes and method/function names-with only 0.6% of identifiers shared among the two types of entities); 76% of identifiers were used only in one package, and 93% in at most 3. Randomly selecting 3 non-frequent global identifiers from an input product is enough to narrow down its origins to a maximum of 3 products within 89% of the cases.We validate the proposed approach by mapping Debian source packages implemented in Python to the corresponding PyPI packages; this approach uses at most five trials, where each trial uses three randomly chosen global identifiers from a randomly chosen python file of the subject software package, then ranks results using a popularity index and requires to inspect only the top result. In our experiments, this method is effective at finding the true origin of a project with a recall of 0.9 and precision of 0.77

    An Ensemble Approach for Annotating Source Code Identifiers with Part-of-speech Tags

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    This paper presents an ensemble part-of-speech tagging approach for source code identifiers. Ensemble tagging is a technique that uses machine-learning and the output from multiple part-of-speech taggers to annotate natural language text at a higher quality than the part-of-speech taggers are able to obtain independently. Our ensemble uses three state-of-the-art part-of-speech taggers: SWUM, POSSE, and Stanford. We study the quality of the ensemble\u27s annotations on five different types of identifier names: function, class, attribute, parameter, and declaration statement at the level of both individual words and full identifier names. We also study and discuss the weaknesses of our tagger to promote the future amelioration of these problems through further research. Our results show that the ensemble achieves 75\% accuracy at the identifier level and 84-86\% accuracy at the word level. This is an increase of +17\% points at the identifier level from the closest independent part-of-speech tagger

    Reproducing, Extending, and Analyzing Naming Experiments

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    Naming is very important in software development, as names are often the only vehicle of meaning about what the code is intended to do. A recent study on how developers choose names collected the names given by different developers for the same objects. This enabled a study of these names' diversity and structure, and the construction of a model of how names are created. We reproduce different parts of this study in three independent experiments. Importantly, we employ methodological variations rather than striving of an exact replication. When the same results are obtained this then boosts our confidence in their validity by demonstrating that they do not depend on the methodology. Our results indeed corroborate those of the original study in terms of the diversity of names, the low probability of two developers choosing the same name, and the finding that experienced developers tend to use slightly longer names than inexperienced students. We explain name diversity by performing a new analysis of the names, classifying the concepts represented in them as universal (agreed upon), alternative (reflecting divergent views on a topic), or optional (reflecting divergent opinions on whether to include this concept at all). This classification enables new research directions concerning the considerations involved in naming decisions. We also show that explicitly using the model proposed in the original study to guide naming leads to the creation of better names, whereas the simpler approach of just asking participants to use longer and more detailed names does not.Comment: 35 pages with 10 figures and 6 table
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