1,548 research outputs found

    Manipulating Highly Deformable Materials Using a Visual Feedback Dictionary

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    The complex physical properties of highly deformable materials such as clothes pose significant challenges fanipulation systems. We present a novel visual feedback dictionary-based method for manipulating defoor autonomous robotic mrmable objects towards a desired configuration. Our approach is based on visual servoing and we use an efficient technique to extract key features from the RGB sensor stream in the form of a histogram of deformable model features. These histogram features serve as high-level representations of the state of the deformable material. Next, we collect manipulation data and use a visual feedback dictionary that maps the velocity in the high-dimensional feature space to the velocity of the robotic end-effectors for manipulation. We have evaluated our approach on a set of complex manipulation tasks and human-robot manipulation tasks on different cloth pieces with varying material characteristics.Comment: The video is available at goo.gl/mDSC4

    Progressive multi-atlas label fusion by dictionary evolution

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    AbstractAccurate segmentation of anatomical structures in medical images is important in recent imaging based studies. In the past years, multi-atlas patch-based label fusion methods have achieved a great success in medical image segmentation. In these methods, the appearance of each input image patch is first represented by an atlas patch dictionary (in the image domain), and then the latent label of the input image patch is predicted by applying the estimated representation coefficients to the corresponding anatomical labels of the atlas patches in the atlas label dictionary (in the label domain). However, due to the generally large gap between the patch appearance in the image domain and the patch structure in the label domain, the estimated (patch) representation coefficients from the image domain may not be optimal for the final label fusion, thus reducing the labeling accuracy. To address this issue, we propose a novel label fusion framework to seek for the suitable label fusion weights by progressively constructing a dynamic dictionary in a layer-by-layer manner, where the intermediate dictionaries act as a sequence of guidance to steer the transition of (patch) representation coefficients from the image domain to the label domain. Our proposed multi-layer label fusion framework is flexible enough to be applied to the existing labeling methods for improving their label fusion performance, i.e., by extending their single-layer static dictionary to the multi-layer dynamic dictionary. The experimental results show that our proposed progressive label fusion method achieves more accurate hippocampal segmentation results for the ADNI dataset, compared to the counterpart methods using only the single-layer static dictionary

    Deformable MR Prostate Segmentation via Deep Feature Learning and Sparse Patch Matching

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    Automatic and reliable segmentation of the prostate is an important but difficult task for various clinical applications such as prostate cancer radiotherapy. The main challenges for accurate MR prostate localization lie in two aspects: (1) inhomogeneous and inconsistent appearance around prostate boundary, and (2) the large shape variation across different patients. To tackle these two problems, we propose a new deformable MR prostate segmentation method by unifying deep feature learning with the sparse patch matching. First, instead of directly using handcrafted features, we propose to learn the latent feature representation from prostate MR images by the stacked sparse auto-encoder (SSAE). Since the deep learning algorithm learns the feature hierarchy from the data, the learned features are often more concise and effective than the handcrafted features in describing the underlying data. To improve the discriminability of learned features, we further refine the feature representation in a supervised fashion. Second, based on the learned features, a sparse patch matching method is proposed to infer a prostate likelihood map by transferring the prostate labels from multiple atlases to the new prostate MR image. Finally, a deformable segmentation is used to integrate a sparse shape model with the prostate likelihood map for achieving the final segmentation. The proposed method has been extensively evaluated on the dataset that contains 66 T2-wighted prostate MR images. Experimental results show that the deep-learned features are more effective than the handcrafted features in guiding MR prostate segmentation. Moreover, our method shows superior performance than other state-of-the-art segmentation methods
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