1 research outputs found

    An agent-based approach for tourist planning

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    El turismo se comporta como un sistema complejo en evoluci贸n din谩mica, que abarca numerosos factores y actividades que son interdependientes y cuyas relaciones pueden ser altamente no lineales (Baggio, 2008). Los sistemas de recomendaci贸n y los planificadores de rutas se utilizan con frecuencia para filtrar informaci贸n que no es importante y, a su vez, ofrecen un servicio personalizado para los turistas (Noguera et. Al 2012). En este contexto, los modelos basados en agentes (ABM) son una herramienta apropiada para la toma de decisiones porque permiten representar sistemas complejos o situaciones con agentes aut贸nomos en un escenario establecido (Nicholls et. Al, 2017). Adem谩s, ABM tiene la capacidad de modelar fen贸menos emergentes, por lo tanto, fen贸menos como las normas culturales que surgen en la sociedad debido a las interacciones entre los individuos y otros agentes, a veces incluso de manera contradictoria, y que no son bien captados por las t茅cnicas de modelado tradicionales ( Nicholls et. Al., 2017). En esta perspectiva, este proyecto propone un ABM para simular el turismo en Bogot谩. El objetivo principal es apoyar al turista en la planificaci贸n y realizaci贸n de diferentes actividades tur铆sticas, considerando variables cualitativas y cuantitativas que maximicen la experiencia de un turista que visita Bogot谩 (Colombia), que a su vez puede contribuir al desarrollo de este sector econ贸mico.Tourism behaves as a dynamic evolving complex system, encompassing numerous factors and activities that are interdependent and whose relationships might be highly nonlinear (Baggio, 2008). Recommendation systems and route planners are frequently used to filter information that is not important and in turn offer a personalized service for tourists (Noguera et. al 2012). In this context, Agent-Based Models (ABM) are an appropriate tool for decision making because they allow representing complex systems or situations with autonomous agents in an established scenario (Nicholls et. al, 2017). In addition, ABM has an ability for modeling emergent phenomena, thus phenomena such as cultural norms that come up into society because of interactions between individuals and other agents, sometimes even in a counterintuitive manner, and that are not well captured by traditional modeling techniques (Nicholls et. al, 2017). In this perspective, this project proposes an ABM to simulate tourism in Bogota. The main objetictive is to support the tourist in the planning and realization of different tourism activities, considering qualitative and quantitative variables that maximize the experience of a tourist visitingBogota (Colombia), which in turn may contribute to the development of this economic sector. In general, the results in several scenarios are positive according to the average level of satisfaction obtained, which means that the recommendations generated by the application are adequate. Therefore, the model has the potential to help current tourism platforms to better accomplish satisfactory recommendations for tourists and even be the basis for the development of a new app, so this would allow promoting the growth of tourism in La Candelaria, Bogota.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad