9 research outputs found

    Network Utility Maximization under Maximum Delay Constraints and Throughput Requirements

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    We consider the problem of maximizing aggregate user utilities over a multi-hop network, subject to link capacity constraints, maximum end-to-end delay constraints, and user throughput requirements. A user's utility is a concave function of the achieved throughput or the experienced maximum delay. The problem is important for supporting real-time multimedia traffic, and is uniquely challenging due to the need of simultaneously considering maximum delay constraints and throughput requirements. We first show that it is NP-complete either (i) to construct a feasible solution strictly meeting all constraints, or (ii) to obtain an optimal solution after we relax maximum delay constraints or throughput requirements up to constant ratios. We then develop a polynomial-time approximation algorithm named PASS. The design of PASS leverages a novel understanding between non-convex maximum-delay-aware problems and their convex average-delay-aware counterparts, which can be of independent interest and suggest a new avenue for solving maximum-delay-aware network optimization problems. Under realistic conditions, PASS achieves constant or problem-dependent approximation ratios, at the cost of violating maximum delay constraints or throughput requirements by up to constant or problem-dependent ratios. PASS is practically useful since the conditions for PASS are satisfied in many popular application scenarios. We empirically evaluate PASS using extensive simulations of supporting video-conferencing traffic across Amazon EC2 datacenters. Compared to existing algorithms and a conceivable baseline, PASS obtains up to 100%100\% improvement of utilities, by meeting the throughput requirements but relaxing the maximum delay constraints that are acceptable for practical video conferencing applications

    On the Min-Max-Delay Problem: NP-completeness, Algorithm, and Integrality Gap

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    We study a delay-sensitive information flow problem where a source streams information to a sink over a directed graph G(V,E) at a fixed rate R possibly using multiple paths to minimize the maximum end-to-end delay, denoted as the Min-Max-Delay problem. Transmission over an edge incurs a constant delay within the capacity. We prove that Min-Max-Delay is weakly NP-complete, and demonstrate that it becomes strongly NP-complete if we require integer flow solution. We propose an optimal pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for Min-Max-Delay, with time complexity O(\log (Nd_{\max}) (N^5d_{\max}^{2.5})(\log R+N^2d_{\max}\log(N^2d_{\max}))), where N = \max\{|V|,|E|\} and d_{\max} is the maximum edge delay. Besides, we show that the integrality gap, which is defined as the ratio of the maximum delay of an optimal integer flow to the maximum delay of an optimal fractional flow, could be arbitrarily large

    Enabling large scale cloud services by software defined wide area network

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    Interconnecting data centers (DCs) efficiently and using the fully available capacity of existing resources in Wide Area Network (WAN) seems to be one of the most challenging issues for service providers (SPs). In this master memory, we investigate a new approach to optimize traffic engineering in WAN which interconnects DCs (Inter-DC WAN) using Software Defined Networking (SDN). We propose a model to optimize bandwidth allocation to flows belonging at different Classes of Services (CoS) according to their priority and the current network state. The proposed model aims to maximize the throughput in the network and to minimize the overall energy consumption. The proposed model takes into account inter-domain communication and respects underlying technology specifications such as Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). To build our model, we consider four mathematical expressions for energy consumption of the topology nodes and links namely: the idle, the fully proportional, the agnostic and the step increasing models, and we adopt the MPLS model for Inter-DC WAN. We propose a deterministic algorithm to solve the optimization problem using Linear Programming (LP) solvers and we compare its performances with two existing models: Microsoft solutions’ SWAN which focuses on throughput maximization, and a base line model which aims to minimize energy consumption while allocating bandwidth to different flows. Experiments in the simulation environment show that the proposed solution can optimally exploit available physical capacity in the network to afford users demand in terms of bandwidth and uses the minimum energy to carry traffic. The proposed optimization model is NP-hard, so we propose a greedy heuristic to improve the runtime of the proposed solution

