3,576 research outputs found

    Degrees bounding principles and universal instances in reverse mathematics

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    A Turing degree d bounds a principle P of reverse mathematics if every computable instance of P has a d-computable solution. P admits a universal instance if there exists a computable instance such that every solution bounds P. We prove that the stable version of the ascending descending sequence principle (SADS) as well as the stable version of the thin set theorem for pairs (STS(2)) do not admit a bound of low_2 degree. Therefore no principle between Ramsey's theorem for pairs RT22 and SADS or STS(2) admit a universal instance. We construct a low_2 degree bounding the Erd\H{o}s-Moser theorem (EM), thereby showing that previous argument does not hold for EM. Finally, we prove that the only Delta^0_2 degree bounding a stable version of the rainbow Ramsey theorem for pairs (SRRT22) is 0'. Hence no principle between the stable Ramsey theorem for pairs SRT22 and SRRT22 admit a universal instance. In particular the stable version of the Erd\H{o}s-Moser theorem does not admit one. It remains unknown whether EM admits a universal instance.Comment: 23 page

    Open questions about Ramsey-type statements in reverse mathematics

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    Ramsey's theorem states that for any coloring of the n-element subsets of N with finitely many colors, there is an infinite set H such that all n-element subsets of H have the same color. The strength of consequences of Ramsey's theorem has been extensively studied in reverse mathematics and under various reducibilities, namely, computable reducibility and uniform reducibility. Our understanding of the combinatorics of Ramsey's theorem and its consequences has been greatly improved over the past decades. In this paper, we state some questions which naturally arose during this study. The inability to answer those questions reveals some gaps in our understanding of the combinatorics of Ramsey's theorem.Comment: 15 page

    Dominating the Erdos-Moser theorem in reverse mathematics

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    The Erdos-Moser theorem (EM) states that every infinite tournament has an infinite transitive subtournament. This principle plays an important role in the understanding of the computational strength of Ramsey's theorem for pairs (RT^2_2) by providing an alternate proof of RT^2_2 in terms of EM and the ascending descending sequence principle (ADS). In this paper, we study the computational weakness of EM and construct a standard model (omega-model) of simultaneously EM, weak K\"onig's lemma and the cohesiveness principle, which is not a model of the atomic model theorem. This separation answers a question of Hirschfeldt, Shore and Slaman, and shows that the weakness of the Erdos-Moser theorem goes beyond the separation of EM from ADS proven by Lerman, Solomon and Towsner.Comment: 36 page

    The weakness of being cohesive, thin or free in reverse mathematics

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    Informally, a mathematical statement is robust if its strength is left unchanged under variations of the statement. In this paper, we investigate the lack of robustness of Ramsey's theorem and its consequence under the frameworks of reverse mathematics and computable reducibility. To this end, we study the degrees of unsolvability of cohesive sets for different uniformly computable sequence of sets and identify different layers of unsolvability. This analysis enables us to answer some questions of Wang about how typical sets help computing cohesive sets. We also study the impact of the number of colors in the computable reducibility between coloring statements. In particular, we strengthen the proof by Dzhafarov that cohesiveness does not strongly reduce to stable Ramsey's theorem for pairs, revealing the combinatorial nature of this non-reducibility and prove that whenever kk is greater than â„“\ell, stable Ramsey's theorem for nn-tuples and kk colors is not computably reducible to Ramsey's theorem for nn-tuples and â„“\ell colors. In this sense, Ramsey's theorem is not robust with respect to his number of colors over computable reducibility. Finally, we separate the thin set and free set theorem from Ramsey's theorem for pairs and identify an infinite decreasing hierarchy of thin set theorems in reverse mathematics. This shows that in reverse mathematics, the strength of Ramsey's theorem is very sensitive to the number of colors in the output set. In particular, it enables us to answer several related questions asked by Cholak, Giusto, Hirst and Jockusch.Comment: 31 page

    Iterative forcing and hyperimmunity in reverse mathematics

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    The separation between two theorems in reverse mathematics is usually done by constructing a Turing ideal satisfying a theorem P and avoiding the solutions to a fixed instance of a theorem Q. Lerman, Solomon and Towsner introduced a forcing technique for iterating a computable non-reducibility in order to separate theorems over omega-models. In this paper, we present a modularized version of their framework in terms of preservation of hyperimmunity and show that it is powerful enough to obtain the same separations results as Wang did with his notion of preservation of definitions.Comment: 15 page

    Set existence principles and closure conditions: unravelling the standard view of reverse mathematics

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    It is a striking fact from reverse mathematics that almost all theorems of countable and countably representable mathematics are equivalent to just five subsystems of second order arithmetic. The standard view is that the significance of these equivalences lies in the set existence principles that are necessary and sufficient to prove those theorems. In this article I analyse the role of set existence principles in reverse mathematics, and argue that they are best understood as closure conditions on the powerset of the natural numbers

    The proof-theoretic strength of Ramsey's theorem for pairs and two colors

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    Ramsey's theorem for nn-tuples and kk-colors (RTkn\mathsf{RT}^n_k) asserts that every k-coloring of [N]n[\mathbb{N}]^n admits an infinite monochromatic subset. We study the proof-theoretic strength of Ramsey's theorem for pairs and two colors, namely, the set of its Π10\Pi^0_1 consequences, and show that RT22\mathsf{RT}^2_2 is Π30\Pi^0_3 conservative over IΣ10\mathsf{I}\Sigma^0_1. This strengthens the proof of Chong, Slaman and Yang that RT22\mathsf{RT}^2_2 does not imply IΣ20\mathsf{I}\Sigma^0_2, and shows that RT22\mathsf{RT}^2_2 is finitistically reducible, in the sense of Simpson's partial realization of Hilbert's Program. Moreover, we develop general tools to simplify the proofs of Π30\Pi^0_3-conservation theorems.Comment: 32 page
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