17 research outputs found

    How to Train Your Agent to Read and Write

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    Reading and writing research papers is one of the most privileged abilities that a qualified researcher should master. However, it is difficult for new researchers (\eg{students}) to fully {grasp} this ability. It would be fascinating if we could train an intelligent agent to help people read and summarize papers, and perhaps even discover and exploit the potential knowledge clues to write novel papers. Although there have been existing works focusing on summarizing (\emph{i.e.}, reading) the knowledge in a given text or generating (\emph{i.e.}, writing) a text based on the given knowledge, the ability of simultaneously reading and writing is still under development. Typically, this requires an agent to fully understand the knowledge from the given text materials and generate correct and fluent novel paragraphs, which is very challenging in practice. In this paper, we propose a Deep ReAder-Writer (DRAW) network, which consists of a \textit{Reader} that can extract knowledge graphs (KGs) from input paragraphs and discover potential knowledge, a graph-to-text \textit{Writer} that generates a novel paragraph, and a \textit{Reviewer} that reviews the generated paragraph from three different aspects. Extensive experiments show that our DRAW network outperforms considered baselines and several state-of-the-art methods on AGENDA and M-AGENDA datasets. Our code and supplementary are released at https://github.com/menggehe/DRAW

    Modeling Graph Structure via Relative Position for Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs

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    We present Graformer, a novel Transformer-based encoder-decoder architecture for graph-to-text generation. With our novel graph self-attention, the encoding of a node relies on all nodes in the input graph - not only direct neighbors - facilitating the detection of global patterns. We represent the relation between two nodes as the length of the shortest path between them. Graformer learns to weight these node-node relations differently for different attention heads, thus virtually learning differently connected views of the input graph. We evaluate Graformer on two popular graph-to-text generation benchmarks, AGENDA and WebNLG, where it achieves strong performance while using many fewer parameters than other approaches

    Graph Transformer for Graph-to-Sequence Learning

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    The dominant graph-to-sequence transduction models employ graph neural networks for graph representation learning, where the structural information is reflected by the receptive field of neurons. Unlike graph neural networks that restrict the information exchange between immediate neighborhood, we propose a new model, known as Graph Transformer, that uses explicit relation encoding and allows direct communication between two distant nodes. It provides a more efficient way for global graph structure modeling. Experiments on the applications of text generation from Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) and syntax-based neural machine translation show the superiority of our proposed model. Specifically, our model achieves 27.4 BLEU on LDC2015E86 and 29.7 BLEU on LDC2017T10 for AMR-to-text generation, outperforming the state-of-the-art results by up to 2.2 points. On the syntax-based translation tasks, our model establishes new single-model state-of-the-art BLEU scores, 21.3 for English-to-German and 14.1 for English-to-Czech, improving over the existing best results, including ensembles, by over 1 BLEU.Comment: accepted by AAAI202