37 research outputs found

    Value-Flow-Based Demand-Driven Pointer Analysis for C and C++

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    IEEE We present SUPA, a value-flow-based demand-driven flow- and context-sensitive pointer analysis with strong updates for C and C++ programs. SUPA enables computing points-to information via value-flow refinement, in environments with small time and memory budgets. We formulate SUPA by solving a graph-reachability problem on an inter-procedural value-flow graph representing a program's def-use chains, which are pre-computed efficiently but over-approximately. To answer a client query (a request for a variable's points-to set), SUPA reasons about the flow of values along the pre-computed def-use chains sparsely (rather than across all program points), by performing only the work necessary for the query (rather than analyzing the whole program). In particular, strong updates are performed to filter out spurious def-use chains through value-flow refinement as long as the total budget is not exhausted

    Demand-Driven Pointer Analysis with Strong Updates via Value-Flow Refinement

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    We present a new demand-driven flow- and context-sensitive pointer analysis with strong updates for C programs, called SUPA, that enables computing points-to information via value-flow refinement, in environments with small time and memory budgets such as IDEs. We formulate SUPA by solving a graph reachability problem on an inter-procedural value-flow graph representing a program's def-use chains, which are pre-computed efficiently but over-approximately. To answer a client query (a request for a variable's points-to set), SUPA reasons about the flow of values along the pre-computed def-use chains sparsely (rather than across all program points), by performing only the work necessary for the query (rather than analyzing the whole program). In particular, strong updates are performed to filter out spurious def-use chains through value-flow refinement as long as the total budget is not exhausted. SUPA facilitates efficiency and precision tradeoffs by applying different pointer analyses in a hybrid multi-stage analysis framework. We have implemented SUPA in LLVM (3.5.0) and evaluate it by choosing uninitialized pointer detection as a major client on 18 open-source C programs. As the analysis budget increases, SUPA achieves improved precision, with its single-stage flow-sensitive analysis reaching 97.4% of that achieved by whole-program flow-sensitive analysis by consuming about 0.18 seconds and 65KB of memory per query, on average (with a budget of at most 10000 value-flow edges per query). With context-sensitivity also considered, SUPA's two- stage analysis becomes more precise for some programs but also incurs more analysis times. SUPA is also amenable to parallelization. A parallel implementation of its single-stage flow-sensitive analysis achieves a speedup of up to 6.9x with an average of 3.05x a 8-core machine with respect its sequential version

    Value-Flow-Based Demand-Driven Pointer Analysis for C and C++

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    Precise Null Pointer Analysis Through Global Value Numbering

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    Precise analysis of pointer information plays an important role in many static analysis techniques and tools today. The precision, however, must be balanced against the scalability of the analysis. This paper focusses on improving the precision of standard context and flow insensitive alias analysis algorithms at a low scalability cost. In particular, we present a semantics-preserving program transformation that drastically improves the precision of existing analyses when deciding if a pointer can alias NULL. Our program transformation is based on Global Value Numbering, a scheme inspired from compiler optimizations literature. It allows even a flow-insensitive analysis to make use of branch conditions such as checking if a pointer is NULL and gain precision. We perform experiments on real-world code to measure the overhead in performing the transformation and the improvement in the precision of the analysis. We show that the precision improves from 86.56% to 98.05%, while the overhead is insignificant.Comment: 17 pages, 1 section in Appendi

    Symbol-Specific Sparsification of Interprocedural Distributive Environment Problems

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    Previous work has shown that one can often greatly speed up static analysis by computing data flows not for every edge in the program's control-flow graph but instead only along definition-use chains. This yields a so-called sparse static analysis. Recent work on SparseDroid has shown that specifically taint analysis can be "sparsified" with extraordinary effectiveness because the taint state of one variable does not depend on those of others. This allows one to soundly omit more flow-function computations than in the general case. In this work, we now assess whether this result carries over to the more generic setting of so-called Interprocedural Distributive Environment (IDE) problems. Opposed to taint analysis, IDE comprises distributive problems with large or even infinitely broad domains, such as typestate analysis or linear constant propagation. Specifically, this paper presents Sparse IDE, a framework that realizes sparsification for any static analysis that fits the IDE framework. We implement Sparse IDE in SparseHeros, as an extension to the popular Heros IDE solver, and evaluate its performance on real-world Java libraries by comparing it to the baseline IDE algorithm. To this end, we design, implement and evaluate a linear constant propagation analysis client on top of SparseHeros. Our experiments show that, although IDE analyses can only be sparsified with respect to symbols and not (numeric) values, Sparse IDE can nonetheless yield significantly lower runtimes and often also memory consumptions compared to the original IDE.Comment: To be published in ICSE 202

