15 research outputs found

    Structural characterization of decomposition in rate-insensitive stochastic Petri nets

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    This paper focuses on stochastic Petri nets that have an equilibrium distribution that is a product form over the number of tokens at the places. We formulate a decomposition result for the class of nets that have a product form solution irrespective of the values of the transition rates. These nets where algebraically characterized by Haddad et al.~as SΠ2S\Pi^2 nets. By providing an intuitive interpretation of this algebraical characterization, and associating state machines to sets of TT-invariants, we obtain a one-to-one correspondence between the marking of the original places and the places of the added state machines. This enables us to show that the subclass of stochastic Petri nets under study can be decomposed into subnets that are identified by sets of its TT-invariants

    Product-form poisson-like distributions and complex balanced reaction systems

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    Stochastic reaction networks are dynamical models of biochemical reaction systems and form a particular class of continuous-time Markov chains on Nn. Here we provide a fundamental characterization that connects structural properties of a network to its dynamical features. Specifically, we define the notion of "stochastically complex balanced systems" in terms of the network's stationary distribution and provide a characterization of stochastically complex balanced systems, parallel to that established in the 1970s and 1980s for deterministic reaction networks. Additionally, we establish that a network is stochastically complex balanced if and only if an associated deterministic network is complex balanced (in the deterministic sense), thereby proving a strong link between the theory of stochastic and deterministic networks. Further, we prove a stochastic version of the "deficiency zero theorem" and show that any (not only complex balanced) deficiency zero reaction network has a product-form Poisson-like stationary distribution on all irreducible components. Finally, we provide sufficient conditions for when a product-form Poisson-like distribution on a single (or all) component(s) implies the network is complex balanced, and we explore the possibility to characterize complex balanced systems in terms of product-form Poisson-like stationary distributions

    Synthesis and Analysis of Product-form Petri Nets

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    For a large Markovian model, a "product form" is an explicit description of the steady-state behaviour which is otherwise generally untractable. Being first introduced in queueing networks, it has been adapted to Markovian Petri nets. Here we address three relevant issues for product-form Petri nets which were left fully or partially open: (1) we provide a sound and complete set of rules for the synthesis; (2) we characterise the exact complexity of classical problems like reachability; (3) we introduce a new subclass for which the normalising constant (a crucial value for product-form expression) can be efficiently computed.Comment: This is a version including proofs of the conference paper: Haddad, Mairesse and Nguyen. Synthesis and Analysis of Product-form Petri Nets. Accepted at the conference Petri Nets 201

    The asymptotic tails of limit distributions of continuous time Markov chains

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    This paper investigates tail asymptotics of stationary distributions and quasi-stationary distributions of continuous-time Markov chains on a subset of the non-negative integers. A new identity for stationary measures is established. In particular, for continuous-time Markov chains with asymptotic power-law transition rates, tail asymptotics for stationary distributions are classified into three types by three easily computable parameters: (i) Conley-Maxwell-Poisson distributions (light-tailed), (ii) exponential-tailed distributions, and (iii) heavy-tailed distributions. Similar results are derived for quasi-stationary distributions. The approach to establish tail asymptotics is different from the classical semimartingale approach. We apply our results to biochemical reaction networks (modeled as continuous-time Markov chains), a general single-cell stochastic gene expression model, an extended class of branching processes, and stochastic population processes with bursty reproduction, none of which are birth-death processes