255,350 research outputs found

    Optimization of Occlusion-Inducing Depth Pixels in 3-D Video Coding

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    The optimization of occlusion-inducing depth pixels in depth map coding has received little attention in the literature, since their associated texture pixels are occluded in the synthesized view and their effect on the synthesized view is considered negligible. However, the occlusion-inducing depth pixels still need to consume the bits to be transmitted, and will induce geometry distortion that inherently exists in the synthesized view. In this paper, we propose an efficient depth map coding scheme specifically for the occlusion-inducing depth pixels by using allowable depth distortions. Firstly, we formulate a problem of minimizing the overall geometry distortion in the occlusion subject to the bit rate constraint, for which the depth distortion is properly adjusted within the set of allowable depth distortions that introduce the same disparity error as the initial depth distortion. Then, we propose a dynamic programming solution to find the optimal depth distortion vector for the occlusion. The proposed algorithm can improve the coding efficiency without alteration of the occlusion order. Simulation results confirm the performance improvement compared to other existing algorithms

    Metric Embedding via Shortest Path Decompositions

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    We study the problem of embedding shortest-path metrics of weighted graphs into p\ell_p spaces. We introduce a new embedding technique based on low-depth decompositions of a graph via shortest paths. The notion of Shortest Path Decomposition depth is inductively defined: A (weighed) path graph has shortest path decomposition (SPD) depth 11. General graph has an SPD of depth kk if it contains a shortest path whose deletion leads to a graph, each of whose components has SPD depth at most k1k-1. In this paper we give an O(kmin{1p,12})O(k^{\min\{\frac{1}{p},\frac{1}{2}\}})-distortion embedding for graphs of SPD depth at most kk. This result is asymptotically tight for any fixed p>1p>1, while for p=1p=1 it is tight up to second order terms. As a corollary of this result, we show that graphs having pathwidth kk embed into p\ell_p with distortion O(kmin{1p,12})O(k^{\min\{\frac{1}{p},\frac{1}{2}\}}). For p=1p=1, this improves over the best previous bound of Lee and Sidiropoulos that was exponential in kk; moreover, for other values of pp it gives the first embeddings whose distortion is independent of the graph size nn. Furthermore, we use the fact that planar graphs have SPD depth O(logn)O(\log n) to give a new proof that any planar graph embeds into 1\ell_1 with distortion O(logn)O(\sqrt{\log n}). Our approach also gives new results for graphs with bounded treewidth, and for graphs excluding a fixed minor

    Spectral distortion of cosmic background radiation by scattering on hot electrons. Exact calculations

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    The spectral distortion of the cosmic background radiation produced by the inverse Compton scattering on hot electrons in clusters of galaxies (thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect) is calculated for arbitrary optical depth and electron temperature. The distortion is found by a numerical solution of the exact Boltzmann equation for the photon distribution function. In the limit of small optical depth and low electron temperature our results confirm the previous analyses. In the opposite limits, our method is the only one that permits to make accurate calculations.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Ap

    Rate-Distortion Analysis of Multiview Coding in a DIBR Framework

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    Depth image based rendering techniques for multiview applications have been recently introduced for efficient view generation at arbitrary camera positions. Encoding rate control has thus to consider both texture and depth data. Due to different structures of depth and texture images and their different roles on the rendered views, distributing the available bit budget between them however requires a careful analysis. Information loss due to texture coding affects the value of pixels in synthesized views while errors in depth information lead to shift in objects or unexpected patterns at their boundaries. In this paper, we address the problem of efficient bit allocation between textures and depth data of multiview video sequences. We adopt a rate-distortion framework based on a simplified model of depth and texture images. Our model preserves the main features of depth and texture images. Unlike most recent solutions, our method permits to avoid rendering at encoding time for distortion estimation so that the encoding complexity is not augmented. In addition to this, our model is independent of the underlying inpainting method that is used at decoder. Experiments confirm our theoretical results and the efficiency of our rate allocation strategy

    Analysis of pixel-mapping rounding on geometric distortion as a prediction for view synthesis distortion

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    We analyze the performance of the geometric distortion, incurred when coding depth maps in 3D Video, as an estimator of the distortion of synthesized views. Our analysis is motivated by the need of reducing the computational complexity required for the computation of synthesis distortion in 3D video encoders. We propose several geometric distortion models that capture (i) the geometric distortion caused by the depth coding error, and (ii) the pixel-mapping precision in view synthesis. Our analysis starts with the evaluation of the correlation of geometric distortion values obtained with these models and the actual distortion on synthesized views. Then, the different geometric distortion models are employed in the rate-distortion optimization cycle of depth map coding, in order to assess the results obtained by the correlation analysis. Results show that one of the geometric distortion models is performing consistently better than the other models in all tests. Therefore, it can be used as a reasonable estimator of the synthesis distortion in low complexity depth encoders

    Self-Attention Dense Depth Estimation Network for Unrectified Video Sequences

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    The dense depth estimation of a 3D scene has numerous applications, mainly in robotics and surveillance. LiDAR and radar sensors are the hardware solution for real-time depth estimation, but these sensors produce sparse depth maps and are sometimes unreliable. In recent years research aimed at tackling depth estimation using single 2D image has received a lot of attention. The deep learning based self-supervised depth estimation methods from the rectified stereo and monocular video frames have shown promising results. We propose a self-attention based depth and ego-motion network for unrectified images. We also introduce non-differentiable distortion of the camera into the training pipeline. Our approach performs competitively when compared to other established approaches that used rectified images for depth estimation

    Precision Enhancement of 3D Surfaces from Multiple Compressed Depth Maps

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    In texture-plus-depth representation of a 3D scene, depth maps from different camera viewpoints are typically lossily compressed via the classical transform coding / coefficient quantization paradigm. In this paper we propose to reduce distortion of the decoded depth maps due to quantization. The key observation is that depth maps from different viewpoints constitute multiple descriptions (MD) of the same 3D scene. Considering the MD jointly, we perform a POCS-like iterative procedure to project a reconstructed signal from one depth map to the other and back, so that the converged depth maps have higher precision than the original quantized versions.Comment: This work was accepted as ongoing work paper in IEEE MMSP'201