18 research outputs found

    Dense Error Correction for Low-Rank Matrices via Principal Component Pursuit

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    We consider the problem of recovering a low-rank matrix when some of its entries, whose locations are not known a priori, are corrupted by errors of arbitrarily large magnitude. It has recently been shown that this problem can be solved efficiently and effectively by a convex program named Principal Component Pursuit (PCP), provided that the fraction of corrupted entries and the rank of the matrix are both sufficiently small. In this paper, we extend that result to show that the same convex program, with a slightly improved weighting parameter, exactly recovers the low-rank matrix even if "almost all" of its entries are arbitrarily corrupted, provided the signs of the errors are random. We corroborate our result with simulations on randomly generated matrices and errors.Comment: Submitted to ISIT 201

    Information Recovery from Pairwise Measurements

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    A variety of information processing tasks in practice involve recovering nn objects from single-shot graph-based measurements, particularly those taken over the edges of some measurement graph G\mathcal{G}. This paper concerns the situation where each object takes value over a group of MM different values, and where one is interested to recover all these values based on observations of certain pairwise relations over G\mathcal{G}. The imperfection of measurements presents two major challenges for information recovery: 1) inaccuracy\textit{inaccuracy}: a (dominant) portion 1−p1-p of measurements are corrupted; 2) incompleteness\textit{incompleteness}: a significant fraction of pairs are unobservable, i.e. G\mathcal{G} can be highly sparse. Under a natural random outlier model, we characterize the minimax recovery rate\textit{minimax recovery rate}, that is, the critical threshold of non-corruption rate pp below which exact information recovery is infeasible. This accommodates a very general class of pairwise relations. For various homogeneous random graph models (e.g. Erdos Renyi random graphs, random geometric graphs, small world graphs), the minimax recovery rate depends almost exclusively on the edge sparsity of the measurement graph G\mathcal{G} irrespective of other graphical metrics. This fundamental limit decays with the group size MM at a square root rate before entering a connectivity-limited regime. Under the Erdos Renyi random graph, a tractable combinatorial algorithm is proposed to approach the limit for large MM (M=nΩ(1)M=n^{\Omega(1)}), while order-optimal recovery is enabled by semidefinite programs in the small MM regime. The extended (and most updated) version of this work can be found at (http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.01369).Comment: This version is no longer updated -- please find the latest version at (arXiv:1504.01369

    Finding Dense Clusters via "Low Rank + Sparse" Decomposition

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    Finding "densely connected clusters" in a graph is in general an important and well studied problem in the literature. It has various applications in pattern recognition, social networking and data mining. Recently, Ames and Vavasis have suggested a novel method for finding cliques in a graph by using convex optimization over the adjacency matrix of the graph. Also, there has been recent advances in decomposing a given matrix into its "low rank" and "sparse" components. In this paper, inspired by these results, we view "densely connected clusters" as imperfect cliques, where imperfections correspond missing edges, which are relatively sparse. We analyze the problem in a probabilistic setting and aim to detect disjointly planted clusters. Our main result basically suggests that, one can find dense clusters in a graph, as long as the clusters are sufficiently large. We conclude by discussing possible extensions and future research directions