10 research outputs found

    Multi-level Logic Benchmarks: An Exactness Study

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    In this paper, we study exact multi-level logic benchmarks. We refer to an exact logic benchmark, or exact benchmark in short, as the optimal implementation of a given Boolean function, in terms of minimum number of logic levels and/or nodes. Exact benchmarks are of paramount importance to design automation because they allow engineers to test the efficiency of heuristic techniques used in practice. When dealing with two-level logic circuits, tools to generate exact benchmarks are available, e.g., espresso-exact, and scale up to relatively large size. However, when moving to modern multi-level logic circuits, the problem of deriving exact benchmarks is inherently more complex. Indeed, few solutions are known. In this paper, we present a scalable method to generate exact multi-level benchmarks with the optimum, or provably close to the optimum, number of logic levels. Our technique involves concepts from graph theory and joint support decomposition. Experimental results show an asymptotic exponential gap between state-of- the-art synthesis techniques and our exact results. Our findings underline the need for strong new research in logic synthesis

    Busy Man’s Synthesis: Combinational Delay Optimization With SAT

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    Boolean SAT solving can be used to find a minimum- size logic network for a given small Boolean function. This paper extends the SAT formulation to find a minimum-size network under delay constraints. Delay constraints are given in terms of input arrival times and the maximum depth. After integration into a depth-optimizing mapping algorithm, the proposed SAT formulation can be used to perform logic rewriting to reduce the logic depth of a network. It is shown that to be effective the logic rewriting algorithm requires (i) a fast SAT formulation and (ii) heuristics to quickly determine whether the given delay constraints are feasible for a given function. The proposed algorithm is more versatile than previous algorithms, which is confirmed by the experimental results

    Majority-Inverter Graph: A New Paradigm for Logic Optimization

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    In this paper, we propose a paradigm shift in representing and optimizing logic by using only majority (MAJ) and inversion (INV) functions as basic operations. We represent logic functions by Majority-Inverter Graph (MIG): a directed acyclic graph consisting of three-input majority nodes and regular/complemented edges. We optimize MIGs via a new Boolean algebra, based exclusively on majority and inversion operations, that we formally axiomatize in this work. As a complement to MIG algebraic optimization, we develop powerful Boolean methods exploiting global properties of MIGs, such as bit-error masking. MIG algebraic and Boolean methods together attain very high optimization quality. Considering the set of IWLS’05 benchmarks, our MIG optimizer (MIGhty) enables a 7% depth reduction in LUT-6 circuits mapped by ABC while also reducing size and power activity, with respect to similar AIG optimization. Focusing on arithmetic intensive benchmarks instead, MIGhty enables a 16% depth reduction in LUT-6 circuits mapped by ABC, again with respect to similar AIG optimization. Employed as front-end to a delay-critical 22-nm ASIC flow (logic synthesis + physical design) MIGhty reduces the average delay/area/power by 13%/4%/3%, respectively, over 31 academic and industrial benchmarks. We also demonstrate delay/area/power improve- ments by 10%/10%/5% for a commercial FPGA flow

    New Data Structures and Algorithms for Logic Synthesis and Verification

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    The strong interaction between Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools and Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology contributed substantially to the advancement of modern digital electronics. The continuous downscaling of CMOS Field Effect Transistor (FET) dimensions enabled the semiconductor industry to fabricate digital systems with higher circuit density at reduced costs. To keep pace with technology, EDA tools are challenged to handle both digital designs with growing functionality and device models of increasing complexity. Nevertheless, whereas the downscaling of CMOS technology is requiring more complex physical design models, the logic abstraction of a transistor as a switch has not changed even with the introduction of 3D FinFET technology. As a consequence, modern EDA tools are fine tuned for CMOS technology and the underlying design methodologies are based on CMOS logic primitives, i.e., negative unate logic functions. While it is clear that CMOS logic primitives will be the ultimate building blocks for digital systems in the next ten years, no evidence is provided that CMOS logic primitives are also the optimal basis for EDA software. In EDA, the efficiency of methods and tools is measured by different metrics such as (i) the result quality, for example the performance of a digital circuit, (ii) the runtime and (iii) the memory footprint on the host computer. With the aim to optimize these metrics, the accordance to a specific logic model is no longer important. Indeed, the key to the success of an EDA technique is the expressive power of the logic primitives handling and solving the problem, which determines the capability to reach better metrics. In this thesis, we investigate new logic primitives for electronic design automation tools. We improve the efficiency of logic representation, manipulation and optimization tasks by taking advantage of majority and biconditional logic primitives. We develop synthesis tools exploiting the majority and biconditional expressiveness. Our tools show strong results as compared to state-of-the-art academic and commercial synthesis tools. Indeed, we produce the best results for several public benchmarks. On top of the enhanced synthesis power, our methods are the natural and native logic abstraction for circuit design in emerging nanotechnologies, where majority and biconditional logic are the primitive gates for physical implementation. We accelerate formal methods by (i) studying properties of logic circuits and (ii) developing new frameworks for logic reasoning engines. We prove non-trivial dualities for the property checking problem in logic circuits. Our findings enable sensible speed-ups in solving circuit satisfiability. We develop an alternative Boolean satisfiability framework based on majority functions. We prove that the general problem is still intractable but we show practical restrictions that can be solved efficiently. Finally, we focus on reversible logic where we propose a new equivalence checking approach. We exploit the invertibility of computation and the functionality of reversible gates in the formulation of the problem. This enables one order of magnitude speed up, as compared to the state-of-the-art solution. We argue that new approaches to solve EDA problems are necessary, as we have reached a point of technology where keeping pace with design goals is tougher than ever

