3,050 research outputs found

    The skeleton of the UIPT, seen from infinity

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    We prove that geodesic rays in the Uniform Infinite Planar Triangulation (UIPT) coalesce in a strong sense using the skeleton decomposition of random triangulations discovered by Krikun. This implies the existence of a unique horofunction measuring distances from infinity in the UIPT. We then use this horofunction to define the skeleton "seen from infinity" of the UIPT and relate it to a simple Galton--Watson tree conditioned to survive, giving a new and particularly simple construction of the UIPT. Scaling limits of perimeters and volumes of horohulls within this new decomposition are also derived, as well as a new proof of the 22-point function formula for random triangulations in the scaling limit due to Ambj{\o}rn and Watabiki.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figure

    Formal study of plane Delaunay triangulation

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    This article presents the formal proof of correctness for a plane Delaunay triangulation algorithm. It consists in repeating a sequence of edge flippings from an initial triangulation until the Delaunay property is achieved. To describe triangulations, we rely on a combinatorial hypermap specification framework we have been developing for years. We embed hypermaps in the plane by attaching coordinates to elements in a consistent way. We then describe what are legal and illegal Delaunay edges and a flipping operation which we show preserves hypermap, triangulation, and embedding invariants. To prove the termination of the algorithm, we use a generic approach expressing that any non-cyclic relation is well-founded when working on a finite set

    Enumeration of non-orientable 3-manifolds using face pairing graphs and union-find

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    Drawing together techniques from combinatorics and computer science, we improve the census algorithm for enumerating closed minimal P^2-irreducible 3-manifold triangulations. In particular, new constraints are proven for face pairing graphs, and pruning techniques are improved using a modification of the union-find algorithm. Using these results we catalogue all 136 closed non-orientable P^2-irreducible 3-manifolds that can be formed from at most ten tetrahedra.Comment: 37 pages, 34 figure

    The infinite cyclohedron and its automorphism group

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    Cyclohedra are a well-known infinite familiy of finite-dimensional polytopes that can be constructed from centrally symmetric triangulations of even-sided polygons. In this article we introduce an infinite-dimensional analogue and prove that the group of symmetries of our construction is a semidirect product of a degree 2 central extension of Thompson's infinite finitely presented simple group T with the cyclic group of order 2. These results are inspired by a similar recent analysis by the first author of the automorphism group of an infinite-dimensional associahedron.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Uniform Infinite Planar Triangulations

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    The existence of the weak limit as n --> infinity of the uniform measure on rooted triangulations of the sphere with n vertices is proved. Some properties of the limit are studied. In particular, the limit is a probability measure on random triangulations of the plane.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures; Journal revised versio

    Flipping Cubical Meshes

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    We define and examine flip operations for quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes, similar to the flipping transformations previously used in triangular and tetrahedral mesh generation.Comment: 20 pages, 24 figures. Expanded journal version of paper from 10th International Meshing Roundtable. This version removes some unwanted paragraph breaks from the previous version; the text is unchange

    Triangulated Surfaces in Twistor Space: A Kinematical Set up for Open/Closed String Duality

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    We exploit the properties of the three-dimensional hyperbolic space to discuss a simplicial setting for open/closed string duality based on (random) Regge triangulations decorated with null twistorial fields. We explicitly show that the twistorial N-points function, describing Dirichlet correlations over the moduli space of open N-bordered genus g surfaces, is naturally mapped into the Witten-Kontsevich intersection theory over the moduli space of N-pointed closed Riemann surfaces of the same genus. We also discuss various aspects of the geometrical setting which connects this model to PSL(2,C) Chern-Simons theory.Comment: 35 pages, references added, slightly revised introductio