2 research outputs found

    A note on bias reduction

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    Let w^\widehat{w} be an unbiased estimate of an unknown w∈Rw\in R. Given a function t(w)t(w), we show how to choose a function fn(w)f_n(w) such that for w∗=w^+fn(w)w^*=\widehat{w} + f_n(w), E t(w∗)=t(w)E\ t\left(w^*\right) =t(w). We illustrate this with t(w)=wat(w)=w^a for a given constant aa. For a=2a=2 and w^\widehat{w} normal, this leads to the convolution equation cr=cr⊗crc_r=c_r\otimes c_r

    A note on bias reduction

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    Let w^\widehat{w} be an unbiased estimate of an unknown w∈Rw\in R. Given a function t(w)t(w), we show how to choose a function fn(w)f_n(w) such that for w∗=w^+fn(w)w^*=\widehat{w} + f_n(w), E t(w∗)=t(w)E\ t\left(w^*\right) =t(w). We illustrate this with t(w)=wat(w)=w^a for a given constant aa. For a=2a=2 and w^\widehat{w} normal, this leads to the convolution equation cr=cr⊗crc_r=c_r\otimes c_r