4,571 research outputs found

    Read, Watch, and Move: Reinforcement Learning for Temporally Grounding Natural Language Descriptions in Videos

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    The task of video grounding, which temporally localizes a natural language description in a video, plays an important role in understanding videos. Existing studies have adopted strategies of sliding window over the entire video or exhaustively ranking all possible clip-sentence pairs in a pre-segmented video, which inevitably suffer from exhaustively enumerated candidates. To alleviate this problem, we formulate this task as a problem of sequential decision making by learning an agent which regulates the temporal grounding boundaries progressively based on its policy. Specifically, we propose a reinforcement learning based framework improved by multi-task learning and it shows steady performance gains by considering additional supervised boundary information during training. Our proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art performance on ActivityNet'18 DenseCaption dataset and Charades-STA dataset while observing only 10 or less clips per video.Comment: AAAI 201

    Multilevel Language and Vision Integration for Text-to-Clip Retrieval

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    We address the problem of text-based activity retrieval in video. Given a sentence describing an activity, our task is to retrieve matching clips from an untrimmed video. To capture the inherent structures present in both text and video, we introduce a multilevel model that integrates vision and language features earlier and more tightly than prior work. First, we inject text features early on when generating clip proposals, to help eliminate unlikely clips and thus speed up processing and boost performance. Second, to learn a fine-grained similarity metric for retrieval, we use visual features to modulate the processing of query sentences at the word level in a recurrent neural network. A multi-task loss is also employed by adding query re-generation as an auxiliary task. Our approach significantly outperforms prior work on two challenging benchmarks: Charades-STA and ActivityNet Captions.Comment: AAAI 201

    Visual7W: Grounded Question Answering in Images

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    We have seen great progress in basic perceptual tasks such as object recognition and detection. However, AI models still fail to match humans in high-level vision tasks due to the lack of capacities for deeper reasoning. Recently the new task of visual question answering (QA) has been proposed to evaluate a model's capacity for deep image understanding. Previous works have established a loose, global association between QA sentences and images. However, many questions and answers, in practice, relate to local regions in the images. We establish a semantic link between textual descriptions and image regions by object-level grounding. It enables a new type of QA with visual answers, in addition to textual answers used in previous work. We study the visual QA tasks in a grounded setting with a large collection of 7W multiple-choice QA pairs. Furthermore, we evaluate human performance and several baseline models on the QA tasks. Finally, we propose a novel LSTM model with spatial attention to tackle the 7W QA tasks.Comment: CVPR 201

    Exploiting Prompt Caption for Video Grounding

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    Video grounding aims to locate a moment of interest matching the given query sentence from an untrimmed video. Previous works ignore the \emph{sparsity dilemma} in video annotations, which fails to provide the context information between potential events and query sentences in the dataset. In this paper, we contend that exploiting easily available captions which describe general actions \ie, prompt captions (PC) defined in our paper, will significantly boost the performance. To this end, we propose a Prompt Caption Network (PCNet) for video grounding. Specifically, we first introduce dense video captioning to generate dense captions and then obtain prompt captions by Non-Prompt Caption Suppression (NPCS). To capture the potential information in prompt captions, we propose Caption Guided Attention (CGA) project the semantic relations between prompt captions and query sentences into temporal space and fuse them into visual representations. Considering the gap between prompt captions and ground truth, we propose Asymmetric Cross-modal Contrastive Learning (ACCL) for constructing more negative pairs to maximize cross-modal mutual information. Without bells and whistles, extensive experiments on three public datasets (\ie, ActivityNet Captions, TACoS and ActivityNet-CG) demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods
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