13,903 research outputs found

    A Combination Framework for Complexity

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    In this paper we present a combination framework for polynomial complexity analysis of term rewrite systems. The framework covers both derivational and runtime complexity analysis. We present generalisations of powerful complexity techniques, notably a generalisation of complexity pairs and (weak) dependency pairs. Finally, we also present a novel technique, called dependency graph decomposition, that in the dependency pair setting greatly increases modularity. We employ the framework in the automated complexity tool TCT. TCT implements a majority of the techniques found in the literature, witnessing that our framework is general enough to capture a very brought setting

    12th International Workshop on Termination (WST 2012) : WST 2012, February 19–23, 2012, Obergurgl, Austria / ed. by Georg Moser

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    This volume contains the proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Termination (WST 2012), to be held February 19–23, 2012 in Obergurgl, Austria. The goal of the Workshop on Termination is to be a venue for presentation and discussion of all topics in and around termination. In this way, the workshop tries to bridge the gaps between different communities interested and active in research in and around termination. The 12th International Workshop on Termination in Obergurgl continues the successful workshops held in St. Andrews (1993), La Bresse (1995), Ede (1997), Dagstuhl (1999), Utrecht (2001), Valencia (2003), Aachen (2004), Seattle (2006), Paris (2007), Leipzig (2009), and Edinburgh (2010). The 12th International Workshop on Termination did welcome contributions on all aspects of termination and complexity analysis. Contributions from the imperative, constraint, functional, and logic programming communities, and papers investigating applications of complexity or termination (for example in program transformation or theorem proving) were particularly welcome. We did receive 18 submissions which all were accepted. Each paper was assigned two reviewers. In addition to these 18 contributed talks, WST 2012, hosts three invited talks by Alexander Krauss, Martin Hofmann, and Fausto Spoto

    Polytool: polynomial interpretations as a basis for termination analysis of Logic programs

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    Our goal is to study the feasibility of porting termination analysis techniques developed for one programming paradigm to another paradigm. In this paper, we show how to adapt termination analysis techniques based on polynomial interpretations - very well known in the context of term rewrite systems (TRSs) - to obtain new (non-transformational) ter- mination analysis techniques for definite logic programs (LPs). This leads to an approach that can be seen as a direct generalization of the traditional techniques in termination analysis of LPs, where linear norms and level mappings are used. Our extension general- izes these to arbitrary polynomials. We extend a number of standard concepts and results on termination analysis to the context of polynomial interpretations. We also propose a constraint-based approach for automatically generating polynomial interpretations that satisfy the termination conditions. Based on this approach, we implemented a new tool, called Polytool, for automatic termination analysis of LPs

    CoLoR: a Coq library on well-founded rewrite relations and its application to the automated verification of termination certificates

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    Termination is an important property of programs; notably required for programs formulated in proof assistants. It is a very active subject of research in the Turing-complete formalism of term rewriting systems, where many methods and tools have been developed over the years to address this problem. Ensuring reliability of those tools is therefore an important issue. In this paper we present a library formalizing important results of the theory of well-founded (rewrite) relations in the proof assistant Coq. We also present its application to the automated verification of termination certificates, as produced by termination tools

    Polynomial Path Orders: A Maximal Model

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    This paper is concerned with the automated complexity analysis of term rewrite systems (TRSs for short) and the ramification of these in implicit computational complexity theory (ICC for short). We introduce a novel path order with multiset status, the polynomial path order POP*. Essentially relying on the principle of predicative recursion as proposed by Bellantoni and Cook, its distinct feature is the tight control of resources on compatible TRSs: The (innermost) runtime complexity of compatible TRSs is polynomially bounded. We have implemented the technique, as underpinned by our experimental evidence our approach to the automated runtime complexity analysis is not only feasible, but compared to existing methods incredibly fast. As an application in the context of ICC we provide an order-theoretic characterisation of the polytime computable functions. To be precise, the polytime computable functions are exactly the functions computable by an orthogonal constructor TRS compatible with POP*

    Polygraphs for termination of left-linear term rewriting systems

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    We present a methodology for proving termination of left-linear term rewriting systems (TRSs) by using Albert Burroni's polygraphs, a kind of rewriting systems on algebraic circuits. We translate the considered TRS into a polygraph of minimal size whose termination is proven with a polygraphic interpretation, then we get back the property on the TRS. We recall Yves Lafont's general translation of TRSs into polygraphs and known links between their termination properties. We give several conditions on the original TRS, including being a first-order functional program, that ensure that we can reduce the size of the polygraphic translation. We also prove sufficient conditions on the polygraphic interpretations of a minimal translation to imply termination of the original TRS. Examples are given to compare this method with usual polynomial interpretations.Comment: 15 page