4 research outputs found

    FLOOD-EARTH: Projecci贸 del nivell del mar m脿xim potencial per efectes de desgla莽 global mitjan莽ant t猫cniques SIG

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    El futur increment del nivell dels oceans causat pel Canvi Clim脿tic t茅 un gran potencial a l鈥檋ora de modificar processos f铆sics, activitats econ貌miques i sistemes socials a les regions costaneres. El prop貌sit del present treball consisteix a avaluar els efectes causats sobre el medi i la poblaci贸 deguts a aquest increment. En concret, l鈥檕bjectiu principal 茅s establir una relaci贸 entre l鈥檃ltura d鈥檌nundaci贸 i l鈥櫭爎ea inundada, per tal de poder representar la corba hipsom猫trica global del planeta Terra fins a una altura m脿xima fixada pel volum d鈥檃igua congelada actualment emmagatzemat al planeta. Per tal de realitzar una avaluaci贸 fidedigna del m脿xim nivell potencial d鈥檌nundaci贸 a partir dels volums de gel emmagatzemats a la Terra, cal realitzar un treball previ de documentaci贸 per tal d鈥檈stablir els principals factors fisicoqu铆mics que intervenen en el nivell dels oceans. A partir d鈥檃quest primer apropament, es decidir脿 l鈥檈strat猫gia b脿sica a seguir per als c脿lculs d鈥檌nundabilitat, establint hip貌tesis de partida que permetin un c脿lcul 脿gil, per貌 a la vegada versemblant amb les condicions f铆siques reals que influeixen en el nivell dels oceans. En base a un hipot猫tic escenari extrem de desgla莽 total de la criosfera terrestre, que segons les estimacions m茅s recents emmagatzema aproximadament 28 milions de quil貌metres c煤bics d鈥檃igua, s鈥檋an desenvolupat t猫cniques SIG amb l鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檃valuar i visualitzar els impactes globals de la inundaci贸 potencial, utilitzant els millors models digitals d鈥檈levaci贸 disponibles. La qualitat i resoluci贸 dels models utilitzats 茅s 100 vegades major que els utilitzats en els treballs m茅s recents d鈥檃valuaci贸 d鈥櫭爎ees potencialment inundables a causa de l鈥檌ncrement del nivell dels oceans. Les dades espacials pateixen un pretractament per tal d鈥檌ncorporar les difer猫ncies entre el geoide i la superf铆cie mitja dels oceans. De la mateixa manera, s鈥檋a realitzat un c脿lcul d鈥檌nterpolaci贸 de la topografia oce脿nica en zones actualment emergides, per tal de prendre en consideraci贸 les difer猫ncies esmentades m茅s enll脿 dels l铆mits actualment definits. Els c脿lculs d鈥檌nundabilitat realitzats impliquen un 煤s creuat de t猫cniques SIG i programaci贸 en codi FORTRAN, que proporciona una gran agilitat als processos de c脿lcul que involucren la lectura d鈥檜n gran volum de dades d鈥檈ntrada. Aquest gran volum de dades comporta la fragmentaci贸 del proc茅s de c脿lcul en 72 processos independents. Una vegada realitzats els processos es realitza una agregaci贸 de tots els resultats per a l鈥檕btenci贸 dels resultats globals d鈥櫭爎ea i volum en funci贸 de l鈥檃ltura d鈥檌nundaci贸. Els c脿lculs a les zones 脿rtica i ant脿rtica s贸n de tipus anal铆tic i no num猫ric. Una vegada determinada la m脿xima cota de sobreelevaci贸 marina potencial causada pel desgla莽 global (entre 66 i 67 metres), s鈥檋a estimat que l鈥櫭爎ea potencialment inundada es troba entre 0,235 (un metre) i 14,245 (seixanta-set metres) milions de km2. La poblaci贸 afectada en les 脿rees susceptibles d鈥檌nundaci贸 es troba entre 267 (un metre) i 2.202 (seixanta-set metres) milions d鈥檋abitants

    An Analysis of Radio-Frequency Geolocation Techniques for Satellite Systems Design

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    This research 1) evaluates the effectiveness of CubeSat radio-frequency geolocation and 2) analyzes the sensitivity of different RF algorithms to system parameters. A MATLAB simulation is developed to assess geolocation accuracy for variable system designs and techniques (AOA, TDOA, T/FDOA). An unconstrained maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and three different digital elevation models (DEM) are utilized as the surface of the Earth constraint to improve geolocation accuracy. The results presented show the effectiveness of the MLE and DEM techniques, the sensitivity of AOA, TDOA, and T/FDOA algorithms, and the system level performance of a CubeSat geolocation cluster in a 500km circular orbit

    Multi-Trajectory Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System with Flight Tests (Project Have ESCAPE)

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    Multi-trajectory automatic collision avoidance techniques for heavy-type aircraft are explored to increase aviation safety procedures and decrease losses due to controlled flight into terrain. Additionally, this research includes flight test results from the United States Test Pilot School鈥檚 Test Management Project (TMP) titled Have Emergency Safe Calculated Autonomous Preplanned Exit (ESCAPE). Currently, the heavy aircraft community lacks an automatic collision avoidance system that has proven to save lives in fighter-type aircraft. The tested algorithm includes both a 3-path and a 5-path avoidance technique that is compared to an optimal solution which minimizes aircraft control to avoid terrain. The research utilizes Level 1 Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) to analyze the terrain and a 3-Degrees of Freedom (DOF) Equations of Motion (EOM) model to predict potential terrain avoidance paths for the aircraft based on current location. The algorithm then waits until all paths collide and automatically activates the path with the longest time until collision with an appropriate time safety margin. The research also characterizes terrain based on changing slope and presents a new classification of aircraft based on performance capabilities. The result was used for algorithm parameter specification of path execution times and pre-planned maneuver creation so that the system can be modified for a wide variety of aircraft. Finally, the algorithm was flight tested against DTED in a simulated environment using the Calspan Learjet to determine actual 3 and 5- path performance, parameter specification, and comparison to the optimal solution. The important recommendations include a need for flexible entry parameters based on current aircraft state, continued evaluation of the terrain during avoidance maneuver execution, and more precise control of the aircraft flight path angle. Finally, due to comparison with the optimal solution, it is concluded that an acceptable terrain avoidance algorithm is possible using only a 3-path solution given that all three paths include a climbing maneuver

    Evaluation of the Military Utility of Employing an Angle of Arrival Payload Hosted on a CubeSat as an Augmentation to Existing Geolocation Systems

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    This research models the performance of the proposed augmentation system as well as three and four-ball TDOA satellite systems and AOA and three-ball TDOA airborne systems individually, and performs geolocation estimate fusion via a variety of techniques to determine the increase in performance due to geolocation estimate fusion in operationally representative scenarios. It also introduces a high fidelity surface of the earth constraint based upon a digital elevation model across all geolocation algorithms. The results from this research show that the proposed augmentation system does have military utility when combined with other geolocation systems of similar or worse individual performance. Additionally, it demonstrates the performance improvement due to correct application of a surface of the earth constraint, and the most appropriate estimate fusion technique