7 research outputs found

    Modular algorithms for Gross-Stark units and Stark-Heegner points

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    In recent work, Darmon, Pozzi and Vonk explicitly construct a modular form whose spectral coefficients are pp-adic logarithms of Gross-Stark units and Stark-Heegner points. Here we describe how this construction gives rise to a practical algorithm for explicitly computing these logarithms to specified precision, and how to recover the exact values of the Gross-Stark units and Stark-Heegner points from them. Key tools are overconvergent modular forms, reduction theory of quadratic forms and Newton polygons. As an application, we tabulate Brumer-Stark units in narrow Hilbert class fields of real quadratic fields with discriminants up to 1000010000, for primes less than 2020, as well as Stark-Heegner points on elliptic curves.Comment: 23 pages, 4 tables, 2 figure

    Motivic action on coherent cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties

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    We propose an action of a certain motivic cohomology group on coherent cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties, extending conjectures of Venkatesh, Prasanna, and Harris. The action is described in two ways: on cohomology modulo pp and over C\mathbb C, and we conjecture that they both lift to an action on cohomology with integral coefficients. The latter is supported by theoretical evidence based on Stark's conjecture on special values of Artin LL-functions and by numerical evidence in base change cases