The asymptotic tails of limit distributions of continuous time Markov chains


This paper investigates tail asymptotics of stationary distributions and quasi-stationary distributions of continuous-time Markov chains on a subset of the non-negative integers. A new identity for stationary measures is established. In particular, for continuous-time Markov chains with asymptotic power-law transition rates, tail asymptotics for stationary distributions are classified into three types by three easily computable parameters: (i) Conley-Maxwell-Poisson distributions (light-tailed), (ii) exponential-tailed distributions, and (iii) heavy-tailed distributions. Similar results are derived for quasi-stationary distributions. The approach to establish tail asymptotics is different from the classical semimartingale approach. We apply our results to biochemical reaction networks (modeled as continuous-time Markov chains), a general single-cell stochastic gene expression model, an extended class of branching processes, and stochastic population processes with bursty reproduction, none of which are birth-death processes

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