1,752 research outputs found

    Sparse-to-Continuous: Enhancing Monocular Depth Estimation using Occupancy Maps

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    This paper addresses the problem of single image depth estimation (SIDE), focusing on improving the quality of deep neural network predictions. In a supervised learning scenario, the quality of predictions is intrinsically related to the training labels, which guide the optimization process. For indoor scenes, structured-light-based depth sensors (e.g. Kinect) are able to provide dense, albeit short-range, depth maps. On the other hand, for outdoor scenes, LiDARs are considered the standard sensor, which comparatively provides much sparser measurements, especially in areas further away. Rather than modifying the neural network architecture to deal with sparse depth maps, this article introduces a novel densification method for depth maps, using the Hilbert Maps framework. A continuous occupancy map is produced based on 3D points from LiDAR scans, and the resulting reconstructed surface is projected into a 2D depth map with arbitrary resolution. Experiments conducted with various subsets of the KITTI dataset show a significant improvement produced by the proposed Sparse-to-Continuous technique, without the introduction of extra information into the training stage.Comment: Accepted. (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Sparse-to-Dense: Depth Prediction from Sparse Depth Samples and a Single Image

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    We consider the problem of dense depth prediction from a sparse set of depth measurements and a single RGB image. Since depth estimation from monocular images alone is inherently ambiguous and unreliable, to attain a higher level of robustness and accuracy, we introduce additional sparse depth samples, which are either acquired with a low-resolution depth sensor or computed via visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms. We propose the use of a single deep regression network to learn directly from the RGB-D raw data, and explore the impact of number of depth samples on prediction accuracy. Our experiments show that, compared to using only RGB images, the addition of 100 spatially random depth samples reduces the prediction root-mean-square error by 50% on the NYU-Depth-v2 indoor dataset. It also boosts the percentage of reliable prediction from 59% to 92% on the KITTI dataset. We demonstrate two applications of the proposed algorithm: a plug-in module in SLAM to convert sparse maps to dense maps, and super-resolution for LiDARs. Software and video demonstration are publicly available.Comment: accepted to ICRA 2018. 8 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNIIT_M7x7Y. Code at https://github.com/fangchangma/sparse-to-dens

    Robust Dense Mapping for Large-Scale Dynamic Environments

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    We present a stereo-based dense mapping algorithm for large-scale dynamic urban environments. In contrast to other existing methods, we simultaneously reconstruct the static background, the moving objects, and the potentially moving but currently stationary objects separately, which is desirable for high-level mobile robotic tasks such as path planning in crowded environments. We use both instance-aware semantic segmentation and sparse scene flow to classify objects as either background, moving, or potentially moving, thereby ensuring that the system is able to model objects with the potential to transition from static to dynamic, such as parked cars. Given camera poses estimated from visual odometry, both the background and the (potentially) moving objects are reconstructed separately by fusing the depth maps computed from the stereo input. In addition to visual odometry, sparse scene flow is also used to estimate the 3D motions of the detected moving objects, in order to reconstruct them accurately. A map pruning technique is further developed to improve reconstruction accuracy and reduce memory consumption, leading to increased scalability. We evaluate our system thoroughly on the well-known KITTI dataset. Our system is capable of running on a PC at approximately 2.5Hz, with the primary bottleneck being the instance-aware semantic segmentation, which is a limitation we hope to address in future work. The source code is available from the project website (http://andreibarsan.github.io/dynslam).Comment: Presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 201
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