    Exploiting Satisfiability Solvers for Efficient Logic Synthesis

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    Logic synthesis is an important part of electronic design automation (EDA) flows, which enable the implementation of digital systems. As the design size and complexity increase, the data structures and algorithms for logic synthesis must adapt and improve in order to keep pace and to maintain acceptable runtime and high-quality results. Large circuits were often represented using binary decision diagrams (BDDs) that were rapidly adopted by logic synthesis tools beginning in the 1980s. Nowadays, BDD-based algorithms are still enhanced, but the possibilities for improvement are somewhat saturated after some 35 years of research. Alternatively, the first EDA applications that exploit Boolean satisfiability (SAT) were developed in the 1990s. Despite the worst-case exponential runtime of SAT solvers, rapid progress in their performance enabled the creation of efficient SAT-based algorithms. Yet, logic synthesis started using SAT solvers more diffusely only in the last decade. Therefore, thorough research is still required both for exploiting SAT solvers and for encoding logic synthesis problems into SAT. Our main goal in this thesis is to facilitate and promote the further integration of SAT solvers into EDA by proposing and evaluating novel SAT-based algorithms that can be used as building blocks in logic synthesis tools. First, we propose a rapid algorithm for LEXSAT, which generates satisfying assignments in lexicographic order. We show that LEXSAT can bring canonicity, which guarantees the generation of unique results, when using SAT solvers in EDA applications. Next, we present a new SAT-based algorithm that progressively generates irredundant sums of products (SOPs), which still play a crucial role in many logic synthesis tools. Using LEXSAT, for the first time, we can generate canonical SAT-based SOPs that, much like BDD-based SOPs, are unique for a given function and variable order but could relax canonicity in order to improve speed and scalability. Unlike BDDs, due to its progressive nature, our algorithm can generate partial SOPs for applications that can work with incomplete circuit functionality. It is noteworthy that both LEXSAT and the SAT-based SOPs are applicable beyond logic synthesis and EDA. Finally, we focus on resubstitution, which reimplements a given Boolean function as a new function that depends on a set of existing functions called divisors. We propose the carving interpolation algorithm that, unlike the traditional Craig interpolation, forces the use of a specific divisor as an input of the new function. This is particularly useful for global circuit restructuring and for some synthesis-based engineering change order (ECO) algorithms. Furthermore, we compare two existing SAT-based methodologies for resubstitution, which are used for post-mapping logic optimisation. The first methodology combines SAT-based functional dependency checking and Craig interpolation that are also used for our carving interpolation; the second methodology is based on cube enumeration and is similar to the SAT-based SOP generation. The initial implementations of our novel SAT-based algorithms offer either better performance or new features, or both, compared to their state-of-the-art versions. As the results indicate, a further thorough development of SAT-based algorithms for logic synthesis, like the one performed for BDDs in the past, can help overcome existing limitations and keep up with growing designs and design complexity

    Delay Optimization Using SOP Balancing

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    Reducing delay of a digital circuit is an important topic in logic synthesis for standard cells and LUT-based FPGAs. This paper presents a simple, fast, and very efficient synthesis algorithm to improve the delay after technology mapping. The algorithm scales to large designs and is implemented in a publicly-available technology mapper. The code is available online. Experimental results on industrial designs show that the method can improve delay by 30 % with the increase in area 2.4%, or by 41 % with the increase in area by 3.9%, on top of a high-effort synthesis and mapping flow. 1