    Program analysis of temporal memory mismanagement

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    In the use of C/C++ programs, the performance benefits obtained from flexible low-level memory access and management sacrifice language-level support for memory safety and garbage collection. Memory-related programming mistakes are introduced as a result, rendering C/C++ programs prone to memory errors. A common category of programming mistakes is defined by the misplacement of deallocation operations, also known as temporal memory mismanagement, which can generate two types of bugs: (1) use-after-free (UAF) bugs and (2) memory leaks. The former are severe security vulnerabilities that expose programs to both data and control-flow exploits, while the latter are critical performance bugs that compromise software availability and reliability. In the case of UAF bugs, existing solutions that almost exclusively rely on dynamic analysis suffer from limitations, including low code coverage, binary incompatibility, and high overheads. In the case of memory leaks, detection techniques are abundant; however, fixing techniques have been poorly investigated. In this thesis, we present three novel program analysis frameworks to address temporal memory mismanagement in C/C++. First, we introduce Tac, the first static UAF detection framework to combine typestate analysis with machine learning. Tac identifies representative features to train a Support Vector Machine to classify likely true/false UAF candidates, thereby providing guidance for typestate analysis used to locate bugs with precision. We then present CRed, a pointer analysis-based framework for UAF detection with a novel context-reduction technique and a new demand-driven path-sensitive pointer analysis to boost scalability and precision. A major advantage of CRed is its ability to substantially and soundly reduce search space without losing bug-finding ability. This is achieved by utilizing must-not-alias information to truncate unnecessary segments of calling contexts. Finally, we propose AutoFix, an automated memory leak fixing framework based on value-flow analysis and static instrumentation that can fix all leaks reported by any front-end detector with negligible overheads safely and with precision. AutoFix tolerates false leaks with a shadow memory data structure carefully designed to keep track of the allocation and deallocation of potentially leaked memory objects. The contribution of this thesis is threefold. First, we advance existing state-of-the-art solutions to detecting memory leaks by proposing a series of novel program analysis techniques to address temporal memory mismanagement. Second, corresponding prototype tools are fully implemented in the LLVM compiler framework. Third, an extensive evaluation of open-source C/C++ benchmarks is conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    Boomerang: Demand-Driven Flow- and Context-Sensitive Pointer Analysis for Java

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    Many current program analyses require highly precise pointer information about small, tar- geted parts of a given program. This motivates the need for demand-driven pointer analyses that compute information only where required. Pointer analyses generally compute points-to sets of program variables or answer boolean alias queries. However, many client analyses require richer pointer information. For example, taint and typestate analyses often need to know the set of all aliases of a given variable under a certain calling context. With most current pointer analyses, clients must compute such information through repeated points-to or alias queries, increasing complexity and computation time for them. This paper presents Boomerang, a demand-driven, flow-, field-, and context-sensitive pointer analysis for Java programs. Boomerang computes rich results that include both the possible allocation sites of a given pointer (points-to information) and all pointers that can point to those allocation sites (alias information). For increased precision and scalability, clients can query Boomerang with respect to particular calling contexts of interest. Our experiments show that Boomerang is more precise than existing demand-driven pointer analyses. Additionally, using Boomerang, the taint analysis FlowDroid issues up to 29.4x fewer pointer queries compared to using other pointer analyses that return simpler pointer infor- mation. Furthermore, the search space of Boomerang can be significantly reduced by requesting calling contexts from the client analysis

    Logic Programming Applications: What Are the Abstractions and Implementations?

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    This article presents an overview of applications of logic programming, classifying them based on the abstractions and implementations of logic languages that support the applications. The three key abstractions are join, recursion, and constraint. Their essential implementations are for-loops, fixed points, and backtracking, respectively. The corresponding kinds of applications are database queries, inductive analysis, and combinatorial search, respectively. We also discuss language extensions and programming paradigms, summarize example application problems by application areas, and touch on example systems that support variants of the abstractions with different implementations