79 research outputs found

    Generalized Hadamard Product and the Derivatives of Spectral Functions

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    In this work we propose a generalization of the Hadamard product between two matrices to a tensor-valued, multi-linear product between k matrices for any k≥1k \ge 1. A multi-linear dual operator to the generalized Hadamard product is presented. It is a natural generalization of the Diag x operator, that maps a vector x∈Rnx \in \R^n into the diagonal matrix with x on its main diagonal. Defining an action of the n×nn \times n orthogonal matrices on the space of k-dimensional tensors, we investigate its interactions with the generalized Hadamard product and its dual. The research is motivated, as illustrated throughout the paper, by the apparent suitability of this language to describe the higher-order derivatives of spectral functions and the tools needed to compute them. For more on the later we refer the reader to [14] and [15], where we use the language and properties developed here to study the higher-order derivatives of spectral functions.Comment: 24 page

    The higher-order derivatives of spectral functions

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    AbstractWe are interested in higher-order derivatives of functions of the eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices with respect to the matrix argument. We describe a formula for the k-th derivative of such functions in two general cases.The first case concerns the derivatives of the composition of an arbitrary (not necessarily symmetric) k-times differentiable function with the eigenvalues of symmetric matrices at a symmetric matrix with distinct eigenvalues.The second case describes the derivatives of the composition of a k-times differentiable separable symmetric function with the eigenvalues of symmetric matrices at an arbitrary symmetric matrix. We show that the formula significantly simplifies when the separable symmetric function is k-times continuously differentiable.As an application of the developed techniques, we re-derive the formula for the Hessian of a general spectral function at an arbitrary symmetric matrix. The new tools lead to a shorter, cleaner derivation than the original one.To make the exposition as self contained as possible, we have included the necessary background results and definitions. Proofs of the intermediate technical results are collected in the appendices

    Higher derivatives of spectral functions associated with one-dimensional schrodinger operators

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    We investigate the existence and asymptotic behaviour of higher derivatives of the spectral function in the context of one-dimensional Schr¨odinger operators on the half-line with integrable potentials. In particular, we identify sufficient conditions on the potential for the existence and continuity of the n-th derivative, and outline a systematic procedure for estimating numerical upper bounds for the turning points of such derivatives. Explicit worked examples illustrate the development and application of the theory

    Self-Consistent Perturbation Theory for Thermodynamics of Magnetic Impurity Systems

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    Integral equations for thermodynamic quantities are derived in the framework of the non-crossing approximation (NCA). Entropy and specific heat of 4f contribution are calculated without numerical differentiations of thermodynamic potential. The formulation is applied to systems such as PrFe4P12 with singlet-triplet crystalline electric field (CEF) levels.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, proc. ASR-WYP-2005 (JAERI

    Locally symmetric submanifolds lift to spectral manifolds

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    In this work we prove that every locally symmetric smooth submanifold gives rise to a naturally defined smooth submanifold of the space of symmetric matrices, called spectral manifold, consisting of all matrices whose ordered vector of eigenvalues belongs to the locally symmetric manifold. We also present an explicit formula for the dimension of the spectral manifold in terms of the dimension and the intrinsic properties of the locally symmetric manifold

    Isotropic functions revisited

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    To a smooth and symmetric function ff defined on a symmetric open set Γ⊂Rn\Gamma\subset\mathbb{R}^{n} and a real nn-dimensional vector space VV we assign an associated operator function FF defined on an open subset Ω⊂L(V)\Omega\subset\mathcal{L}(V) of linear transformations of VV, such that for each inner product gg on VV, on the subspace Σg(V)⊂L(V)\Sigma_{g}(V)\subset\mathcal{L}(V) of gg-selfadjoint operators, Fg=F∣Σg(V)F_{g}=F_{|\Sigma_{g}(V)} is the isotropic function associated to ff, which means that Fg(A)=f(EV(A))F_{g}(A)=f(\mathrm{EV}(A)), where EV(A)\mathrm{EV}(A) denotes the ordered nn-tuple of real eigenvalues of AA. We extend some well known relations between the derivatives of ff and each FgF_{g} to relations between ff and FF. By means of an example we show that well known regularity properties of FgF_{g} do not carry over to FF.Comment: 13 pages. Added an example to show that loss of regularity is possible. Extended the bibliography. Comments are welcom
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