3,346 research outputs found

    The Benes Network is q*(q-1)/2n-Almost q-set-wise Independent

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    A switching network of depth d is a layered graph with d layers and n vertices in each layer. The edges of the switching network do not cross between layers and in each layer the edges form a partial matching. A switching network defines a stochastic process over Sn that starts with the identity permutation and goes through the layers of the network from first to last, where for each layer and each pair (i,j) in the partial matching of the layer, it applies the transposition (i j) with probability half. A switching network is good if the final distribution is close to the uniform distribution over S_n. A switching network is epsilon-almost q-permutation-wise independent if its action on any ordered set of size q is almost uniform, and is epsilon-almost q-set-wise independent if its action on any set of size q is almost uniform. Mixing of switching networks (even for q-permutation-wise and q-set-wise independence) has found several applications, mostly in cryptography. Some applications further require some additional properties from the network, e.g., the existence of an algorithm that given a permutation can set the switches such that the network generates the given permutation, a property that the Benes network has. Morris, Rogaway and Stegers showed the Thorp shuffle (which corresponds to applying two or more butterflies one after the other) is q-permutation-wise independent, for q=n^gamma for gamma that depends on the number of sequential applications of the butterfly network. The techniques applied by Morris et al. do not seem to apply for the Benes network. In this work we show the Benes network is almost q-set-wise independent for q up to about sqrt(n). Our technique is simple and completely new, and we believe carries hope for getting even better results in the future

    Concentration of measure and mixing for Markov chains

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    We consider Markovian models on graphs with local dynamics. We show that, under suitable conditions, such Markov chains exhibit both rapid convergence to equilibrium and strong concentration of measure in the stationary distribution. We illustrate our results with applications to some known chains from computer science and statistical mechanics.Comment: 28 page

    The efficiency of greedy routing in hypercubes and butterflies

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 24-26).Cover title. "October 1990".Research supported by the ARO. DAAL03-86-K-0171 Research supported by the NSF. ECS-8552419by George D. Stamoulis and John N. Tsitsiklis

    Reverse Cycle Walking and Its Applications

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    We study the problem of constructing a block-cipher on a possibly-strange set S\mathcal S using a block-cipher on a larger set T\mathcal T. Such constructions are useful in format-preserving encryption, where for example the set S\mathcal S might contain valid 9-digit social security numbers while T\mathcal T might be the set of 30-bit strings. Previous work has solved this problem using a technique called cycle walking, first formally analyzed by Black and Rogaway. Assuming the size of S\mathcal S is a constant fraction of the size of T\mathcal T, cycle walking allows one to encipher a point xSx \in \mathcal S by applying the block-cipher on T\mathcal T a small /expected/ number of times and O(N)O(N) times in the worst case, where N=TN = |\mathcal T|, without any degradation in security. We introduce an alternative to cycle walking that we call /reverse cycle walking/, which lowers the worst-case number of times we must apply the block-cipher on T\mathcal T from O(N)O(N) to O(logN)O(\log N). Additionally, when the underlying block-cipher on T\mathcal T is secure against q=(1ϵ)Nq = (1-\epsilon)N adversarial queries, we show that applying reverse cycle walking gives us a cipher on S\mathcal S secure even if the adversary is allowed to query all of the domain points. Such fully-secure ciphers have been the the target of numerous recent papers