    Network monitoring in public clouds: issues, methodologies, and applications

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    Cloud computing adoption is rapidly growing thanks to the carried large technical and economical advantages. Its effects can be observed also looking at the fast increase of cloud traffic: in accordance with recent forecasts, more than 75\% of the overall datacenter traffic will be cloud traffic by 2018. Accordingly, huge investments have been made by providers in network infrastructures. Networks of geographically distributed datacenters have been built, which require efficient and accurate monitoring activities to be operated. However, providers rarely expose information about the state of cloud networks or their design, and seldom make promises about their performance. In this scenario, cloud customers therefore have to cope with performance unpredictability in spite of the primary role played by the network. Indeed, according to the deployment practices adopted and the functional separation of the application layers often implemented, the network heavily influences the performance of the cloud services, also impacting costs and revenues. In this thesis cloud networks are investigated enforcing non-cooperative approaches, i.e.~that do not require access to any information restricted to entities involved in the cloud service provision. A platform to monitor cloud networks from the point of view of the customer is presented. Such a platform enables general customers---even those with limited expertise in the configuration and the management of cloud resources---to obtain valuable information about the state of the cloud network, according to a set of factors under their control. A detailed characterization of the cloud network and of its performance is provided, thanks to extensive experimentations performed during the last years on the infrastructures of the two leading cloud providers (Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure). The information base gathered by enforcing the proposed approaches allows customers to better understand the characteristics of these complex network infrastructures. Moreover, experimental results are also useful to the provider for understanding the quality of service perceived by customers. By properly interpreting the obtained results, usage guidelines can be devised which allow to enhance the achievable performance and reduce costs. As a particular case study, the thesis also shows how monitoring information can be leveraged by the customer to implement convenient mechanisms to scale cloud resources without any a priori knowledge. More in general, we believe that this thesis provides a better-defined picture of the characteristics of the complex cloud network infrastructures, also providing the scientific community with useful tools for characterizing them in the future

    A situational awareness model for data analysis on 5G mobile networks : the SELFNET analyzer framework

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, leída el 14-07-2017Se espera que las redes 5G provean un entorno seguro, con able y de alto rendimiento con interrupciones m nimas en la provisi on de servicios avanzados de red, sin importar la localizaci on del dispositivo o cuando el servicio es requerido. Esta nueva generaci on de red ser a capaz de proporcionar altas velocidades, baja latencia y mejor Calidad de Servicio (QoS) comparado con las redes actuales Long Term Evolution (LTE). Para proveer estas capacidades, 5G propone la combinaci on de tecnolog as avanzadas tales como Redes De nidas por Software (SDN), Virtualizaci on de las Funciones de Red (NFV), Redes auto-organizadas (SON) e Inteligencia Arti cial. De manera especial, 5G ser a capaz de solucionar o mitigar cambios inesperados o problemas t picos de red a trav es de la identi caci on de situaciones espec cas, tomando en cuenta las necesidades del usuario y los Acuerdos de Nivel de Servicio (SLAs). Actualmente, los principales operadores de red y la comunidad cient ca se encuentran trabajando en estrategias para facilitar el an alisis de datos y el proceso de toma de decisiones cuando eventos espec cos comprometen la salud de las redes 5G. Al mismo tiempo, el concepto de Conciencia Situacional (SA) y los modelos de gesti on de incidencias aplicados a redes 5G est an en etapa temprana de desarrollo. La idea principal detr as de estos conceptos es prevenir o mitigar situaciones nocivas de manera reactiva y proactiva. En este contexto, el proyecto Self-Organized Network Management in Virtualized and Software De ned Networks (SELFNET) combina los conceptos de SDN, NFV and SON para proveer un marco de gesti on aut onomo e inteligente para redes 5G. SELFNET resuelve problemas comunes de red, mientras mejora la calidad de servicio (QoS) y la Calidad de Experiencia (QoE) de los usuarios nales...5G networks hope to provide a secure, reliable and high-performance environment with minimal disruptions in the provisioning of advanced network services, regardless the device location or when the service is required. This new network generation will be able to deliver ultra-high capacity, low latency and better Quality of Service (QoS) compared with current Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks. In order to provide these capabilities, 5G proposes the combination of advanced technologies such as Software De ned Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Self-organized Networks (SON) or Arti cial Intelligence. In particular, 5G will be able to face unexpected changes or network problems through the identi cation of speci c situations, taking into account the user needs and the Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Nowadays, the main telecommunication operators and community research are working in strategies to facilitate the data analysis and decision-making process when unexpected events compromise the health in 5G Networks. Meanwhile, the concept of Situational Awareness (SA) and incident management models applied to 5G Networks are also in an early stage. The key idea behind these concepts is to mitigate or prevent harmful situations in a reactive and proactive way. In this context, Self-Organized Network Management in Virtualized and Software De ned Networks Project (SELFNET) combines SDN, NFV and SON concepts to provide a smart autonomic management framework for 5G networks. SELFNET resolves common network problems, while improving the QoS and Quality of Experience (QoE) of end users...Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu