4 research outputs found

    Delayed point control of a reaction–diffusion PDE under discrete-time point measurements

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    We consider stabilization problem for reaction–diffusion PDEs with point actuations subject to a known constant delay. The point measurements are sampled in time and transmitted through a communication network with a time-varying delay. To compensate the input delay, we construct an observer for the future value of the state. Using a time-varying observer gain, we ensure that the estimation error vanishes exponentially with a desired decay rate if the delays and sampling intervals are small enough while the number of sensors is large enough. The convergence conditions are obtained using a Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional, which leads to linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). We design output-feedback point controllers in the presence of input delays using the above observer. The boundary controller is constructed using the backstepping transformation, which leads to a target system containing the exponentially decaying estimation error. The in-domain point controller is designed and analysed using an improved Wirtinger-based inequality. We show that both controllers can guarantee the exponential stability of the closed-loop system with an arbitrary decay rate smaller than that of the observer’s estimation error

    Multi-agent deployment under the leader displacement measurement : a PDE-based approach

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    We study the deployment of a first-order multiagent system over a desired smooth curve in 3D space. We assume that the agents have access to the local information of the desired curve and their displacements with respect to their closest neighbors, whereas in addition a leader is able to measure his absolute displacement with respect to the desired curve. In this paper we consider the case that the desired curve is a closed C^2 curve and we assume that the leader transmit his measurement to other agents through a communication network. We start the algorithm with displacement based formation control protocol. Connections from this ODE model to a PDE model (heat equation), which can be seen as a reduced model, are then established. The resulting closed loop system is modeled as a heat equation with delay (due to the communication). The boundary condition is periodic since the desired curve is closed. By choosing appropriate controller gains (the diffusion coefficient and the gain multiplying the leader state), we can achieve any desired decay rate provided the delay is small enough. The advantage of our approach is in the simplicity of the control law and the conditions. Numerical example illustrates the efficiency of the method

    Deep Learning of Delay-Compensated Backstepping for Reaction-Diffusion PDEs

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    Deep neural networks that approximate nonlinear function-to-function mappings, i.e., operators, which are called DeepONet, have been demonstrated in recent articles to be capable of encoding entire PDE control methodologies, such as backstepping, so that, for each new functional coefficient of a PDE plant, the backstepping gains are obtained through a simple function evaluation. These initial results have been limited to single PDEs from a given class, approximating the solutions of only single-PDE operators for the gain kernels. In this paper we expand this framework to the approximation of multiple (cascaded) nonlinear operators. Multiple operators arise in the control of PDE systems from distinct PDE classes, such as the system in this paper: a reaction-diffusion plant, which is a parabolic PDE, with input delay, which is a hyperbolic PDE. The DeepONet-approximated nonlinear operator is a cascade/composition of the operators defined by one hyperbolic PDE of the Goursat form and one parabolic PDE on a rectangle, both of which are bilinear in their input functions and not explicitly solvable. For the delay-compensated PDE backstepping controller, which employs the learned control operator, namely, the approximated gain kernel, we guarantee exponential stability in the L2L^2 norm of the plant state and the H1H^1 norm of the input delay state. Simulations illustrate the contributed theory